The 7 or 8 or 9 Key Letters are from a word in the daily verses from the following publications:
1, 2, or 3 Pinnacle Lutheran; 1 Portals of Prayer; 2 Living Faith; 1 Daily Walk; 1 LHM Daily Devotion; 1 Our Daily Bread
1, 2, or 3 Pinnacle Lutheran; 1 Portals of Prayer; 2 Living Faith; 1 Daily Walk; 1 LHM Daily Devotion; 1 Our Daily Bread
Quotations from Daily Readings
2024_12_22 by the PoWer and Mercy of the Lord we dwell in SaFety, WaLking in the Truth
Mic 5:2-5a Peace Heb 10:5-10 Will Lk 1:39-56 Mercy Is 43:1 Lord Ps 90:2-19 Saved Jude Faith Mt 1:24-25 Wife 1 Jn 4:13-21 Love Lk 1:39 Traveled
2024_12_21 ReaL Blessings will CoMe from (Jesus) the Savior who Shines
Ps 91:1-2 Refuge Is 42:16 Light Lk 1:42 Blessed Song 2:8-14 Come Jude Mercy Mt 1:20-21 Save Rev 22:5 Shine
2024_12_20 Waiting Patiently for the SAvior, VindicaTion Comes to the Faithful
Ps 119:25-32 Works Ps 35 Praise Is 40:31 Strength Lk 1:38 Angel Is 7:10-14 Virgin 3 Jn Truth Mt 1:18-19 Child Is 40:1-8 Forever
2024_12_19 GoD SHepherdS you with Love, making you Strong in Spirit
Ps 40:1-5,16-17 Great Ps 34:9-22 Delivers Is 40:11 Shepherd Ps 71:5 Hope Jdg 13:2-25 Spirit 2 Jn Love Lk 1:80 Strong Gen 1:1-10 Saw
2024_12_18 to Save and Rescue you, the Savior Governs, so Behold the Words (of Jesus) for Peace and Listen (to Him)
Ps 119:81-88 Salvation Ps 34:1-8 Rescues Is 35:4 Strong Jer 23:5 Govern Mt 1:18-25 Birth 1 Jn 1-5 Word Lk 1:76-79 Peace Deut 18:15 Listen
2024_12_17 GLory to the God of Peace, Jesus, whose Name is Blessed with Salvation
Ps 40:1-5,16-17 Great Ps 33 Love Is 33:2 Gracious Ps 72:7 Peace Mt 1:1-17 Jesus 2 Pt 1-3 New Lk 1:67-75 Blessed Mt 1:18-25 Save
2024_12_16 Jesus Has the PoWer to Build you up and Support you with Mercy that triumphs over Justice
Ps 149 Judgment Ps 32 Happy Is 32:18 Plans Ps 25:9 Way Mt 21:23-27 Baptism 1 Pt 1-5 Saves Lk 1:63-64 Mouth 1 Thess 5:4-11 Just
2024_12_15 the Lord in Heaven, Jesus, Reigns Joyfully, giving you God's Wisdom Now and Forever
Zeph 3:13-20 Love Php 4:4-7 Hearts Lk 7:18-35 Justified Is 30:15 Rest Zeph 3:17 Joyfully Lk 3:10-18 Good Jam 1-5 Wisdom Lk 1:59-62 Name 2 Tim 1:1-5 Faith
2024_12_14 BRiDes are Received with Wisdom for Rejoicing with Love
Ps 103:2-3 Benefits Is 30:15 Rest Sirach 48:4 Deeds Mt 17:9-13 Restore Jam 1-5 Wisdom Lk 1:57-58 Rejoiced Song 8:6-7 Love
2024_12_13 Heavenly Faith Pleases God who Gives you Love and Hope that Remains
Ps 89:20-29 Horn Ps 31 Fortress Is 29:16 Potter Is 48:17 Good Mt 11:16-19 Generation Heb 11-13 Love Lk 1:56 Home Dan 6:19-27 Rescues
2024_12_12 JesuS We Believe, Rejoicing and Beholding (His) Miracles and Mercy
Ps 106:1-5 Justice Ps 30 Sing Is 29:14 Wonderful Lk 1:38 Behold Zec 2:14-17 Rejoice Heb 8-10 Blood Lk 1:46-55 Magnifies Lk 2:1-7 Manger
2024_12_11 Carry the Blessed BurdEn and for Salvation BeLieve in the Lord
Ps5:1-8 Consider Ps28-29 Blessed Mt11:30 Burden Is40:25-31 Eternal Heb5-7 Salvation Lk1:39-45 Believed Jer29:10-14 Listen Is28:21 Lord
2024_12_10 let the Grace of the Savior (Jesus) FilL your Soul with (His) Mercy through Spiritual Gifts
Ps 86:1-7 Grace Ps 27 Salvation Is 27:9 Full Is 40:4 Low Mt 18:12-14 Search Heb 3-4 Mercy Lk 1:34-38 Son Acts 3:1-10 Give
2024_12_09 Lovingly Giving you Peace and Blessings your Heavenly Savior (Jesus) Reigns and Watches over you
Ps 17:6-15 Love Ps 26 Gracious Is 26:3 Peace Lk 1:30 Be Gen 3:9-20 Heel Heb 1-2 Subjection Lk 1:29-33 Reign Is 46:1-5 Waters
2024_12_08 RePent and Be Baptized in the name of Jesus the Living Lord who Reigns with the Father (and the Holy Spirit)
Mal 3:1-7 Return Php 1:2-11 Prayers Lk 3:1-14 Bear Lk 3:3 Baptism Bar 5:1-9 Justice Phm Love Lk 1:26-28 Lord Acts 7:29-39 Repent Is 25:8 Faces
2024_12_07 not contention but RatHer WitH your Brother show Love and Faith
Ps 91:1-2 Refuge Is 24:4,13 Harvest Is 30:21 Walk Mt 9:35-10:8 Heaven Phm Brother Lk 1:21-35 Looked 1 Cor 10:11-13 Faithful
2024_12_06 you are WaSHeD, and Faithful, and able to Learn Sound Doctrine
Ps 56:1-13 Walk Ps 25 Salvation Is 14:12 Heaven Is 29:18 Day Mt 9:22-31 Faith Tit 1-3 Love Lk 1:18-20 Stand Mt 25:24-40 Did
2024_12_05 ReST with the King (Jesus) who CoMes to Heal the Congregation
Ps 49:5-15 Ransom Ps 23-24 Shepherd Is 12:1 Thanks Mt 7:22 Kingdom Is 26:1-6 City 2Tim 1-4 Mercy Lk 1:13-17 Heard Lk 22:41-44 Cup
2024_12_04 the MaSteR, Christ, Bestows Contentment with SaLvation
Ps145:1-9 Mercy Ps22:11 Save Is10:21 Return Mt15:29-32 Crowds Is25:6-10 Behold 1Tim 4-6 Contentment Lk 1:8-13 Serving 1Jn 1:1-10 Life
2024_12_03 Trust in Love Above all Things and Understand the Truth of God’s Presence
Ps 55:16-23 Trust Ps 21:1-22 Love Is 9:17 Anger Lk 10:22 Things Is 11:1-10 Understand 1 Tim 1-3 Truth Lk 1:5-7 God Ps 139:1-10 Presence
2024_12_02 WAtch in the Name from Heaven to be Made Worthy of Christ the Lord
Ps 119:105-112 Word Ps 20 Answer Is 9:6 Name Mt 8:8 Healed Is 2:1-5 Mountain 2 Thess 1-3 Worthy Mt 1:1-16 Christ Acts 11:19-26 Lord
2024_12_01 with Righteous Love Jesus Shines in the Hearts of all PeoPle, showing the Way to Heaven
Jer 33:14-16 Righteousness 1 Thess 3:9-13 Love Lk 19:28-40 Jesus Is 7:14 Sign Lk 21:34 Hearts 1 Thess 3:12-4:2 Please 1 Thess 1-5 Peace Jn 1:1-14 Word Tit 2:6-8 Heaven
2024_11_30 God’s Purpose Bestows FaiTh when you Prevail through Prayer
Jam 1:5 Generously Eph 6:22 Purpose Rom 10:15 Beautiful Mt 4:110-22 Followed Col 1-4 Truth Jer 20:7 Prevailed Dan 6:10 Prayed
2024_11_29 StRap on the SWoRd of the SpiRit and the whole Armor (of God)
Ps 118:19-24 Salvation Ps 19 Redeemer Eph 6:17 Spirit Lk 21:33 Words Rev 20:1-21:2 Reigned Php 1-4 Stand Jer 33:16 Righteousness Job 13:1-12 Argue
2024_11_28 PraiSe the Savior, For with Mercy the Lord Christ Pardons
Ps 102:13-17 Prayer Ps 18:31-50 Salvation Eph 6:10 Strong Ps 100:5 Faithfulness Rev 18:1-19:9 Might Eph 1-6 Love Lk 19:28-40 Cloaks Mic 7:18 Pardons
2024_11_27 our Lord the SpirIt Descends from Heaven, sent by God the Father and the Son (Jesus)
Ps 66:16-19 Listened Ps 18:13-30 Shield Eph 6:10 Instruction Ps 98:1 Deeds Rev 15:1-4 Heaven Gal 1-6 Gospel 1 Thess 3:9-13 Father 1 Jn 1:5-7 Son
2024_11_26 Jesus is WortHy of Majesty in Heaven for Graciously Bestowing the Gospel
Ps 75 Judgment Ps 18:1-12 Worthy Eph 6:2 Honor Lk 21:8 Many Rev 14:14-19 Harvest 2 Cor 10-13 Gospel Jer 33:14-16 Branch Mk 6:37 Give
2024_11_25 LoVe’s ReWard is Grace from the Reigning Lord Christ
Ps 48:9-14 Love Ps 17 Vindication Eph 5:33 Respects Lk 2:13 Widow 2 Cor 6-9 Generosity Rev 14:1-5 Ransomed Ps 25:8-10 Lord Ps 100 Courts
2024_11_24 Thanks to Eternal Life from Christ The Kingdom Work of the Church Continues Forever
Dan 7:9-14 Thrones Jude 20-25 Eternal Life Mk 13:24-37 Clouds Eph 5:20 Thanks Jn 18:36 Kingdom Rev 1:5-8 Witness 2Cor 1-5 Church Hymn Clouds 2 Pt 1:5 Faith
2024_11_23 ContinuouS Witnessing of the Worthy Christ Makes for Peace
Php 4:11-12 Content Eph 5:18 Spirit Rev 11:4-12 Witnesses Lk 20:39-40 Well 2 Cor 1-5 Church Mt 26:6-13 Memory Jer 29:1-7 Peace
2024_11_22 the MeRcieS of Christ’S Love Live on Forever
Ps 111 Merciful Ps 15-16 Refuge Eph 5:14 Shine Ps 119:24 Counselors Rev 10:8-11 Scorll 1 Cor 15-16 Lord Mk 12:41-44 Live Ps 119:101-106 Feet
2024_11_21 WaTch for the Savior (Jesus) who makes you WoRthy of the Lord’S Salvation
Ps 114 Water Ps 13-14 Trust Eph 4:26 Sun Lk 19:41-44 Wept Rev 5:1-10 Reign 1 Cor 11-14 Love Mk 13:26-37 Stay Heb 9:23-28 Save
2024_11_20 the GiFt of Christ the Savior Will be Salvation with Eternal Life in Heaven
Ps 118:19-29 Gates Ps 11-12 Face Eph 4:15 Christ Lk 19:17 Servant Rev 4:1-11 Worthy 1 Cor 7-10 Save Jude 20-25 Eternal Life Acts 21:27-22:1 Hear
2024_11_19 TRutHfully Declare your Salvation Proclaiming Jesus is Lord
Ps 20 Trust Ps 10 Rise Eph 4:4 Hope Rev 3:20 Door Lk 19:1-10 Salvation 1 Cor 1-6 Power Is 51:4-6 Justice Eccl 4:9-12 Labor
2024_11_18 your HoPe (in Jesus) Will Satisfy you Profoundly with (His) Love from the Majesty of the Kingdom (of God)
Ps 22:1-5 Holy Ps 9 Praise Eph 4:1 Worthy Rev 2:3-4 Suffered Lk 18:33-43 Pity Rom 12-16 Love Ps 93:4-5 Majesty Jn 4:15-24 Keeps
2024_11_17 SenT, for the Savior’s Purpose of Salvation, to Faithful MiNiStry
Dan 12:1-3 Shine Heb 10:11-25 Truth Mt 13:1-13 Seeds Eph 3:20 Power Mk 13:24 Sun Heb 10:11-18 Forgiveness Rom 9-11 Mercy Hymn Near 1 Tim 4:6-10 Servant
2024_11_16 Salvation LeaPT into view by Grace and Belief in the Savior (Jesus)
Rom 15:13 Spirit Eph 3:19 Love Lk 18:1 Pray 3 Jn 5-8 Truth Rom 9-11 Glory 1 Jn 4:18-21 Brother 1 Sam 17:17-32 Servant
2024_11_15 you SHaLL Receive the GrAce of the Lord (Jesus)
Ps 51:10-19 Spirit Ps 8 Heavens Eph 3:17 Love Lk 17:33 Life Lk 17:26-37 Revealed Rom 6-8 Gift Gen 35:2-3 Arise Dt 30:11-20 Land
2024_11_14 take ReFuGe in Jesus, the King who ReigNs Forever
Ps 53 Rejoice Ps 7 Feels Eph 3:14 Glory Phm 7 Joy Lk 17:20-25 Kingdom Rom 4-5 Reconciliation Mk 13:1-13 Name Lk 18:1-8 Faith
2024_11_13 the Lord is GraCiOuS, Giving us access to Christ the King
Ps 116:12-19 Lord Ps 5-6 Gracious Eph 2:19 Citizens Tit 3:3 Once Lk 17:11-19 Saved Rom 1-3 Gospel Heb 10:11-25 Curtain Prov 11:16-25 Kindhearted
2024_11_12 Jesus Blesses you with Peace, Teaching and Preparing you for Life Everlasting with God
Ps 137 Joy Ps 3-4 Blessing Eph 2:17 Peace Tit 2:7-8 Teaching Lk 17:7-10 Prepare Acts 27-28 Land Dan 12:1-3 Everlasting 2Cor 8:2 Generosity
2024_11_11 MeRcifully Provided with Faith (in Jesus), Eternal Life is Knowing (God) the Father
Ps 143:1-10 Mercy Ps 1-2 Refuge Eph 2:14 Peace Lk 17:4 Forgive Tit 1:1-9 Eternal Acts 24-26 Light Ps 16:10-11 Known Mt 5:44 pray For
2024_11_10 his WiSHes to be in GLoRy are PermaNently Satisfied
1 Kg 17:8-16 Widow Mk 12:38-44 Scribes Heb 9:24-28 Heaven Eph 2:7 Grace Mk 12:44 Livelihood Ps 146:7-10 Reign Acts 21-23 Purify Hymn Name Gen 16:13 Sees
2024_11_09 Heaven’s Mercy and Restoration are Received Directly from Jesus the Savior
Rom 15:13 Hope Eph 2:4 Mercy Ezk 47:9 River Jn 2:1 Raise Acts 21-22 Defense Jn 16:16,20 Joy 1 Pt 4:10 Serve
2024_01_08 with (His) Mercy we are Blessed Through Jesus, Patiently Waiting in the Name we Trust
Ps 143 Mercy Job 42 Blessed Eph 1:22 Things Php 3:17 Join Lk 16:1-8 Prudently Acts 19-20 Word Gen 35:10 Name Ps 31:14-15 Trust
2024_11_07 FoRever SeeKing the Savior (Jesus) at Work among the People
1 Jn 1:9 Faithful Eph 1:20 Raised Lk 15:2 Sinners Php 3:3-8 Knowing Acts 16-18 Strengthened Mk 12:41-44 Widow Php 4:2 Plead
2024_11_06 SufFerinG HaS Given way to Heaven’s Truth
Ps 118:25-29 Shine Job 41:1-17 Fierce Eph 1:18 Glorious Ps 27:4 House Phil 2:12-18 Salvation Acts 13-15 Grace Heb 9:24-28 Heaven Prov 12:19 Truthful
2024_11_05 SatiSfied with the TRutH, Believers Will be Saved (by Jesus)
Ps 38:9-22 Salvation Job 40:6-24 Strength Eph 1:13 Truth Php 2:7 Rather Lk 14:15-24 Home Acts 10-12 Baptized 1 Kg 17:8-16 Word Ps 23:1 Shepherd
2024_11_04 with the Riches of the Shepherd's Grace the Lord (Jesus) Blesses, Heals, and Loves our Neighbors
Ps 110 Right Job 39:16-40:5 Spoken Eph 1:7 Grace Php 2:3-4 Looking Lk 14:2-14 Blessed Acts 8-9 Healing Ps 146:8-9 Loves Rev 7:9 Nation
2024_11_03 CLothed in Blessed PurpoSe the Lord in (His) Wisdom is the Spirit of Truth
Rev 7:9-17 Clothed 1Jn 3:1-7 Love Mt 5:1-12 Blessed Eph 1:5 Purpose Mk 12:30 Strength Dt 6:2-6 Land Acts 5-7 Wisdom Hymn Shine Is 26:3 Trust
2024_11_02 we SHare the BReath of life With the Heavenly Savior (Jesus)
Josh 1:9 Strong Eph 1:3 Heavenly Wis 3:5 Blessed Rom 6:3-9 Raised Acts 5-7 Wisdom Heb 11:1 Hope Mt 20:26 Servant
2024_11_01 ProMises of Peace Bestowed By the Lord (Jesus) Give us Courage
Ps 150 Praise Job 39:1-15 Mountains Eph 1:2 Peace 1Jn 3:1 Bestowed Mt 5:1-12 Blessed Acts 1-4 Listen Gen 33:3 Ground Eph 5:15-16 Careful
2024_10_31 MeDical Wonders Fulfill the Purposes of The Blessed God
Ps 46 Midst Job 38:21-47 Days Rev 22:1 Water Eph 6:11 Firm Lk 13:31-35 Purpose Jn 18-21 Truth Mt 5:1-8 Blessed Mk 12:17 Give
2024_10_30 with a compassionate Heart the Savior (Jesus) SurrRunds us, Giving Eternal life to the Children of God
Ps 90:7-17 Heart Job 38:4-20 Stars Rev 21:6 Spring Ps 145:14 Raises Lk 13:22-30 Gate Jn 13-17 Eternal 1 Jn 3:1-3 Children Is 4:2 Glorius
2024_10_29 Trust Jesus Christ with Reverance for the Kingdom (of God) and reason in the Daily Royal Presence (of the Lord)
Ps56 Trust Job 37:12-38:3 Justice Zech 13:1 Cleanse Eph 5:21 Reverance Lk 13:18-21 Kingdom Jn 11-12 Day Rev 7:9-17 Robes Php 4:6 Prayer
2024_10_28 the WeiGht of the Lord’s Mercy led To Eternal Life from Jesus
Ps 127 Watches Job 37:1-11 Great Ps 36:9 Light Eph 2:19 Members Lk 6:12-16 Twelve Jn 8-10 Eternal Ps 149:1-2 Lord Gen 33:4 Jacob
2024_10_27 the Good Shepherd Saves us, BestoWing from Jesus His Body and Blood in the Spirit
Jer 31:7-9 Gather Heb 7:23-28 Save Mk 10:46-52 Sight Jn 19:34 Blood Mk 10:51 Want Jer 31:7-9 Joy Jn 5-7 Bread Hymn Blood Jn 3:5 Spirit
2024_10_26 the Lord Teaches Faith in the WorD of Christ by Grace
Jam 4:10 Lift Eph 4:11-12 Teachers Lk 13:1-9 Faith Jn 5-7 Water Col 3:16 Dwell Is 43:1 Called 2 Cor 5:9 Goal
2024_10_25 ReJoice in the SurPrise, Reasoning with Jesus in Word and Deed
Ps 93 Reigns Job 36:15-33 Justice Rom 16:1 Servant Eph 4:2-3 Peace Lk 12:54-59 Right Jn 1-4 Jesus Gen 32:6-31 Wrestled Jonah 2:2 Dead
2024_10_24 RealLy WorK FoR the TrutH
Ps 99 Reigns Job 36:1-14 Listen Jer 17:13 Water Eph 3:14 Kneel Lk 12:49-53 Fire Lk 22-24 Risen Jn 8:31-36 Truth Is 58:7 Hungry
2024_10_23 the LaW of Love is SPeaking so Witness with FAith
Ps 107:10-16 Love Job 35 Waiting Acts 15:13 Listen Eph 3:12 Speech Lk 12:39-48 Prepared Lk 19-21 Watch Rom 3:20-26 Faith Jn 14:16 Advocate
2024_10_22 with SalvatioN you ReCeive PerSonal Care from God
Ps62 Salvation Job34:16-37 Noble Jn 7:38 Rivers Eph 2:19 Citizens Lk 12:35-38 Prepared Lk 16-18 Serve Mt 233:25 Clean Rev 14:6-7 Gospel
2024_10_21 by the Mercy of Jesus you Receive eternal Life from the Lord as Promised with Bread and Wine
Ps 142 Mercy Job 34:1-15 Justice Lk 12:21 Rich Jn 4:13-14 Life Eph 2:1-10 Love Lk 13-15 Presence Jer 33:15 Bread Ps 46:8-10 Works
2024_10_20 (Jesus Christ) our TriuMPhant and Wise Lord and Savior Rules in Heaven as King
Eccl 5:10-20 Toil Heb 4:1-16 Mercy Mk 10:23-31 Possible Jn 7:37-38 Water Is 53:10-11 Light Mk 10:35-45 Servant Lk 10-12 Rise Hymn Hope Mt 6:33 Kingdom
2024_10_19 Thank and bless God for (His) Wisdom, AckNowledging Christ in Heaven
2 Cor 9:7 Thank Ps 68:26 God Eph 1:15-23 Wisdom Lk 12:8 Acknowledge Lk 10-12 Necessary Eph 3:7-9 Created Col 3:23 Hearts
2024_10_18 (Christ is speaking) WiShinG We hear Him and Return to Praise the Lord
Ps 75 Wine Job 33:12-33 Speak Eph 3:20-21 Glory Lk 10:3 Way 2Tim 4:10-17 Hear Lk 7-9 Return Hos 12:2-6 Prevailed 1Kg 19:4 Life
2024_10_17 from Heaven We receive Salvation, Secured Forever and Wonderfully PossiBle
Ps 39:4-13 Hope Job 33:1-11 Words 2 Tim 3:16 Scripture Lk 11:54 Say Eph 1:1-10 Favor Lk 3-6 Wilderness Mk 10:23-31 Possible Ex 16:5 Bread
2024_10_16 Delight in the Knowledge of the ReaL, Free, and Certain Mercy of Jesus
Ps 37:3-11 Delight Job 32 Knowledge Col 4:16 Read Lk 11:42 Love Gal 5:18-25 Fruit Lk 1-2 Certainty Heb 4:12-16 Mercy Jn 15:11 Joy
2024_10_15 LeaP for Joy when Christian Faith Proclaims The Crucifixion
Ps119:33-40 Law Job 31:19-40 Poor Col 4:1 Justly Lk 11:39 Cleanse Gal 5:1-6 Faith Mk 14-16 Proclaimed Eccl 5:10-16 Toil 1Cor 9:27 Control
2024_10_14 People Honor the Savior by FReely and Continually Seeking Christ
Ps 114 Presence Job 31:1-18 Heritage Col 3:24 Serving Gal 5:1 Free Lk 11:29-32 Repented Mk 11-13 Colt Ps 119:10-11 Seek Col 3:12 Clothe
2024_10_13 Seek God for eternal Life knowing the PoWer, the Kingdom, and the glory belong to Jesus Christ Forever
Amos 5:6-15 Seek Heb 3:12-19 God Mk 10:17-22 Life Col 3:15-16 Peace Wis 7:8 Wisdom Mk 10:17-27 Kingdom Mk 8-10 Justice Hymn Consecrated 1 Sam 20:42 Friendship
2024_10_12 with Love for the Heavenly Word of Promise, People become Jesus’ Followers
Prov 17:17 Loves Col 3:12-13 Hearts Lk 11:28 Word Gal 3:22-29 Promise Mk 8-10 Possible Amos 5:21-23 Justice Acts 17:34 Followers
2024_10_11 with Sweet MeMories From ChriSt you Will Prevail
Ps 23 Shepherd Job 30:14-31 Mourning Col 3:2 Minds Gal 3:9 Faith Lk 11:15-26 Clean Mk 4-7 Sower Gen 31:6-7 Wives 1 Thess 5:17 Pray
2024_10_10 Redeemed and HumbleD, RembeR (Jesus) Who gives you Eternal Life
Ps 106:1-12 Redeemed Job 30:1-13 Humbled Col 2:18 Disqualified Lk 11:9-10 Receives Gal 3:1-5 Receive Mk 1-3 Will Mk 10:17-22 Eternal Ps 103:11 Love
2024_10_09 BeLieveRs BaPtized into ChrisT should Pray continually
Ps 103:1-10 Bless Job 29 Light Col 2:15 Rulers Lk 11:3 Bread Gal 2:1-14 Poor Mt 26-28 Crucified Heb 3:12-19 Today Jam 1:4 Perseverance
2024_10_08 to Jesus We Come, and every Nation will See the Coming of the LoRd
Ps 126 Joy Job 28:14-28 Wisdom Col 2:11 Circumcised Lk 10:41-42 Needed Gal 1:13-24 Son Mt 24-25 Coming Amos 5:6-15 Lord Ps 92:12-14 Righteous
2024_10_07 with Heavenly Treasures the Divine Grace of the Lord Faithfully Restores the joy of your Salvation
Ps 121 Hills Job 28:1-13 Treasure Col 2:9 Deity Gal 1:6 Grace Lk 10:25-37 Love Mt 20-23 Feast Ps 90:14-16 Rejoice Zech 4:6 Spirit
2024_10_06 it is NeCessary WiTh ChriST the Lord to Pray
Gen 2:18-25 Naked Heb 2:1-18 Crowned Mk 10:2-16 Wife Col 2:1-3 Treasure Mk 10:15 Child Heb 2:9-11 Salvation Mt 16-19 Transfigured Hymn Lord Amos 7:15 Prophesy
2024_10_05 Jesus ReNewed the Purpose of Bread and Wine in a Sacrament
Ps 16:11 Joy Col 1:26-27 Revealed Lk 10:20 Names Job 42:1-17 Purpose Mt 16-19 Bread Mt 9:35-38 Whole Ps 107:2 Story
2024_10_04 SaFely ReconciLeD our Hearts are With Jesus
Ps 80:1-7 Save Job 27 Flee Col 1:21 Reconciled Job 40:4 Little Lk 10:13-16 Deeds Mt 12-15 Heals Gen 30:8 Wrestled 1 Pt 2:23 Justly
2024_10_03 the WonDerFul Victory at Hand brings Mercy from Christ the Lord
Ps119:9-16 Word Job25-26 Dread Col1:18 Firstborn Job19:25 Vindication Lk10:1-12 Hand Mt8-11 Mercy Mk10:13-16 Children Num14:9 Lord
2024_10_02 as a ShieLd CHriSt Provides for your SaFety
Ps 3 Shield Job 4:13-25 Light Col 1:15 Creation Mt 18:1 Heaven Job 9:1-16 Stars Mt 5-7 Prophets Heb 2:6-13 Subjection Gal 5:22-23 Fruit
2024_10_01 for Mercy People Reason with the Lord who is WoRthy of bestowing Salvation
Ps 130 Mercy Job 24:1-12 People Lk 9:51 Resolutely Job 3:1-23 Light Mt 1-4 Wise Gen 2:18-24 Ribs Eph 6:11 Stand
2024_09_30 We Reason for Christ to Bestow His Blessed Baptism Promises
Ps 119:161-168 Word Job 23 Reason Lk 9:48 Child Job 1:16-22 Blessed Mal 1-4 Honor Ps 128:1-2 Blessed Zech 4:10 Beginning Mk 6:15 Prophet
2024_09_29 More PeoPle are Delivered from Sin by the Lord’s Grace and RigHteousness
Num11:4-29 Meat Jam5:1-20 Prayer Mk9:38-50 Peace Ps34:7 Delivers Mk9:43 Sin Ps19:8-14 Law Zech12-14 Grace Hymn Rise Prov4:29 Hand
2024_09_28 RighTeous Truth Starts with Grace from ChRist
Col 3:23-24 Reward Mal 3:17 Treasured Ps 90:12 Teach Eccl 11:9-12 Stars Zech 12-14 Grace 1 Jn 1:8-9 Confess Gal 1:4 Rescue
2024_09_27 (Heavenly Father), Restore the Shining Treasure Christ with (His) GLoRy
Ps 91:9-16 Refuge Job 22:14-30 Shine Eccl 3:6 Time Lk 9:18-22 Christ Zech 9-11 Gather Gen 29:20 Love Prov 14:16 Reckless
2024_09_26 Jesus Shines around the ClocK Bestowing Mercy in the Name of Love
Ps 16 Joy Job 22:1-13 Stars Zech 13:1 Cleans Ps 90:14 Kindness Eccl 1:2-11 Been Zech 7-8 Mercy Mk 9:38-42 Name Jn 15:17 Love
2024_09_25 you are Saved By Heavenly FaitH for SuccesS in the Kingdom
Ps 51:5-13 Salvation Job 21:16-34 Bitter Mt 21:5,9 Hosanna Prov 30:8-9 Food Lk 9:1-6 Heal Zech 5-6 Scroll Jam 5:13-20 Save Rom 3:1 Keep
2024_09_24 Mercifully the Lord’s Name Proves Worthy of Gathering Members to Belong
Ps 123 Mercy Job 21:1-15 Listen Mt 1:23 Name Prov 21:2 Proves Lk 8:19-21 Word Zech 2-4 Garments Num 11:4-25 Meat Rom 12:5 Belong
2024_09_23 to Save PeoPle the Lord Dwells in our Midst, Guarding Citizens of heaven
Ps 51:5 Salvation Job 20 Portion Jn 11:50 Perish Lk 8:16 Lamp Prov 3:27-34 Dwelling Zech 1-2 Measure Ps 91:11-13 Guard Eph 2:19 Citizens
2024_09_22 the Lamb of Grace our GoD is Christ Jesus our Priceless TreaSure
Jer 11:18-23 Lamb Jam 3:13-4:10 Grace Mk 9:30-37 Greatest Mt 12:40 Days Mk 9:37 Child Wis 2:12,17-20 Just Hag 1-2 Peace Hymn Treasure Is 45:23 Swear
2024_09_21 with WaRM Wishes Build Heavenly Peace
Col 3:23-24 Work Rom 6:5 Resurrection Mt 9:10-13 Mercy Eph 4:1-13 Worthy Hag 1-2 Build Lk 15:21 Heaven Jn 16:23 Peace
2024_09_20 FReely, ChrisT’s Redemption Satisfies the PeoPle
Ps46 Fortress Job19:17-29 Redeemer Rev21:4 Crying Lk 8:1-2 Twelve 1Cor 15:12-20 Raised Zeph 1-3 Sing Gen 28:15-16 Place Nah 1:3 Power
2024_09_19 Love Pleads with Kingdom Grace For Jesus to Rise and Prevail
Ps136:1-9 Love Job19:1-16 Plead Col 1:13-14 Kingdom 1Cor 15:10 Grace Lk7:36-50 Forgiven Hab1-3 Joy Mk9:31-37 Rise Ps16:11 Presence
2024_09_18 Salvation WoRks through Love and Faith Welcoming Believers
Ps 118:5-14 Salvation Job 18 Words Php 4:4 Rejoice 1 Cor 13:13 Love Lk 7:31-35 Flute Nah 1-3 Asleep Jam 3:13-18 Wise Is 42 Bruised
2024_09_17 (the) Mercy (of our Lord Jesus Christ) Will Restore ProvisionS for eternal Life with the Lord God
Ps 130 Mercy Job 17 Way 1 Pt 1:24-25 Remain 1 Cor 12:27 Parts Lk 7:11-17 Speak Mic 6:7 Love Jer 11:18-20 Lamb Rom 11:17 Grafted
2024_09_16 Love SaFely DecreeS Generous SuccesS
Ps 108:1-6 Love Job 16 Scorn Rom 10:15 Feet 1 Cor 11:18 Divisions Lk 7:1-10 Servant Mic 3-5 Gain Ps 54:1-2 Save 1 Pt 2:5 Stones
2024_09_15 the Savior Teaches you to BleSS and Forgive Constantly, so Shine with Righteousness
Is 50:4-10 Sustain Jam 3:1-12 Tongue Mk 9:14-29 Bring Mt 2:6 Shepherd Mk 8:29 Say Jer 2:14-18 Faith Micah 1-4 Come Hymn Shine Hos 15:14 Raised
2024_09_14 RembeR that Heavenly Eternal Life will Come from (Jesus through) Bread and Wine
Ps 118:24 Rejoice 1 Pt 2:24 Righteousness Php 2:7 Himself Jn 3:13-17 Eternal Life Micah 1-2 Come Lk 24:30-35 Bread 2 Kg 4:14 Word
2024_09_13 Seek The Comfort of Home which (Jesus) the Teacher of Salvation BestoWs
Ps27:7-13 Seek Job15:21-35 Trouble Is40:1 Comfort Ps84:4 Home Lk 6:39-42 Teacher Jonah 1-4 Salvation Gen 27:30-41 Blessed Mt 6:10 Will
2024_09_12 ToGether Love BuildS us up with the Kingdom’s PuRposes
Ps 94:12-15 Teach Job 15:10-20 Given Rom 8:32,39 Love 1Cor 8:18 Builds Lk 6:27-38 Stop Obd Kingdom Mk 9:11-27 Possible Ex 20:8 Remember
2024_09_11 Deeds Come in Righteousness from the Lord, and Many Worthy TeaChings
Ps44:1-8 Deeds Job15:1-9 Clear Acts15:16-17 Rebuild Lk6:21 Laugh 1Cor7:25-31 Marry Amos8-9 Word Jam3:2-10 Tongue Gen9:15 Covenant
2024_09_10 you Who Trust the Savior PractiCe SpiRitual Restoration
Ps 58:1-8 Wrongs Job 14 Trouble Amos 5:4 Seek Lk 6:19 Power 1 Cor 6:1-11 Case Amos 6-7 Sword Is 50:8-10 Rely Jn 1:12 Receive
2024_09_09 ReStore in your MidsT Truth that the SavioR Bestowed
Ps 61 Refuge Job 13:20-28 Speak Joel 2:27 Midst Lk 6:6-7 Taught 1 Cor 5:1-8 Truth Amos 3-5 Secrets Ps 116:7-9 Return Mt 16:18 Build
2024_09_08 Salvation Will SaTisFy the Few who in the Lord have Faith
Is 35:4-7 Save Jam 2:1-18 Works Mk 7:24-37 Seek Mk 7:34-35 Tongue Is 35:4-7 Fear Amos 1-2 Flee Hymn Lord Ps 87:7 Fountains
2024_09_07 RestoRe to us our Property, O God who ForGiveS
Ps 118:24 Rejoice Hos 14:1,7 Return 1 Cor 4:7 Possess Lk 6:1-5 Grain Amos 1-2 Fire Ps 50:15 Glorify Josh 3:8 Stand
2024_09_06 WiSdom Raises the Dawn with the Free Spirit of Heavenly Truth
Ps 127 Watches Job 13 Speak Hos 6:2 Raise Ps 37:6 Dawn Lk 5:33-39 Fast Joel 1-3 Sword Gen 25:21-28 Hunter Eph 4:25 Truthfully
2024_09_05 Pursue (God’s) Wisdom with SWiFt ReSuLts
Ps56:8-13 Praise Job12:11-25 Wisdom Is40 Straight 1Cor 3:19 World Lk5:1-11 Followed Hos12-14 Return Mk7:31-37 Spoke 1Cor 13:5 Love
2024_09_04 ReDemption and SaLvation Fill you who Seek the Word of God
Ps 90:13-17 Return Job 12:1-10 Done Rev 15:3 Song Lk 4:39 Left 1 Cor 3:1-5 Field Hos 9-11 Seek Jam 2:8-18 Works Php 3:14 God
2024_09_03 Favor and Miracles Come to all who GaTheR before the Savior in Heaven
Ps 119:57-64 Favor Job 11 Misery Ezk 32:16 Chant 1 Cor 2:12 Given Lk 4:31-37 Teaching Hos 7-8 Rebel Is 35:4-7 Save Ps 39:12 Hear
2024_09_02 Heaven Declares the MultiPliCation of RigHTeousness
Ps 138 Heart Job 10 Darkness Lk 1:46-47 Magnifies 1 Cor 2:5 Power Lk 4:16-30 Cure Hos 4-6 Return Ps 145:5-6 Hope Acts 2:44 Together
2024_09_01 TeST GoD’s Justice and Mercy Giving Thanks
Dt 2:1-4,6-9 Territory Eph 6:10-20 Stand Mk 7:14-23 Things Lk 22:19 Given Jam 1:22 Doers Dt 4:1-8 Just Hos 1-3 Mercy Hymn Grace Is 65:25 Together
2024_08_31 Peace and Mercy come from Jesus WiTh Safe Refuge
Php 4:7 Peace 1 Pt 1:3 Mercy Mt 25:21 Joy 1 Cor 1:26-31 Wisdom Dan 7-12 Truth Is 41:10 Strengthen Prov 22:3 Refuge
2024_08_30 God’S WisDom is PrepareD for you with LovingkindnesS
Ps 29:1-4,10-11 Glory Job 9:16-35 Speak Rev 7:14 Washed Mt 25:5 Drowsy 1 Cor 1:17-25 Power Dan 4-6 Dream Gen 24:12-15 Love Ex 4:2 Staff
2024_08_29 Love and MiRacles in the Church testify as Christ’s DeeDS
Ps 17:6-14 Love Job 9:1-15 Mighty Dt 26:5 Response Mk 6:20 Custody 1 Cor 1:1-9 Called Dan 1-3 Dream Mk 7:14-23 Defile Amos 5:14 Seek
2024_08_28 Jesus ReBuilds With BoLdness the StorY of love
Ps 48:1-8 Joy Job 8 Restore Mt 23:27 Beautiful 2 Thess 3:6-18 Work Ps 19:13 Blameless Ezk 44-48 Land Eph 6:10-18 Stand Gen 21:5 Years
2024_08_27 Jesus’ Love is a NeCessity to all CiTizenS who are not of this World
Ps 72:1-7 Justice Job 7 Laborers 2 Kg 7:9 News Mt 23:26 Cleanse 2 Thess 2:1-3,14-17 Called Ezk 40-43 Temple Dt 4:1,9 Soul Jn 17:16 World
2024_08_26 take ReFuge in the Lord (Jesus) Praying for Thousands of Peaceful Guards and Watchmen
Ps 36:7-12 Refuge Job 6:14-30 Friend Eph 5:25 Love 2 Thess 1:11 Pray Mt 23:13-22 Throne Ezk 37-39 Peace Ps 119:131-133 Gracious Dt 2:7 Watched
2024_08_25 with the PoWer of love, our HeaRtS Come To Salvation in (God’s) Field
Is 29:11-19 Poor Eph 5:22-33 Wife Mk 7:1-13 Heart Gen 4:17 Rule Josh 24:15 Serve Jn 6:60-69 Come Ezk 33-36 Trumpet Hymn Salvation 1 Cor 3:9 Field
2024_08_24 StRenGth ComeS to the BaPtized
Php 4:13 Strength Is 57:15 Revive Jn 1:46 Good Rev 21:9-14 City Ezk 33-36 Search Jn 11:25-27 Believe 1 Pt 2:10 People
2024_08_23 WhiSPer to your NeighBor the True StoRy
Ps 111:1-3,9-10 Work Job 6:1-13 Strength Josh 21:45 Promises Mt 22:39 Neighbor Ezk 37:1-14 Bones Ezk 29-31 Trees Job 40:1-5 Spoken Jer 4:1 Return
2024_08_22 JeSus SatisFied your Needs as the Builder of your HouSe
Ps 97:6-12 Joy Job 5 Seek Heb 10:12 Sacrifice Mt 22:2 Feast Ezk 36:23-28 Name Ezk 24-28 Beauty Mk 7:5-13 Honor Ps 55:22 Sustain
2024_08_21 a WiFe is loved, as JeSus LoveS the Church of God
Ps 139:13-24 Way Job 4 Fear Mt 5:45 Just Ezk 34:6 Search Mt 20:1-16 Laborers Ezk 20-23 Sword Eph 5:22-33 Church Rom 15:6 Glorify
2024_08_20 Mercy and Peace are Bestowed from on HigH With Wisdom and Truth
Ps 51:1-8 Mercy Job 3:11-26 Peace Acts 26:26 Boldly Mt 19:23 Heaven Ezk 28:1-10 Heart Ezk 16-19 Way Is 29:13-19 Wonder 3 Jn 1:3 Truth
2024_08_19 in the Shining BRighTness, BeholD the Savior’s Love
Ps 12 Safety Job 2:7-3:10 Blameless Acts 21:13 Ready Mt 19:21 Treasure Ezk 24:15-23 Bread Ezk 12-15 Deliver Ps 14:2-3 Seek 2 Sam 22:29 Light
2024_08_18 the Savior (Jesus) WiLlinGLy BestoWs Peace from Heaven
Josh 24:1-18 Serve Eph 5:6-21 Wise Jn 9:1-41 Light Jn 1:46 Good Eph 5:17 Lord Jn 6:51-58 Bread Ezk 7-11 Wheels Hymn Peace Rev 19:4 Hallelujah
2024_08_17 Trusting our Teacher, (Jesus), Behold we wait for the Return of Christ who Prepared a place for us in Heaven
Prov 3:5-6 Trust Lk 18:18 Teacher Mt 19:14 Belongs Ezk 18:1-10,20-32 Return Ezk 7-11 Case Php 3:13-16 Prize Php 2:3 Humility
2024_08_16 with Royal PoWer, Christ Willingly Bestows SalvatiOn
Ps 11 Refuge Job 1:13-2:6 Possessions 2 Cor 4:17 Weight Ezk 18:15 Captivated Mt 19:3-12 Wife Ezk 1-6 Bread Lk 2:11 Savior Mk 6:5 Offense
2024_08_15 on the Throne Sits Jesus, PRovidiing Love and eternal Life to All believers
Ps 132:11-18 Throne Job 1:1-12 Sanctify Rom 10:9 Jesus Rev 12:5 Place 1 Cor 15:20-27 Raised Lam 1-5 Love Jn 6:51-69 eternal Life Ps 32:5 Acknowledge
2024_08_14 the Lord has Granted your PRayers, so Stand, Walk and Sit in Forgiveness
Ps 33:13-21 Looks Est 9-10 Gained Mt 18:19 Pray 2 Cor 5:19 Reconciliation Ps 30:7 Stand Eph 5:8-21 Walk Jer 50-52 Shepherd Col 3:13 Forgiven
2024_08_13 (thank the Lord) Jesus (He) has Promoted us Graciously, with the Greatness of ReaL Salvation
Ps 68:1-6 Joy Est 7-8 Promoted Acts 11:29 Relief Ps 119:131 Gasp Mt 18:1-5 Greatest Jer 46-49 Return Prov 9:7-10 Love Is 42:19 Springs
2024_08_12 from the Reign (of Jesus) we Beheld, He Came With Salvation and DeliveranCe
Ps 99:1-5 Reigns Est 5-6 Banquet Ps 127:1 House Mt 17:27 Coin Ezk 1:2-5 Wings Jer 40-45 Save Ps 34:18-20 Delivered Mk 9:37 Children
2024_08_11 be Assured That Eternal Life is ours, Remember the Promise with the Blood and Bread of Life from the Savior
1 Kg 19:1-8 Arise Eph 4:17-5:2 Truth Jn 6:25 Eternal Life Mk 1:15 Repent 1 Kg 19:4 Prayed Jn 6:41-54 Blood Jer 34-39 Bread Hymn Love Ps 119:103 Sweet
2024_08_10 let us WelCome BeLivers To Hallowed Ground
Ps 143:8 Word Mk 1:40 Clean 2 Cor 9:6-7 Bountifully Is 12:24 Life Jn 34-39 Trust Acts 4:19-20 Heard 2 Sam 23:10 Ground
2024_08_09 let your HearTs LeaRN Love and Peace from the (Chief) Shepherd (Jesus)
Ps 94:8-15 Hear Est 3-4 Time Jer 12:32-33 Lifted Nah 2:3 Restore Nah 2:1-7 News Jer 30-33 Love Php 4:6-7 Peace Heb 13:16 Share
2024_08_07 with DiPlomacy we wait for Heavenly Tender Mercy from Jesus (Christ) that leads to the eternal Life He Provides
Ps 144:3-4 Deliver Est Pleased Heb 6:19-20 Hope Mt 15:27 Table Jer 31:1-7 Mercy Jer 21-25 Justice Eph 4:17-5:2 Love Prov 2:11 Protect
2024_08_06 the Lord (Jesus) ReWaRds Believers With (His) Wisdom and answered Prayers
Ps 92:1-9 Love Neh 13 Reform Jn 19:34 Water Mk 9:10 Rising Dan 7:9-14 Books 1 Kg 19:1-8 Wilderness Jer 16:20 Word Job 1:21 Praised
2024_8_05 GaTher with Contentment Before the LoRd And Pray
Ps 21:1-7 Glory Neh 12:27-47 Temple 1 Tim 6:6 Contentment Mt 14:13 Boat Jer 11-15 Listen Jer 28:1-13 Reign Ps 34:1-6 Answered Rom 12:18 Peace
2024_08_04 TeaChing the FLock about eternal Life, (Jesus) provides Bread and Wine to the FAithful
Ex 26:1-15 Tent Eph 4:1-16 Christ Jn 6:22-35 Forward Is 38:17 Love Jn 6:27 Life Ex 16:2-19 Bread Jer 7-10 Walk Hymn Feast Mt 8:5-13 Authority
2024_08_03 SOaP Prepares Believers by the Grace of Christ
Php 4:13 Strength 2 Kg 4:7 Oil Mt 24:10 Prison Jer 26:11-24 Protected Jer 7-10 Balm 2 Cor 12:9 Grace 1 Pt 2:9 Chosen
2024_08_02 we Share Salvation TOGether (from Jesus), with Heavenly Reasoning and Trust
Ps 71:1-8 Save Neh 12:1-26 Scribe 2 Kg 4:7 Told Mt 13:57 Offense Jer 26:1-9 Gathered Jer 4-6 Hands 1 Cor 15:17-19 Raised Lk 18:15-17 Touch
2024_08_01 RevieWing the Gracious Heavenly Prayers, we Find eternal Life in Truthful messages
Ps 70 Rejoice Neh 11 Walk Gal 1:6-7 Grace Jer 18:6 Hand Jer 18:1-6 Pleased Prov 1-4 Forward Jn 6:22-35 Life Dan 6:4 Trustworthy
2024_07_31 on SCience our Savior Jesus Shines His Love with Healing
Ps 80:14-19 Shine Neh 10:28-39 Covenant Jude 25 Savior Mt 13:44 Joy Jer 15:10-21 Stand Is 63-66 Houses Eph 4:1-16 Love Is 53:2,5 Healed
2024_07_30 SuccesS PResents Salvation (from the only God our Savior) with HEavenly Words (according to God’s will)
Ps 50:1-6 Speaks Neh 10:1-27 Signed Jude 24-25 Present Ps 70:8 Remember Is 58-62 Salvation Jer 14:17-22 Heavens Ex 16:2-15 Eat Col 1:3-12 Worthy
2024_07_29 Worthy Words of JeHovah are CaPaBle of Perfecting salvation
Ps 119:41-48 Word Neh 9 Written Jude 24 Joy Jn 11:20 Home Jer 13:1-11 Clean Is 52-57 Publish Ps 145:10-13a Bless Dan 10:12 Prayer
2024_07_28 BeLOng with Joy (to the Lord) to Magnify Beloved Faith by Grace to (God’s) People
Mk 6:45-56 Belong Eph 6:44-21 Love Gen 9:8-17 Obeyed Jude 24 Joy Jn 6:5 Multiplies 2 Kg 4:2-44 Bread Is 49-51 Favor Hymn Guides Ps 30:4 People
2024_07_27 the (Holy) SPirit ARdently DecLares God’s grace
Eph 4:2-3 Spirit Jude 24 Presence Mt 13:28 Adversary Is 49-51 Redeemer Mk 10:33-34 Delivered 1 Jn 4:19 Loved Jer 7:1-11 Gate
2024_07_26 our Savior Mercifully Provides good Fruit, Declares our FamiLy with Love
Is 44-40 Saved Jude 23 Mercy 2 Kg 5:8 Prophet Mt 13:23 Fruit Jer 2:22 Declares Jer 3:14-17 Family Ps 69:30-36 Love Neh 8:Law
2024_07_25 Peace and HoLy Purposes Come from JeSus’ Declarations
Is 40-43 Peace Jude 23 Holy Mk 6:45-52 Land 2 Cor 4:8-9 Perplexed Heb 13:5 Content 2 Cor 4:7-15 Jars Ps 63:1-8 Seek Neh 7:40-73 Descendants
2024_07_24 the KingdoM GRants Defense From the Glory of Jesus
Is 36-39 King Jude 23 Mercy Eph 3:14-21 Generations Ps 71:3 Refuge Jer 1:1, 4-10 Deliver Ps 91:2 Fortress Ps 24:7-10 Glory Neh 7:5-40 Jeshua
2024_07_23 with WiSdom and Mercy BestoweD we trust the Father to FeeD us
Ps 119:13-20 Word Neh 6:15-7:4 Sun Jude 22 Mercy Gen 9:8-16 Bow Mt 12:50 Do Mt 7:14-20 Fruits Lk 15:2-6 Feast Is 31-35 Dwellings
2024_07_22 Jesus restores Love and eternal Life from Heaven with Gentle and Kind Healing so you RememBer your salvation
Is 28-30 Joy Jude 21 Life Ps 136:1-4 Love Jn 20:14 Holding James 4:17 Good Eph 2:4-10 Kindness 1 Cor 12:1-11 Healing Ps 137:1-7 Remembering Neh 5:1-6,14 Brothers
2024_07_21 with Majesty and Mercy Victorius Shepherds Gently Guard Dwellings Jesus Bestowed through wine and bread
Is 24-27 Majesty Jude 21 Mercy Hymn Victorius Mk 6:34 Shepherd Acts 11:24 Great Jer 23:1-6 Gather Ps 23:1-6 Dwell Eph 2:11-22 Jesus Mk 6:30-44 Bread
2024_07_20 Is 24-27 HoPe in CHrisT Prevails
Is 24-27 Holy Jude 20 Praying Mt 6:1-3 Clean Ps 10:14 Helper Prov 15:1-9 Tongue Prov 3:5-6 Paths
2024_07_19 with SWeet SaLvation Jesus Rescues you with the Truth
Is 21-22 Spoken Jude 19 Wise Neh 4 Stops Is 38 Love 2 Cor 4:2 Jars Ps 82 Rescue Acts 28:30-31 Teaching
2024_07_18 Walk, Stand and sit, and Return, Bringing With you for Jesus your Renderings
Is 17-20 Walking Jude 18 Standing Mk 6:30-34 Returned Is 26:18 Bring Is 40:31 Wings Ps 20 Joys Neh 3 Repaired
2024_07_17 from the Throne believers often Recieve FRee Salvation from Christ through Wine and bread
Is 13-16 Throne Jude 17 Remember Eph 2:11-21 Follow Mt 11:25 Revealed Ex 7:7 Spoke Ps 92:8-15 Courts Neh 1-2 Wine
2024_07_16 Come to a sanctuary with Faith in Christ, Trusting Salvation’s Truth
Is 9:12 Child Jude 16 Following Jer 23:1-6 Care 2 Tim 2:11 Trustworthy Ps 21:1-7 Salvation Ezra 10:19-44 Trust
2024_07_15 SucceS with Christ Jesus Provides you with True Righteousness
Es 5-8 Sign Jude 14-15 Spoken Ps 23:4 Comfort Is 1:17 Justice Col 4:2 Prayer Ps 33:12-22 Trust Ezra 10:1-12 Respond
2024_07_14 ReFuGe finds FoRgiveness Predicting Wine and Bread
Is 1-4 Refuge Jude 12-13 Feast Hymn Grace Amos 7:14-15 Flock Ps 133:3 Refresh Amos 7:7-15 Prophesy Eph 1:3-14 Wisdom Mk 6:14-29 Bring
2024_07_13 Reasoning Requires a BreatH of TrutH
Is 1-4 Reason Jude 11 Rebellion Php 2:14-16 Blameless Is 6:1-3 Hosts Ezra 3:6 Temple Ps 103:2-3 Heals
2024_07_12 Love Remains with Hope and Faith to Declare Salvation’s Truth
SoS 1-8 Love Jude 10 Reason Ps 103:11-12 Heavens Hos 14:9 Fruit Eccl 12:14 Deed Ps 118:10-18 Salvation Ezra 8:24-9:15 Temple
2024_07_11 A Wife needs to ReaLize that Her Generous Love is Returned
Eccl 7-12 Wife Jude 9 Rebuke Mk 6:17-28 Lawful Mt 10:12 House 1 Tim 1:14 Grace Ps 5:1-8 Love Ezra 8:1-23 Returned
2024_07_10 Salvation Declares That Jesus in Heaven is Truly Worthy
Eccl 1-6 Sun Jude 8 Dreams Eph 1:3-14 Truth Hos 10:12 Justice 1 Sam 16:7 Heart Ps 125 Trust Ezra 7 Work
2024_07_09 ReDemPtion from the Savior is Bestowed on Christian Disciples (of Jesus)
Prov 30-31 Refuge Jude 6-7 Dwelling Amos 7:10-15 Prophesy Ps 115:5 Speak Acts 8:36 Baptized Ps 86:8-17 Come Ezra 6 Decree
2024_07_08 With Saving Peace your Soul is Vindicated by Heavenly Redemption
Prov 25-29 Walks Jude 5 Saved Ps 85:8-9 Peace Mt 9:21-22 Saved Mt 25:39 Visit Ps 16:5-11 Heart Ezra 5 Restoration
2024_07_07 Heaven Supplies the World with HeaLing and Saving GRace
Prov 22-24 Heart Jude 5 Saved Hymn Word Mk 6:2 Heard Heb 6:10 Love Ezk 2:1-5 Says 2 Cor 12:1-10 Grace Mk 6:1-13 Repent
2024_07_06 Heavenly Grace Through Precious Faith Will save you
Prov 22-24 Heart Jude 4 Grace Is 21:11-12 Time Mt 9:17 Put 2 Cor 10:4 Fight Jam 1:5 Wisdom
2024_07_05 RiGhteousness Certainly Comes to the World because Jesus Reigns
Prov 18-21 Righteousness Jude 4 Grace Acts 20:28 Careful Ps 119:10 Commands Gen 32:24 Wrestled Ps 68:1-6 Joy Ezra 3-4 Returned
2024_07_04 ReFReshing ForgivenesS Comes from God
Prov 14-17 Righteousness Jude 3 Faith Mk 6:7-13 Repent Mt 9:2 Forgiven Rom 8:15 Spirit Ps 50:1-6 Calls Ezra 2:32-70 Gifts
2024_07_03 WiSe Purposes Bestow WiSe Rewards
Prov 10-13 Wisdom Jude 3 Salvation 2 Cor 12:1-10 Perfect Jn 20:29 Believed Ps 119:116 Word Ps 84:5-8 Springs Ezra 2:1-31 Returned
2024_07_02 in the Wisdom of eternal Life Promised by Christ Rejoice in the Mercy of (His) Cleansing from all unrighteousness
Prov 5-9 Wisdom Jude 2 Love Ezk 2:1-5 Prophet Mt 8:26 Calm Lev 23:40 Rejoice Ps 51:1-9 Mercy Ezra 1 Cyrus
2024_07_01 with Faith and (God’s) Mercy you are Brought to eternal Life by Jesus Christ
Prov 1-5 Favor Ps 123:3-4 Mercy Amos 2:10 Brought Eph 4:15 Love Ps 47:1-7 Joy 2 Chr 35:20-36:23 Cyrus
2024_06_30 the PriMe Heavenly Mercy for the Faithful is eternal Life Given by Christ
Ps146-150 Praise Mk 5:19 Mercy Hymn Hand Wis 2:23-24 Men Jn 21:22 Follow Lam 3:22-23 Love 2Cor 8:1-15 Generosity Mk 5:21-34 Crowd
2024_06_29 Blessings Given With love are PRediCted
Ps 140-145 Blessings 1 Cor 3:7 Growth Josh 1:9 With Ps 34:2 Praise Deut 33:12 Rest Php 4:11-12 Content
2024_06_28 LeT the PerFect good Will of (Jesus in) Heaven Prevail
Ps 135-139 Love Tit 3:8 Trustworthy Acts 17:22-24 Proclaim Ps 137:4 Foreign Is 41:18 Water Ps 89:24-29 Horn 2 Chr 35:1-19 Passover
2024_06_27 BaNDed together in the Lord’s House Children (of God) Rejoice
Ps 128-134 Bless Lam 3:22-23 New Mk 5:22-43 Daughter Mt 7:24 Listens Heb 11:6 Heavenly Ps 51:1-9 Cleanse 2 Chr 34 Reign
2024_06_26 as Heirs of eternal Life you see God’s Care and Mercy from (Jesus) the Reigning Ruler
Ps 120-127 House Tit 3:7 Life 2 Cor 8:1-7 Generosity 2 Kg 23:3 Covenant Ruth 2:11 Mother Ps 31:19-24 Refuge 2 Chr 33 Reign
2024_06_25 you are LeD through LeGal Precepts so turn (to Jesus) for Salvation and Deliverance
Ps 119 Law 2 Pt 3:8 Day Lam 3:22-23 Love Mt 7:14 Gate Eph 1:16 Prayer Ps 119:41-48 Salvation 2 Chr 32 Deliverance
2024_06_24 PlouGH and CasT seeds so the Land will Prosper
Ps 111-118 Praise Tit 2:11 Grace Ps 30:1-3 Healed Lk 1:66 Child Ex 20:20 Test Ps 85:7-13 Love 2 Chr 31 Priesthood
2024_06_23 Heaven gives the Faithful eternal Life from Christ so Gather For the Salvation Promised (by Jesus)
Ps 107-110 Heavens 1 Cor 13:12 Fully Hymn Light Mk 4:39 Calm 1 Tim 6:18 Good Job 38:1-11 Foundation 2 Cor 6:1-13 Salvation Mk 4:35-41 Peace
2024_06_22 you are Saved through Faith in Christ the Savior by The grace of Jesus (Ephs 2:8)
Ps 107-110 Save Gal 5:22-23 Fruit Jn 14:15-17 Commandments Mt 6:24 Serve Ex 26:30 Tabernacle Rom 15:13 Joy
2024_06_21 the Lord Calls the Saved to a TaBle (HE has) PrePared for you
Ps 104-106 Lands 1 Thess 5:24 Calls Acts 16:30-31 Saved Mt 6:21 Treasure 1 Cor 1:31 Boast Ps 22:22-27 Praise 2 Chr 30 Passover
2024_06_20 BLess the ComPassionate Christ at the right hand of the ThRone (of God) in heaven
Ps 98-103 Bless Eph 5:2 Love Mk 4:35-41 Calm Mt 6:9 Pray Lam 3:22-23 Compassions Ps 45:6-12 Throne 2 Chr 29 Reign
2024_06_19 the TaSk of GraFting Branches into a cultivated Tree is the work of the Redeemer
Ps 90-97 Throne Is 35:4 Strong 2 Cor 6:1-13 Grace Mt 6:16 Fast Ex 3:10 Bring Ps 31:9-10,14-19 Trust 2 Chr 28 Reign
2024_06_18 GatHer in Faith to the Perfecting of Love (for God and) for your NeighboR
Ps 84-89 Gracious Mk 5:34 Healed Job 38:1-11 Foundation Mt 5:48 Perfect Ps 68:6 Lonely Ps 86:9-17 Name 2 Chr 26-27 Reign
2024_06_17 the Skies Will Display from Heaven the Return of the Reigning (Lord Jesus)
Ps 78-83 Shine 1 Thess 5:6 Keep Ps 29:1-2 World 1 Kg 2:4 Disturbed Deut 24:19 Harvesting Ps 107:1-9 Redeemed 2 Chr 25 Reign
2024_06_16 ReCeive the Word of Faith and be CloTHed with Salvation (from Jesus)
Ps 73-77 Refuge Ps 103:13 Compassion Hymn Word 2 Cor 5:6-7 Faith Jn 5:9 Cured Ezk 17:22-24 Tree 2 Cor 5:1-10 House Mk 4:26-34 Seed
2024_06_15 Years of Worthy Love and Grace are From the Lord (Jesus)
Ps 73-77 Years Lk 5:5 Word Jn 4:51-54 Live Mt 5:33 Good Gal 5:13 Freedom Josh 1:9 Lord
2024_06_14 take Refuge in the Reigning Savior (Jesus) who Took up His cross and Gave you Redemption
Ps 67-72 Refuge Col 3:15 Rule Acts 16:5 Strengthened 1 Kg 19:12 Tiny Mt 5:34 Healed Ps 66:1-8 Glory 2 Chr 24 Repars
2024_06_13 ReFreShing Rest and Renewal is Promised from the Reign (of Jesus Christ)
Ps 60-66 Refuge Mk 4:20 Fruit Mk 4:26-34 Seed Mt 5:24 Reconciled Mt 24:44 Ready Ps 68:32-35 Praises 2 Chr 22-23 Reign
2024_06_12 Trust in Christ and Build yourselves up in your most holy Faith When (Jesus’) Divinity is Revealed
Ps 55-59 Trust Col 3:12 Chosen 2 Cor 5:1-17 Building 1 Kg 18:24 Fire Ps 139:14 Wonderfully Ps 37:1-7 Dwell 2 Chr 21 Reign
2024_06_11 CaSt (Your) MeRcy upon us O Lord, our Redeemer and Deliverer
Ps 50-54 Clean Mt 13:43 Shine Ezk 17:22-24 Mountain Acts 11:22-23 Rejoiced Rev 14:13 Lord Ps 34:12-22 Redeems 2 Chr 20:20-37 Delivers
2024_06_10 ReMemBer the Promise of Heaven by Christ the Redeemer
Ps 42-49 Redeem Col 3:2 Minds Ps 1:1-2 Blessed Mt 5:3 Poor 2 Tim 4:5 Hand Ps 116:12-19 Cup 2 Chr 19:1-20:19 Reforms
2024_06_09 SaLvation Will Dawn according to the Glory of God’s Gracious Will
Ps 36-41 Salvation Ps 27:13 Look Hymn Walk Ps 130:1 Depths 2 Cor 9:7 Give Gen 3:8-15 Garden 2 Cor 4:13-5:1 Glory Mk 3:20-35 Will
2024_06_08 SWift or SLow, (with Jesus) Hearts are Forgiven
Ps 36-41 Salvation Jam 1:5 Wisdom Acts 17:20 Strange Lk 2:49 Looking Josh 24:23 Hearts 1 Jn 1:9 Forgive
2024_06_07 RicH DeLight is Given (by Jesus) to the BAptized
Ps 31-35 Refuge Rom 12:16 Harmony Acts 11:26b Disciples Eph 3:19 Love Acts 20:25 Give Ps 119:9-16 Blameless 2 Chr 18 Alliance
2024_06_06 DWell With Perseverance Because (Jesus) the Savior Reigns
Ps 25-30 Dwells Ps 127:1 Watches Mk 3:20-35 Will 2 Tim 2:12 Persevere Lk 24:30 Bread Ps 119:169-176 Salvation 2 Chr 17 Reigns
2024_06_05 by SPlurGing in Scriptural testimony you gain Knowledge of (Jesus) the Blessed Redeemer (Jn 14:6)
Ps 19-24 Shepherd Rom 12:12 Prayer 2 Cor 4:16-5:1 Glory Mk 12:24 Scripture Jer 1:5 Know Ps 72:12-19 Blessed 2 Chr 15-16 Reforms
2024_06_04 RatHer to be NurTured by being PaRdoned than to not Repent
Ps 13-18 Rejoice Eccl 9:10 Hand Gen 3:8-15 Naked Mk 12:14 Truthful Ps 42:1 Pants Ps 61 Refuge 2 Chr 14 Reign
2024_06_03 the PoWer of (Your) MerCy (Lord Jesus) Forever leads to Your Commitment to eternal life
Ps 7-12 Praise Rom 12:2 Will Ps 130:1-4 Mercy Mk 12:10-11 Cornerstone 1 Jn 1:9 Forgive Ps 77:5-11,14-15 Years 2 Chr 13 Civil
2024_06_02 with a SuBDued Birth (Jesus) our God and Savior began (His) Life Greatly humbled
Ps 1-6 Safety Php 1:6 Began Hymn Day Mk 14:22 Body Ps 112:5 Generous Deut 5:12-15 Sabbath 2 Cor 4:5-12 Lord Mk 2:23-3:6 Grain
2024_06_01 (God is) SaCreD By SHining example (Moses and the burning bush)
Ps 1-6 Safety 2 Cor 5:17 Creation Mt 28:16-20 Disciples Jude 20 Build 2 Tim 1:9 Saved Jam 4:10 Humble
2024_05_31 ReBeLlion is Frowned upon by the Merciful and Faithful Creator
Job 40-42 Restores Lk 1:41-42 Blessed Acts 11:19-22 Lord Lk 1:48 Favor Jude 1:22 Merciful Ps 146:5-10 Faith 2 Chr 11:13-12:16 Come
2024_05_30 For Peace Gain Heaven’s Gracious Vindication and Purpose
Job 38-39 Foundation 1 Pt 5:14 Peace Mk 2:23-3:6 Grain 1 Pt 2:9 House Lk 6:45 Good Ps 43 Vindicate 2 Chr 10:1-11:12 Please
2024_05_29 MuCh ParDoning is a Kindness that Praises the (Lord’s) Will
Job 35-39 Multitude 1 Pt 5:6-7 Cares 2 Cor 4:5-12 Proclaim Mk 10:38 Drink Eph 4:32 Kind Ps 104:24-35 Praise 2 Chr 9:13-31 Wealth
2024_05_28 instead of SaCREifice (the Lord) HaS desired to FinD mercy
Job 32-34 Speak 1 Pt 5:4 Crown Deut 5:13-15 Rest 1 Pt 1:16 Holy Acts 16:25 Singing Ps 32:1-5 Forgiven 2 Chr 8:1-9:12 Deeds
2024_05_27 WitH LiPs of Praise Declare (to the Lord) His glory
Job 29-31 Watched 1 Thess 4:13 Hope Ps 81:8-10 Listen Mk 10:27 Possible 1 Pt 5:8 Prowls Ps 27:4-10 Dwell 2 Chr 7 Heaven
2024_05_26 FuLler SoCial TraFic Bears witness to the world
Job 25-28 Flees Is 6:2-3 Lord Hymn Rise Rom 8:15 Sons Is 61:3 Crown Is 6:1-8 Throne Acts 2:14,22-36 Fellowship Jn 3:1-17 Born
2024_05_25 move ForWard with Belief and Be ReConciled (with God)
Job 25-28 Flees 1 Pt 4:19 Will Jn 11:25-26 Believe Mk 10:16 Blessed 2 Cor 5:20 Reconciled 2 Cor 9:7 Cheerful
2024_05_24 the Will of the Lord is PrePared with Holiness for Those who Trust (Jesus)
Job 22-24 Way 1 Pt 4:7-8 Love Acts 10:1-2 Prayed Jam 5:11 Persevered Heb 12:10 Holiness Ps 132:8-12 Throne 2 Chr 6:12-42 Temple
2024_05_23 with SuccesS you are Lifted up and God Declares (His) DelighT
Job 20-21 Spared 1 Pt 4:1-2 Suffered 1 Jn 3:13-17 Lifted Ps 49:17-18 Great Ps 19:1 Declare Ps 1 Delight 2 Chr 5:1-6:11 Temple
2024_05_22 you are ReBoRn, Praise (God) the Son, the (Holy) Spirit and the Father
Job 18-19 Redeemer 1 Pt 3:21 Baptism Acts 2:22-36a Raised Mt 5:3 Poor 2 Chr 16:9 Strengthen Ps 22:19-26 Save 2 Chr 3-4 Furnishings
2024_05_21 (God the Savior) HiDeS HiMself from the Weathy and the Proud (Is 45:15)
Job 15-17 Hope 1 Pt 3:15 Defense Is 6:1-8 Send Jam 4:6 Humble Gen 33:4 Meet Ps 94:8-14 Wise 2 Chr 1-2 Prays
2024_05_20 WiShing For Mercy Brings you VindicaTion
Job 11-14 Wisdom Eccl 3:1 Season Ps 29:10-11 Forever Jn 19:27 Mother Jer 29:10 Bring Ps 128 Vine 1 Chr 29 Temple
2024_05_19 there is MucH CoNSolation Bestowed through WiTnessing (Jesus)
Job 8-10 Mercy Jn 16:7 Helper Hymn Comfort Acts 2:2 Noise Rev 7:10 Salvation Ezk 37:1-14 Bones Acts 2:1-21 Wind Jn 15:265-16:15 Truth
2024_05_18 Many Levels are Provided of BountiFul Faith (in Jesus)
Job 8-10 Mercy Rom 8:35 Love Ps 17:1 Prayer Jn 21:25 Books Ex 31:3 Filled Prov 17:17 Friend
2024_05_17 PUblish The Love of Heaven With Christ
Job 4-7 Peace 1 Pt 1:8 Unity Acts 2:1-4 Tongues Jn 21:17 Love 2 Cor 5:8 Home Ps 78:9-16 Water 1 Chr 28 Charge
2024_05_16 Faithful people Gather Together in the Presence of (Jesus) the Majestic RuLer
Job 1-3 Friends 1 Pt 3:7 Grace Jn 11:26-16:15 Truth Jn 17:20 Pray Ps 8:1 Majestic Ps 80:14-19 Restore 1 Chr 27:16-34 Leaders
2024_05_15 the Relief from Comforting Works WilL be GreaT
Est 8-10 Relief 1 Pt 2:21 Called Acts 2:1-21 Works Acts 20:28 Watch Jn 8:44 Lies Ps 118:19-25 Gates 1 Chr 26:20-27:57 Treasurers
2024_05_14 with Faith (in Jesus) and Repentance you are fit to BeLonG in the Presence of God
Est 5-7 Feast 1 Pt 2:18 Respect Ezk 37:1-14 Bones Acts 1:26 Lot Eccl 8:15 Glad Ps 111 Praise 1 Chr 26:1-19 Gatekeepers
2024_05_13 eternal LiFe is WiTnessed with a TruthFul Message
Est 3-4 Law 1 Pt 2:16 Free Ps 139:3-4 Word Jn 16:33 Troubles 2 Chr 18:13 Tell Ps 146:5-9 Faith 1 Chr 25 Musicians
2024_05_12 with FaitH and BeLieF you are WiTnesses of (God’s) Truth
Est 1-2 Favor Jn 19:26-27 Home Hymn Beyond 1Jn 4:11 Loved 2Tim 1:5 Faith Acts 1:12-26 Witnesses 1Jn 5:9-15 Testimony Jn 17:16-19 Truth
2024_05_11 FaCe each NeW day Yearning for the Presence (of God)
Est 1-2 Favor 1 Pt 2:12 Conduct Ps 119:151 New Acts 18:25 Way Mt 5:37 Yes Ps 16:11 Presence
2024_05_10 the Call of the Lord Means ReaSoning to Discern (the Holy Spirit in) Ordinary wisdom, knowledge, faith…
Neh 11-13 Cleansed 1 Pt 2:9-10 Light Acts 9:31 Multiplied Jn 16:22 Rejoice Eph 2:8 Saved Ps 77:11-15 Deeds 1 Chr 24 Organizes
2024_05_09 the (Lord) Jesus, Tells us to Keep on Witnessing with Belief and FaitH
Neh 8-10 Joy Lk 24:51-53 Temple Jn 17:11b-19 Keep Acts 1:8 Witnesses Is 35:2 Bloom Ps 130 Forgiveness 1 Chr 23 House
2024_05_08 the WaiLing Wall Prayers Seek the Hope of the Temple
Neh 5-7 Wall 1 Pt 1:22-23 Love 1 Jn 5:13-15 Will Acts 17:33 Proclaim 2 Kg 6:17 See Ps 62:5-10 Hope 1 Chr 22:2-19 Temple
2024_05_07 Remain (in Jesus) and be Justified Witnesses of Christ’s Grace with Forgiveness and Blessings
Neh 3-4 Repaired Rom 3:23-24 Justified Acts 1:15-26 Witness Jn 16:7 Come Rom 12:6 Grace Ps 85:1-7 Forgave 1 Chr 21:1-22:1 Build
2024_05_06 With BlooD True Love is Made Manifest
Neh 1-2 Walls 1 Pt 1:18-19 Blood Ps 1:1-2 Delight Jn 15:26 Truth Jn 14:21 Love Ps 103:6-14 Merciful 1 Chr 19-20 Messengers
2024_05_05 for Restoring Grace in LiFe Come with Repentance Before Jesus
Ezra 9-10 Remnant 1 Pt 1:13 Grace Hymn Love Jn 15:13 Friends Jer 31:9 Care Acts 10:34-48 Right 1 Jn 5:1-8 Believe Jn 15:9-17 Joy
2024_05_04 Remember the Good News (of the Gospel) and HaVe Trusting Hearts
Ezra 9-10 Remnant 1 Pt 1:12 Good News 1 Pt 4:9-11 Hospitality Acts 16:9 Vision Ps 56:3 Trust Col 3:23-24 Heart
2024_05_03 we PreFeR to KeeP TRack of these discoveries
Ezra 7-8 Priests 1 Pt 1:6-7 Faith Acts 8:39 Rejoicing Jn 14:7 Know 2 Kg 20:5 Prayers Ps 119:33-40 Teach 1 Chr 18 Reigned
2024_05_02 True Redemption comes From the Lord God Heavenly Christ
Ezra Temple 1 Pt 1:3 Resurrection Jn 15:9-17 Fruit Jn 15:9 Love Jn 3:16 Gave Ps 52 House 1 Chr 17 Covenant
2024_05_01 Jesus Serves up (His) Body and Blood with bread and wine, Given and Shed for your Salvation
Ezra 1-3 Joy 1 Pt 1:1-2 Sprinkling 1 Jn 5:6-8 Blood Jn 15:5 Branches Mt 28:18 Given Ps 116:12-19 Salvation 1 Chr 16:8-43 Song
2024_04_30 like a Rainbow Bestowing Blessings from Heaven, the Lord WaTches over you
2 Chr 33-36 Reigns Mal 3:10 Blessing Acts 10:34-48 Believes Acts 14:23 Hardship 1 Jn 4:19 Love Ps 127 Watches 1 Chr 16:1-7 Tent
2024_04_29 for Royal Righteous SuCcess we PRay in Christ’s name
2 Chr 29-32 Right Zech 1:3 Return Ps 98:7-9 Sing Acts 14:11 Crowds Eph 6:18 Pray Ps 31:1-5 Refuge 1 Chr 15 Children
2024_04_28 RainBows are There to Remind you who Guards you against a Flood, your Lord and Creator
2 Chr 26-28 Reigned Jn 15:5 Branches Hymn Truths Jn 15:5 Remain Ex 23:20 Guard Jn 15:1-8 Fruit 1 Jn 4:1-21 Love Acts 8:26 Chariot
2024_04_27 for ReaL ProGress Love is Required
2 Chr 26-28 Reigned 1 Jn 4:16 Love Jn 16:33 Peace Acts 13:44 Gathered Mt 13:22 Life Ps 118:24 Rejoice
2024_04_26 you with RiChes in LiFe Need a Walk with Christ
2 Chr 21-25 Reign Acts 8:29 Chariot Acts 4:18 Listen Jn 14:1 Faith Php 4:16 Need Ps 119:1-8 Walk 1 Chr 13-14 Children
2024_04_25 Great Praise comes From Citizens of Heaven for the Love of Jesus
2 Chr 17-20 Greater Ps 150:6 Praise Jn 15:1-6 Fruit 1 Pt 5:6-7 Cares Heb 13:6 Helper Ps 17:7-15 Love 1 Chr 12:17-40 Joy
2024_04_24 Seek the Glory of your Lord and Savior (Jesus Christ), and be Prepared For (His) Mercy
2 Chr 13-16 Seek Hag 2:9 Glory 1 Jn 4:7-11 Love Acts 13:3 Sent 1 Cor 12:18 Placed Ps 19:7-14 Fear 1 Chr 12:1-16 Mighty
2024_04_23 (Jesus comes with) HiGh Reigning Glory and Peaceful Saving Majesty
2 Chr 10-12 Heavy Zeph 3:20 Gather Acts 8:26-39 Rejoicing Acts 11:23 Grace Jn 16:33 Peace Ps 25:1-10 Salvation 1 Chr 11:10-47 Mighty
2024_04_22 the PoWer of (God answering) PRayer Sets all things RiGht
2 Chr 6-9 Prayer Hab 1:5 Wonder Ps 150:1-2 Praise Acts 11:18 Repentance Eccl 4:12 Strands Ps 119:125-138 Redeem 1 Chr 9:35-11:9 Greater
2024_04_21 observing the Will of the Lord (Jesus) FaithfuL Servants are Saved for eternal Life with the (Good) Shepherd
2 Chr 1-5 Wisdom Jn 10:16 Listen Hymn Flock Jn 10:15 Life Prov 20:17 Sweet Acts 4:1-12 Saved 1 Jn 3:16-24 Love Jn 10:11-18 Shepherd
2024_04_20 With Love and Compassion, God’s Peace Guards you
2 Chr 1-5 Wisdom 1 Jn 3:17 Love Is 63:7 Compassion Jn 6:68 Go Heb 12:14 Peace Php 4:7 Guard
2024_04_19 Heaven Restores the Health of BraVe Sheep who Return
1 Chr House Acts 4:1-2 Resurrection Acts 3:16b Health Jn 6:58 Bread 2 Chrn 20:26 Valley Ps 107:23-32 Ships 1 Chr 9:1-34 Returned
2024_04_18 heavenly TiMe is SuBject to the Creator, the Son and the (Holy) Spirit
1 Chr 22-27 Temple Ps 23:6 Mercy Jn 10:11-18 Shepherd Jn 6:51 Bread Hos 11:4 Child Ps 119:145-152 Save 1 Chr 8:14-40 Sons
2024_04_17 Rich Royal Love is Coming your Way from the Blessed Savior
1 Chr 17-21 Reigned Nahum 1:6 Rocks 1 Jn 3:16-24 Love Acts 8:7 Cured Prov 14:12 Way Ps 84:1-4 Blessed 1 Chr 7:30-8:13 Sons
2024_04_16 your Guiding Light (Jesus) is PerfeCtly Worthy To be your Savior
1 Chr 10-16 Guidance Micah 7:8 Light Acts 4:1-7 Proclaiming Jn 6:35 Come Eph 4:1 Worthy Ps 86:11-17 Teach 1 Chr 7:1-29 Sons
2024_04_15 SuBsequent to their ReLease the PrisonerS were Delighted
1 Chr 1-9 Sons Jonah 4:5 Booth Ps 23:1-3 Restore Jn 6:26 Looking Jn 14:3 Place Ps 80:1-7 Shine 1 Chr 6:50-81 Descendants
2024_04_14 a LoNg VerTical Search for Jesus Reveals (His) Presence
2 Kg 22-25 Law Hos 1:9 Name Hymn Victim Lk 24:39 Touch Mt 6:33 Seek Acts 3:11-21 Jesus 1 Jn 3:1-7 Righteous Lk 24:36-49 Peace
2024_04_13 ReCeive God’s Blessings With Thanksgiving
2 Kg 22-25 Reign 1 Jn 3:2 Children Ps 16:2 Good Jn 6:20 Boat Gen 1:2 Waters Php 4:13 Things
2024_04_12 Heavenly Wonders and BLessings are Taught, so sing Praises to your Maker
2 Kg 18-21 Heal Acts 3:12 Wonder Acts 2:42-47 Bread Jn 6:11 Loaves Acts 23:11 Testify Ps 92:1-9 Praises 1 Chr 6:31-49 Music
2024_04_11 ReaL Peace from the (Holy) Spirit Gives Life through the Savior
2 Kg 13-17 Reign Ps 4:6 Light Lk 24:36-43 Peace Jn 3:34 Spirit Ps 65:13 Grain Ps 119:25-32 Life 1 Chr 5:23-6:30 Sons
2024_04_10 you who Remain Firm in Steadfast Love Certainly know the Gracious Savior
2 Kg 9-12 Reigns Dan 3:25 Fire 1 Jn 3:1-3 See Jn 3:21 Light Is 42:6-7 Covenant Ps 99:1-3 Great 1 Chr 5:1-22 Sons
2024_04_09 the Lord of Heaven, the only wise God, Brings to you the LighT of Salvation
2 Kg 4-8 Leprosy Ezk 3-5 House Acts 3:11-13 God Acts 4:32 Believers Rom 13:12 Light Ps 26:1-3,8-12 Trusted 1 Chr 4 Sons
2024_04_08 Come for we Call, O Gracious God, make us Righteous and Purposeful and Save us
2 Kg 1-3 Chariots Lam 3:57 Called Ps 4:1-3 Gracious Is 8:10 God Prov 11:10 Rejoices Ps 146 Praise 1 Chr 3 Sons
2024_04_07 Behold, Peace with Splendor and Behold, Love with Signs, in the Light of the Savior
1 Kg 20-22 Battle Jn 20:19 Peace Hymn Splendor Jn 20:27 Believe Ps 107:1 Love Acts 4:32-35 Signs 1 Jn 1:1-2:2 Light Jn 20:19-31 Sending
2024_04_06 Behold the Presence of (Jesus) the True Saving NaTure (of God)
1 Kg 20-22 Battle 1 Jn 1:3 Proclaim Lk 24:36-39 Touch Acts 4:20 Speak Eph 4:24 Nature Prov 3:5-6 Trust
2024_04_05 you are ReBoRn By the Heavenly Mercy of the Savior
1 Kg 17-19 Rain Acts 4:32 Believed Acts 1:1-3,6-11 Restore Jn 21:12 Breakfast Eccl 3:11 Heart Ps 145:1-9 Mercy 1 Chron 2:24-55 Sons
2024_04_04 like RiPPles in a Lake Traveled the boat’s Wake on the Surface
1 Kg 12-16 Reign Ps 148:7,10 Praise Jn 20:19-23 Peace Lk 24:39 Look Ps 91:15 Trouble Ps 114 Water 1 Chr 2:1-23 Sons
2024_04_03 The LiBerty Light is BRight
1 Kg 9-11 Throne Est 6:6 Honor 1 Jn 1:5-2:2 Light Lk 24:35 Bread Jn 10:3 Life Ps 134 Bless 1 Chr 1:24-54 Reigned
2024_04_02 Prayer BRings TRue SuccesS
1 Kg 5-8 Prayer Neh 2:18 Build Acts 4:32-35 Resurrection Jn 20:13 Taken Ps 72:6 Rain Ps 81:1-7 Sing 1 Chr 1:1-23 Sons
2024_04_01 with Wisdom The Creator formed Natural Creation in Time and Space
1 Kg 1-3 Wisdom Ezra 2:64 Together Jn 21:4-9 Cast Mt 28:8-9 News Heb 10:25 Courage Ps 13 Trusted 2 Kg 25:8-30 Sacked
2024_03_31 with Faithful GraCe and GloRy your Savior is RaiSed
2 Sam 21-24 Fire Jn 20:15 Gardener Jn 20:1,14-17 Cling Col 3:4 Glory Mt 28:6 Risen Is 25:6-9 Salvation 1 Cor 15:1-11 Raised Mk 6:1-8 Send
2024_03_30 Returning to Life from the Tomb, Christ became the Way, Truth and life to (the Father in) heaven
2 Sam 19-20 Return Mk 15:43 Looking Jn 19:32-42 Tomb Ps 118:22 Cornerstone Is 53:5 Wounds Ps 143:8 Trust
2024_03_29 the LaST GaSP of the Savior
2 Sam 15-18 Lord Lk 22:46 Spirit Jn 19:28-30 Thirst Jn 13:1 Garden 1 Pt 3:18 Suffered Ps 135:1-4,8-9 Pleases 2 Kg 24:8-25:7 Siege
2024_03_28 SuBmit to the CRoss amd Love Will Prevail
2 Sam 11-14 Sister Jn 19:26-27 Behold Jn 19:25-27 Cross 1 Cor 11:24 Remembrance Jn 13:34 Love Ps 37:1-7 Wait 2 Kg 23:21-24:7 Passover
2024_03_27 Truly, Christian BelieF Leads to Salvation
2 Sam 8-10 Table Lk 23:42 Remember Jn 19:23-24 Crucified Mk 15:35 Behold Mk 11:13 Figtree Ps 89:20-27 Love 2 Kg 22:8-23:20 Scroll
2024_03_26 you Have Forgiveness from ChrisT your SHepherD
2 Sam 5-7 House Lk 23:34 Forgive Jn 19:16-18 Crucified Jn 13:21 Troubled Mt 22:29 Scriptures Ps 88:3-9 Heavy 2 Kg 21:1-22:7 Disaster
2024_03_25 Learning what Happened on the Cross, BeholD the Savior Renews all things
2 Sam 10-5 Lamented Lk 23:31 Happen Jn 19:12-16 Crucify Is 42:7 Blind Mt 25:40 Did Ps 35:1-6,9-10 Shield 2 Kg 20 Regains
2024_03_24 suffering may come, but By Cross Carrying HoWeveR you Become legitimate Disciples (of Jesus)
1Sam27-31 Buried Mk15:21 Cross Jn19:7-11 Crucify Mk11:9 Hosanna Jn12:24 Wheat Zech9:9-16 Restore Php2:5-11 Bow Mk15:1-47 Delivered
2024_03_23 BeCause you Behold and Believe you will experience (God’s) Saving Power
1 Sam 27-31 Buried Jn 19:17 Cross Jn 19:4-6 Behold Jn 11:48 Believe 1 Pt 2:12 See Ps 51:10 Pure
2024_03_22 (Jesus, with) RiCH Love Delivered The People
1 Sam 24-26 Robe Jn 19:2 Crown Jn 19:1-3 Hail Ps 18:2-3 Love 1 Jn 3:18 Deed Ps 22:1-5 Trusted 2 Kg 19:8-37 Prays
2024_03_21 PRayeRs help BeStow a Proper Relationship (with God)
1 Sam 20-23 Pursued 1 Cor 5:21 Righteousness Jn 18:31-40 Release Jn 8:58 Before Is 50:10 Shine Ps 69:33-36 Praise 2 Kg 18:19-19:7 Rescue
2024_03_20 DediCaTed Disciples Trust in the ResuRrection (of Jesus)
1Sam 16-19 Delivered Lk 22:60-61 Crowed Jn 18:37-38 Truth Jn 8:31-32 Disciples Ps 40:4 Trusts Ps 18:6-7,16-20 Rescued 2Kg 18:1-18 Reigns
2024_03_19 let’s go FiSHing to Catch Some Wonderful Fish
1 Sam 13-15 Fight Mk 14:61 Silent Jn 18:28-29 Headquarters Mt 1:20 Conceived Col 4:1 Servants Ps 39:1-7 Wait 2 Kg 17:6-41 Fall
2024_03_18 the King HiD in the BAGgage but he began his Reign
1 Sa, 9-12 King Lk 22:50-51 Healed Jn 18:18-27 Denied Dan 13:62 Blood Ex 3:14 Am Ps 31:9-14 Grief 2 Kg 16:1-17:5 Reigns
2024_03_17 CirCles Surround a Great PeaCeful CenteR
1 Sam 4-8 Captured Mk 14:43 Crowd Jn 18:19-23 Said Jn 12:24 Grain Num 11:29 Prophets Jer 3:31-34 Covenant Heb 5:1-10 Called Mk 10:32-45 Rise
2024_03_16 Continually Pray to ChriSt for your Confident Trust (in Him)
1 Sam 4-8 Captured Lk 2:24 Prayed Jn 18:10-11 Cup Jn 7:46 Spoken Acts 16:4 Come Ps 56:3-4 Trust
2024_03_15 the Word GrowS and the Savior Opens DooRs
1 Sam 1-3 Word Lk 22:27 Greater Jn 18:1-8 Seek Ps 34:19 Saves Eccl 5:13 Owners Ps 77:11-15 Deeds 2 Kg 15:8-38 Reigns
2024_06_14 the Father’s Love and the LamB Send the Comforter, the (Holy) Spirit
Ruth 1-4 Feet 1 Cor 2:7 Lamb Jn 17:20-26 Love Jn 5:44 Believe Gen 25:29-30 Stew Ps 82 Counsel 2 Kg 14:15-15:7 Succeeds
2024_03_13 with Confident faith in the Savior’s Word, Believe and Place your Trust in the Redeemer (Jesus)
Judg 17-21 Concubine Mt 16:4 Sign Jn 17:8-17 Word Jn 5:24 Believe Ps 118:5 Place Ps 26:1-7 Trust 2 Kg 3:14-14:16 Reign
2024_03_12 StRength in the PResence of the Lord is your RewaRd
Judg 13-16 Strength Gal 3:13 Redeemed Jn 17:1-5 Presence Ps 46:2-3 Refuge Est 4:16 Law Ps 37:16-20 Righteous 2 Kg 12:1-13:13 Repairs
2024_03_10 FaiTh, hope, and Love are BestoWed By Grace for eternal Life
Judg 6-8 Fleece Col 2:15 Triumph Jn 13:31-35 Love Jn 3:16 Believe Ps 104:24 Wisdom Num 21:6-9 Bronze Eph 2:1-10 Grace Jn 3:14-21 Life
2024_03_09 FoCus on BoRn again FaiTh
Judg 6-8 Fleece Rom 8:37 Conquer Jn 13:26-30 Betray Heb 6:2-3 Raise Rom 12:11 Fervor 1 Thess 5:8 Thanks
2024_03_08 LaNd Work is Frequently a HarD Responsibility
Judg 1-8 Land Mt 1:21 Name Jn 13:2-5a Wash Hos 14:5 Freely Ex 2:4 Hand Ps 41:1-2,7-13 Deliver 2 Kg 10:18-36 Reigned
2024_03_07 the LoRd Will Vindicate you for Salvation and Lift your Hearts
Josh 22-24 Lord 1 Jn 2:1 Righteous Jn 12:20-24 Wheat Ps 95:7-8 Voice Prov 18:10 Safe Ps 121 Lift 2 Kg 9:27-10:17 Heart
2024_03_06 the Reward from, for, and by Christian Faith is the Righteousness of your Savior and Redeemer
Josh 18-21 Refuge 1 Cor 10:4 Christ Jn 12:12-15 Hosanna Mt 5:17 Fulfill Tit 3:1 Ready Ps 110 Sit 2 Kg 9:1-16 Rule
2024_03_05 for eternal Life the Divine Christ Keeps the ViCtory Reigning
Josh 13-17 Land Mt 27:18 Delivered Jn 12:9-11 Crowds Ps 25:7 Kindness Judg 7:9 Victory Ps 18:22-29 Cornerstone 2 Kg 8 Reigns
2024_03_04 Keep your BaPtismal faith strong With HeavenLy Righteousness
Josh 9-12 Kings Gal 3:27 Baptized Jn 12:1-3 Perfume 2 Kg 5:10-11 Wash Eph 3:17 Home Ps 2:1-6,10-12 Laugh 2 Kg 6:14-7:20 Relief
2024_03_03 (Jesus was ) CroWNed With Thorns to ComPlete the Coronation
Josh 6-8 Covenant Lk 22:40 Will Jn 11:49b-52 Nation Jn 2:19 Whip Mt 15:11-22 Thoughts Ez 20:1-17 Commandments 1 Cor 1:18-31 Passion Jn 2:13-25 Cleanses
2024_03_02 With the Blood of Christ Comes Vertical Righteousness
Josh 6-8 Walk Heb 12:22-24 Blood Jn 11:38-44 Come Lk 15:32 Celebrate Ezk 1:25 Voice Mt 11:28-29 Rest
2024_03_01 the LorD Has great Love for your Faith in Jesus, your Redeemer
Josh 1-5 Land Gen 1:5 Day Jn 11:20-37 Here Gen 37:4 Loved Ps 50:10 Forest Ps 82 Judgment 2 Kg 6:1-23 Raised
2024_02_29 the Blessed Door for the Righteous is Revealed by the Holy ShepHerd
Deut 31-34 Blessings Rev 21:3 Dwelling Jn 11:25-26 Resurrection Lk 16:25 Received Lev 20:26 Holy Ps 23 Shepherd 2 Kg 5 Healed
2024_02_28 CaLLed by the Lord, Believers Praise the Redeemer
Deut 27-30 Commandment 1Cor 13:8 Love Jn 11:1-15 Lazarus Mt 20:25-26 Lord Mk 9:24 Believe Ps 66:8-12,16-20 Praise 2Kg 4:18-44 Raised
2024_02_27 the LoRd is the Shepherd of the Sheep and Manages to Lift and Carry strays
Deut 21-26 Land Rom 8:18 Revealed Jn 10:11-15 Shepherd Mt 23:11 Servant Lk 18:40 Man Ps 146:5-10 Lifts 2 Kg 4:1-17 Child
2024_02_26 Prophets call for Repentance so the Lord can Deliver and Save in SuMmation
Deut 17-20 Prophets Acts 1:6 Restore Jn 9:1-5 Light Dan 9:7 Day Ps 3:5 Sustains Ps 3 Shield 2 Kg 2:15-3:27 Ministry
2024_02_25 True Love Will Shine Because of the Deeds of Jesus Christ
Deut 12-16 Tithes Lk 24:5 Living Jn 6:66-69 Words Gen 22:17 Stars Col 1:17 Before Gen 17:1-7,15-16 Descendants Rom 5:1-11 Justification Mk 8:27-29 Christ
2024_02_24 TRue Believers (in Jesus) will Totally Be Blessed
Deut 12-16 Tithes Lk 23:42 Remember Lk 6:22-40 Believe Deut 26:18 Treasured Eccl 4:9-10 Better Byn 6L24-25 Bless
2024_02_23 the LamB (of God) was CRucified to open Heaven’s Door To you
Deut 6-11 Land Jn 13:17 Blessed Jn 6:5b-10b Crowd Mt 5:24 Reconciled Eph 2:19 Household Ps 42:1-6a,9-11 Door 2 Kg 1:1-2:14 Taken
2024_02_22 the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, is Sent with Compassion and Grace by Jesus
Deut 5-7 Healed Lk 18:16 Such Jn 5:19-21 Loves Mt 16:15-16 Son Col 3:12 Compassion Ps 25 Gracious 1 Kg 22:41-53 Judah
2024_02_21 the SPirit HealS with DeDicAtion
Deut 1-4 Spies Lk 7:16 Prophet Jn 5:1-6 Healed Lk 11:29 Sign Rev 3:8 Door Ps 84:1-4,8-12 Dwelling 1 Kg 22:1-40 Allies
2024_02_20 the Lord is Faithful and Bestows the Father’s Love and RestoRation
Num 34-36 Land Mt 3:15 Fulfill Jn 4:28-42 Believed Mt 6:9 Father Ps 13:1 Long Ps 16:1 Refuge 1 Kg 21 Responds
2024_02_19 (God’s) PowerS Will be Seen When He sends a Prophet to you
Num 31-33 Plunder Ps 72:11 Serve Jn 4:5-7 Well Mt 25:44 See 1 Thess 5:16-18 Will Ps 53 Heaven 1 Kg 20:18-43 Prophet
2024_02_18 with ComPlete Love from Heaven God Provides Salvation to the World
Num 26-30 Census Lk 2:14 Pleased Jn 3:1-2a,16-17 Loved Mk 1:15 Hand Ps 90:2 God Gen 22:1-14 Provide JaM 1:12-18 Saved Mk 1:9-15 Wilderness
2024_02_17 a prayer for (the Lord God’s) Very LavisH Restoration PowerS
Num 26-30 Vows Neh 1:5-6 Love Jn 2:14-16 House Is 58:12 Restoration 2 Cor 12:9 Power Php 4:13 Strength
2024_02_16 the Divine Deliverance you Will have is From the Lord (Jesus whom) you Dwell with Continually
Num 21-25 Donkey Est 4:14 Deliverance Jn 2:1-4 Wine Is 58:6 Fasting Jn 15:13 Love Ps 91:1-6,14-16 Dwell 1 Kg 20:1-17 Conflicts
2024_02_15 Claim access to Heaven with the Lamb who CHose Salvation by Faith (in God)
Num 17-20 Cleansing Dan 6:27 Heaven Jn 1:29-34 Lamb Deut 70:19 Choose Prov 22:4 Humility Ps 57:1-5,8-10 Save 1 Kg 19 Flees
2024_02_14 (in the presence of Jesus), eternal Life is your ReWard, so wait for the Mercy of the Lord in (His) Truth and Love
Num 13-16 Land Lam 3:40 Return Jn 1:1-3 Word Joel 2:12-13 Merciful 1 Cor 13:3 Love Ps 119:153-160 Truth 1 Kg 18:16-46 Lord
2024_02_13 Christ Will Provide Understanding With Right Answers
Num 9-12 Cloud Ps 137:1 Wept Gen 22:1-12 Provide Mk 8:21 Understand Is 1:18 White Ps 95:1-7a Rock 1 Kg 17:1-18:15 Arises
2024_02_12 for Cleansing, Call for mercy While Jesus is Present, for (His) Righteousness Reigns forever
Num 5-8 Cleansing Is 58:9 Call Ps 51:1-2 Wash Jam 1:2 Joy Mk 5:44 Pray Ps 71:1-6,17-18 Refuge 1 Kg 16:15-34 Reign
2024_02_11 you are CaLLed to Come into the Presence of (Jesus) the Savior and the LighT
Num 1-4 Camp Hos 4:1 Love Hymn Lord Mk 1:41 Clean 2Sam 22:50 Praise Ex 34:29-35 Shining 2Cor 3:12-4:6 Light Mt 9:2-9 Transfiguration
2024_02_10 Come and Dwell with Dignity through Faith in the ScriptUres
Num 1-4 Census 1 Kg 6:13 Dwell 1 Tim 2:1-6 Dignified 1 Kg 12:30 Frequented 2 Tim 3:15 Scripture Eph 4:2-3 Unity
2024_02_09 the RighTeous Gather Together with Love under (Jesus) the Shepherd who Reigns forever
Lev 24-27 Redeeming 2 Sam 7:16 Throne Mk 1:1 Gospel Mk 7:72-74 Tongue Rom 13:8 Love Ps 23:1-5 Shepherd 1 Kg 15-16:14 Reign
2024_02_08 Pray that you often MeeT Servants of the Heavenly Savior who Reigns forever
Lev 21-23 Priests Ex 25:22 Meet Mk 9:2-9 Transfigured Ps 106:35-36 Snare Prov 29:23 Hear Ps 69:1-4,8-9,24,29-30 Save 1 Kg 15:1-24 Reign
2024_02_07 CounSeL Heard through Prayer makes you Dwell in Righteousness
Lev 18-20 Cover Ex 3:7 Suffering 2 Cor 3:12, 4:1-6 Light Mk 7:14 Hear Neg 4:9 Prayed Ps 4 Dwell 1 Kg 14 Reigns
2024_02_06 this Day will Give you ChrisT the Lord from Heaven, Jesus appointed for you
Lev 16-17 Day Gen 28:17 Gate 2 Kg 2:1a,2-4a,6a, Chariots Mk 7:8 Traditions Gen 22:14 Lord Ps 77:1-3,7-12,15 Hear 1 Kg 13 Judgment
2024_02_05 have Confident FaiTh that BeCkons others to take Refuge in the Kingdom (of God)
Lev 11-15 Clean Gen 12:3 Families Ps 50:3-5 Tempest Mk 6:55 Bring Jn 8:10 Condemned Ps 31:1-2,23-24 Refuge 1 Kg 12:12-33 King
2024_02_04 BuBbles BeFore they Burst Love to Lightly Travel (on a breeze)
Lev 8-10 Burnt Gen 3:15 Bruise Hymn Bow Mk 1:21 Fever Ps 103:2 Benefits Deut 18:15-20 Listen 1 Cor 8:1-33 Love Mk 1:21-28 Teaching
2024_02_03 Fire MuST Face the Testimony (of the Holy Spirit)
Lev 8-10 Fire Gen 2:18 Man Is 60:1-3 Shine Ps 119:11 Treasure Ps 119:11 Freely Prov 3:5-6 Trust
2024_02_02 Peace with Good Faith DeFends the Lord’s Counsel
Lev 4-7 Peace Gen 1:10 Good Eph 4:32 Forgave Lk 2:25 Devout 1 Sam 20:42 Friendship Ps 75 Lifted 1 Kg 11:26-12:11 Counsel
2024_02_01 God’s Love HaS Saved you with Heavenly Wisdom
Lev 1-2 Grain 1 Jn 4:19 Love Mk 1:29-39 Healed Mk 6:8 Stick Php 2:7 Servant Ps 28 Heart 1 Kg 11:1-25 Wives
2024_01_31 TaKe from the Gospel Faith, along With Praise for the Vindication (that comes from the Lord)
Ex 35-40 Tabernacle 1 Kg 2:46 Kingdom 1 Cor 9:16-23 Gospel Mk 6:6 Faith Mk 8:36 World Ps 135:1-7 Praise 1 Kg 10 Visit
2024_01_30 in the Presence of the RocK even ChildRen Behold the Lord
Ex 32-34 Presence Ps 62:2 Rock Is 40:21-23 Know Mk 5:40 Child Is 32:1-2 Reign Ps 33:18-22 Behold 1 Kg 9 Lord
2024_01_29 CLean and SaFe, the Lord Teaches Salvation
Ex 28-31 Consecrated 1 Sam 2:7 Lord Ps 147:4-6 Stars 2 Sam 15:14 Flight Gal 5:14 Love Ps 107:1-9 Thanks 1 Kg 8:54-66 Sacrifice
2024_01_28 at a Slow PaCe, God’s WOrd is Taught
Ex 25-27 Sanctuary Mt 24:11 Leading Hymn Praise Mk 1:27 Commands Eph 4:7 Given Deut 18:15-20 Words 1 Co 8:1-13 One Mk 1:21-28 Teaching
2024_01_27 SaFe and CLean, We take Refuge (in the Lord)
Ex 25-27 Sanctuary Ps 55:12-13 Friend 1 Mk 1:40-42 Clean 2 Sam 22:13 Lord Prov 25:25 Water Ps 91:1-2 Refuge
2024_01_26 Blessed Redemption and Steadfast love are RicHly SuPplied
Ex 21-24 Blood Ps 144:7-8 Rescue Ps 103:11-12 Steadfast 2 Tim 1:13 Rember 1 Sam 16:7 Heart Ps 18:46-50 Salvation 1 Kg 8:22-53 Prayer
2024_01_25 the CReaTor's PoweR is DeeP
Ex19-20 Commandments Ps11:1 Refuge Mk1:21-26 Teaching Acts22:7 Persecuting Est4:14 Royal Ps6:4-10 Deliver 1Kg8:1-21 Proclamation
2024_01_24 JeSus Loves the Kingdom and Listens to the Hearts of Believers
Ex 16-18 Judges Ps 3:8 Salvation 1 Co 8:1-4,7-13 Love Mt 4:11 Kingdom Jam 1:19 Listen Ps 131 Heart 1 Kg 7:14-51 Bronze
2024_01_23 godly SoRroW runs DeeP yet is Known to Be comforted
Ex 13-15 Salvation 2 Sam 12:23 Return Deut 18:15-20 Words 2 Sam 6:14 Dancing Micah 4:3 Plowshares Ps 139:1-6,12-14 Know 1 Kg 7:1013 Build
2024_01_22 Passover Celebrations Will Make Heaven Known to Believers
Ex 11-12 Passover Ps 127:3 Children Ps 111:3-4 Work Ps 89:25 Mercy Lk 10:20 Heaven Ps 69:19-23,32-33 Known 1 Kg 6 Builds
2024_01_21 Protect our Dwelling Places, (O) Praiseworthy Lord and Relent of Tragic Repercussions
Ex 7-10 Plague Ps 133:1 Dwell Hymn Pleasures 1Cor 7:31 Present 1 Jn 4:15 Love Jon 3:1-5,10 Relented 1Cor 7:29-31 Time Mk 1:14-30 Repent
2024_01_20 Protect us, (O) Lord of Heaven and earth, and May God be Praised
Ex 7-10 Plague 2 Sam 6:21 Lord Mt 24:35 Heaven 2 Sam 1:12 Mourned Ps 25:16 Gracious Ps 103:2-3 Praise
2024_01_19 pray for ReaL Blessed Joy With Heavenly Wisdom
Ex 3-6 Return Ps 24:7 Lifted Ps 32:1 Blessed 1 Sam 24:16 Judge Mt 7:15 Watch Ps 15 Hill 1 Kg 4:29-5:18 Wisdom
2024_01_18 WiSdom (from God) has BeltoweD the Door the Righteous Will enter
Ex 1-2 Water 2 Sam 2:26 Sword Mk 1:14-20 Believe 1 Sam 19:4 Deeds Jn 13:15 Do Ps 44:1-26 Redeem 1 Kg 4:1-28 Wisdom
2024_01_17 the BeST Choice is Devotion to the Savior of the World
Gen 48-50 Blessed 1 Sam 30:24 Share Ps 144:1 Trained Josh 24:15 Choose 1 Cor 7:29-35 Devotion Ps 76:1-12 Saves 1 Kg 3 Wisdom
2024_01_16 Revealed FoR Salvation, His (Jesus’) Love is Steadfast
Gen 45-47 Revealed 1 Sam 26:11 Forbid Jon 3:1-5,10 Relented Mk 2:27-28 Sabbath 1 Cor 10:11 Happened Ps 36:1-6,10 Love 1 Kg 2:19-46 Solomon
2024_01_15 GatHeR With believers for the Savior’s truth and GraCe
Gen 41-44 Grain 1 Sam 25:33 Hand Ps 62:5-8 Refuge Mk 2:22 Wineskins Mk 10:43 Servant Ps 29:1-4a,8-11 Glory 1 Kg 2:1-18 Charge
2024_01_14 Successful with eternal Life, our Savior and Lord Performs Life giving Baptism Well
Gen 37-40 Success Ps 54:4 Life Hymn Speak Sam 3:10 Listening Is 26:3 Peace Gen 1:1-5 Light Rom 6:1-11 Baptized Mk 1:4-11 Well
2024_01_13 SiNCe you have Faith (in Jesus) He gives you wisdom Generously
Gen 37-40 Success Ps 142:4 Notice 2 Kg 5:11-14 Clean Mk 2:14 Follow Heb 12:3 Heart Jam 1:5 Generously
2024_01_12 look to the MeRcy (of your Lord Jesus Christ) with holy Faith, and Keep yourselves in (His) Steadfast Love with Compassion
Gen 32-36 Messengers Ps 34:22 Refuge Mt 18:27 Forgave 1 Sam 8:5 King Gen 39:23 Success Ps 63:3-11 Love 1 Kg 1:32-53 Crowned
2024_01_11 the LoRd ChriSt gives Righteousness when you take Refuge as Taught
Gen 27-31 Ladder Mk 2:25 Read Jn 1:43-51 Come Mk 1:45 Spread Jn 21:22 Remain Ps 7:1-5,8-11 Refuge 1 Kg 1:1-31 Throne
2024_01_10 WisDom from the Lord of Love above is PerFeCt
Gen25-26 Wells 1Sam19:1 Delighted 1Cor6:12-20 Lawful 1Sam3:10 Listening Neh1:4 Prayed Ps85:1-4,7-8,10-13 Favorable 2Sam24 Census
2024_01_09 with Patient Counsel Speaks The Lord desiring Love and Mercy
Gen 21-14 Provides 1 Sam 18:29 Continually 1 Sam 3:1-17 Speaks 1 Sam 1:15 Troubles Jer 31:3 Love Ps 62:5-12 Love 2 Sam 23:8-39 Mighty
2024_01_08 in the Spirit of the Lord, in the Presence of JesuS, Seek (Him) and take Refuge (in Him)
Gen 18-20 Son 1 Sam 17:45 Lord Ps 139:7-10 Presence Is 42:3 Justice Rom 5:8 Sinners Ps 19:1-6,9-11,14 Sky 2 Sam 22:31-23:7 Refuge
2024_01_07 when they saw the StaR of Jesus the Wise men Rejoiced greatly for the LiGht was Royal
Gen 15-17 Stars Jn 1:31 Recognized Hymn Joy Mt 2:12 Way Ps 80:7 Restore Is 60:1-6 Light Eph 3:1-12 Gospel Mt 2:1-12 Rejoiced
2024_01_06 a Reward from Heaven is the Favor of BeTter Contentment
Gen 15-17 Reward Jn 1`5:1 Heaven Lk 2:39-40,52 Favor Mk 1:11 Beloved Mt 2:11 Treasure Php 4:11-12 Content
2024_01_05 with Christ’s Favor, Grace, and Love, God has you take Refuge in the Lord
Gen 12-14 Captive Ps 5:12 Favor Mt 2:19-22 Galilee 1 Jn 3:16 Love Jer 6:16 Good Ps 37:34-40 Refuge 2 Sam 26:1-30 Lord
2024_01_04 you SettLeD and Stayed With Faithfull Followers (of Jesus)
Gen 10-11 Settled Hos 6:6 Love Mt 2:13-17 Dream Jn 1:38-39 Staying 1 Thess 4:11 Work Ps 40:6-10 Faithfulness 2 Sam 21 Famine
2024_01_03 with RighteouSness and GraCe the Lord (Jesus) Supplies Wisdom
Gen 6-9 Rainbow 1 Sam 16:13 Spirit Mt 2:9-11 Gifts 1 Jn 3:2 Children Ps 33:22 Love Ps 108:1-6,12-13 Steadfast 2 Sam 20 Wisdom
2023_01_02 (God given) Faithfulness and Steadfast love are WoRthy ReWaRds
Gen 3-5 Fathered 1 Sam 16:18 Skilled Mt 2:7-9a Way Jn 1:26 Recognize Eccl 1:5 Rises Ps 62:5-8,11-12 Waits 2 Sam 19:9-43 Returns
2024_01_01 ReCeive the WiSdom the Lord BestoWs
Gen 1-2 Rested Lk 2:21 Called Mt 2:1-4 Wise Gal 4:7 Son 1 Jn 3:1 Love Ps 113 Blessed 2 Sam 19:1-8 Weeps
Mic 5:2-5a Peace Heb 10:5-10 Will Lk 1:39-56 Mercy Is 43:1 Lord Ps 90:2-19 Saved Jude Faith Mt 1:24-25 Wife 1 Jn 4:13-21 Love Lk 1:39 Traveled
2024_12_21 ReaL Blessings will CoMe from (Jesus) the Savior who Shines
Ps 91:1-2 Refuge Is 42:16 Light Lk 1:42 Blessed Song 2:8-14 Come Jude Mercy Mt 1:20-21 Save Rev 22:5 Shine
2024_12_20 Waiting Patiently for the SAvior, VindicaTion Comes to the Faithful
Ps 119:25-32 Works Ps 35 Praise Is 40:31 Strength Lk 1:38 Angel Is 7:10-14 Virgin 3 Jn Truth Mt 1:18-19 Child Is 40:1-8 Forever
2024_12_19 GoD SHepherdS you with Love, making you Strong in Spirit
Ps 40:1-5,16-17 Great Ps 34:9-22 Delivers Is 40:11 Shepherd Ps 71:5 Hope Jdg 13:2-25 Spirit 2 Jn Love Lk 1:80 Strong Gen 1:1-10 Saw
2024_12_18 to Save and Rescue you, the Savior Governs, so Behold the Words (of Jesus) for Peace and Listen (to Him)
Ps 119:81-88 Salvation Ps 34:1-8 Rescues Is 35:4 Strong Jer 23:5 Govern Mt 1:18-25 Birth 1 Jn 1-5 Word Lk 1:76-79 Peace Deut 18:15 Listen
2024_12_17 GLory to the God of Peace, Jesus, whose Name is Blessed with Salvation
Ps 40:1-5,16-17 Great Ps 33 Love Is 33:2 Gracious Ps 72:7 Peace Mt 1:1-17 Jesus 2 Pt 1-3 New Lk 1:67-75 Blessed Mt 1:18-25 Save
2024_12_16 Jesus Has the PoWer to Build you up and Support you with Mercy that triumphs over Justice
Ps 149 Judgment Ps 32 Happy Is 32:18 Plans Ps 25:9 Way Mt 21:23-27 Baptism 1 Pt 1-5 Saves Lk 1:63-64 Mouth 1 Thess 5:4-11 Just
2024_12_15 the Lord in Heaven, Jesus, Reigns Joyfully, giving you God's Wisdom Now and Forever
Zeph 3:13-20 Love Php 4:4-7 Hearts Lk 7:18-35 Justified Is 30:15 Rest Zeph 3:17 Joyfully Lk 3:10-18 Good Jam 1-5 Wisdom Lk 1:59-62 Name 2 Tim 1:1-5 Faith
2024_12_14 BRiDes are Received with Wisdom for Rejoicing with Love
Ps 103:2-3 Benefits Is 30:15 Rest Sirach 48:4 Deeds Mt 17:9-13 Restore Jam 1-5 Wisdom Lk 1:57-58 Rejoiced Song 8:6-7 Love
2024_12_13 Heavenly Faith Pleases God who Gives you Love and Hope that Remains
Ps 89:20-29 Horn Ps 31 Fortress Is 29:16 Potter Is 48:17 Good Mt 11:16-19 Generation Heb 11-13 Love Lk 1:56 Home Dan 6:19-27 Rescues
2024_12_12 JesuS We Believe, Rejoicing and Beholding (His) Miracles and Mercy
Ps 106:1-5 Justice Ps 30 Sing Is 29:14 Wonderful Lk 1:38 Behold Zec 2:14-17 Rejoice Heb 8-10 Blood Lk 1:46-55 Magnifies Lk 2:1-7 Manger
2024_12_11 Carry the Blessed BurdEn and for Salvation BeLieve in the Lord
Ps5:1-8 Consider Ps28-29 Blessed Mt11:30 Burden Is40:25-31 Eternal Heb5-7 Salvation Lk1:39-45 Believed Jer29:10-14 Listen Is28:21 Lord
2024_12_10 let the Grace of the Savior (Jesus) FilL your Soul with (His) Mercy through Spiritual Gifts
Ps 86:1-7 Grace Ps 27 Salvation Is 27:9 Full Is 40:4 Low Mt 18:12-14 Search Heb 3-4 Mercy Lk 1:34-38 Son Acts 3:1-10 Give
2024_12_09 Lovingly Giving you Peace and Blessings your Heavenly Savior (Jesus) Reigns and Watches over you
Ps 17:6-15 Love Ps 26 Gracious Is 26:3 Peace Lk 1:30 Be Gen 3:9-20 Heel Heb 1-2 Subjection Lk 1:29-33 Reign Is 46:1-5 Waters
2024_12_08 RePent and Be Baptized in the name of Jesus the Living Lord who Reigns with the Father (and the Holy Spirit)
Mal 3:1-7 Return Php 1:2-11 Prayers Lk 3:1-14 Bear Lk 3:3 Baptism Bar 5:1-9 Justice Phm Love Lk 1:26-28 Lord Acts 7:29-39 Repent Is 25:8 Faces
2024_12_07 not contention but RatHer WitH your Brother show Love and Faith
Ps 91:1-2 Refuge Is 24:4,13 Harvest Is 30:21 Walk Mt 9:35-10:8 Heaven Phm Brother Lk 1:21-35 Looked 1 Cor 10:11-13 Faithful
2024_12_06 you are WaSHeD, and Faithful, and able to Learn Sound Doctrine
Ps 56:1-13 Walk Ps 25 Salvation Is 14:12 Heaven Is 29:18 Day Mt 9:22-31 Faith Tit 1-3 Love Lk 1:18-20 Stand Mt 25:24-40 Did
2024_12_05 ReST with the King (Jesus) who CoMes to Heal the Congregation
Ps 49:5-15 Ransom Ps 23-24 Shepherd Is 12:1 Thanks Mt 7:22 Kingdom Is 26:1-6 City 2Tim 1-4 Mercy Lk 1:13-17 Heard Lk 22:41-44 Cup
2024_12_04 the MaSteR, Christ, Bestows Contentment with SaLvation
Ps145:1-9 Mercy Ps22:11 Save Is10:21 Return Mt15:29-32 Crowds Is25:6-10 Behold 1Tim 4-6 Contentment Lk 1:8-13 Serving 1Jn 1:1-10 Life
2024_12_03 Trust in Love Above all Things and Understand the Truth of God’s Presence
Ps 55:16-23 Trust Ps 21:1-22 Love Is 9:17 Anger Lk 10:22 Things Is 11:1-10 Understand 1 Tim 1-3 Truth Lk 1:5-7 God Ps 139:1-10 Presence
2024_12_02 WAtch in the Name from Heaven to be Made Worthy of Christ the Lord
Ps 119:105-112 Word Ps 20 Answer Is 9:6 Name Mt 8:8 Healed Is 2:1-5 Mountain 2 Thess 1-3 Worthy Mt 1:1-16 Christ Acts 11:19-26 Lord
2024_12_01 with Righteous Love Jesus Shines in the Hearts of all PeoPle, showing the Way to Heaven
Jer 33:14-16 Righteousness 1 Thess 3:9-13 Love Lk 19:28-40 Jesus Is 7:14 Sign Lk 21:34 Hearts 1 Thess 3:12-4:2 Please 1 Thess 1-5 Peace Jn 1:1-14 Word Tit 2:6-8 Heaven
2024_11_30 God’s Purpose Bestows FaiTh when you Prevail through Prayer
Jam 1:5 Generously Eph 6:22 Purpose Rom 10:15 Beautiful Mt 4:110-22 Followed Col 1-4 Truth Jer 20:7 Prevailed Dan 6:10 Prayed
2024_11_29 StRap on the SWoRd of the SpiRit and the whole Armor (of God)
Ps 118:19-24 Salvation Ps 19 Redeemer Eph 6:17 Spirit Lk 21:33 Words Rev 20:1-21:2 Reigned Php 1-4 Stand Jer 33:16 Righteousness Job 13:1-12 Argue
2024_11_28 PraiSe the Savior, For with Mercy the Lord Christ Pardons
Ps 102:13-17 Prayer Ps 18:31-50 Salvation Eph 6:10 Strong Ps 100:5 Faithfulness Rev 18:1-19:9 Might Eph 1-6 Love Lk 19:28-40 Cloaks Mic 7:18 Pardons
2024_11_27 our Lord the SpirIt Descends from Heaven, sent by God the Father and the Son (Jesus)
Ps 66:16-19 Listened Ps 18:13-30 Shield Eph 6:10 Instruction Ps 98:1 Deeds Rev 15:1-4 Heaven Gal 1-6 Gospel 1 Thess 3:9-13 Father 1 Jn 1:5-7 Son
2024_11_26 Jesus is WortHy of Majesty in Heaven for Graciously Bestowing the Gospel
Ps 75 Judgment Ps 18:1-12 Worthy Eph 6:2 Honor Lk 21:8 Many Rev 14:14-19 Harvest 2 Cor 10-13 Gospel Jer 33:14-16 Branch Mk 6:37 Give
2024_11_25 LoVe’s ReWard is Grace from the Reigning Lord Christ
Ps 48:9-14 Love Ps 17 Vindication Eph 5:33 Respects Lk 2:13 Widow 2 Cor 6-9 Generosity Rev 14:1-5 Ransomed Ps 25:8-10 Lord Ps 100 Courts
2024_11_24 Thanks to Eternal Life from Christ The Kingdom Work of the Church Continues Forever
Dan 7:9-14 Thrones Jude 20-25 Eternal Life Mk 13:24-37 Clouds Eph 5:20 Thanks Jn 18:36 Kingdom Rev 1:5-8 Witness 2Cor 1-5 Church Hymn Clouds 2 Pt 1:5 Faith
2024_11_23 ContinuouS Witnessing of the Worthy Christ Makes for Peace
Php 4:11-12 Content Eph 5:18 Spirit Rev 11:4-12 Witnesses Lk 20:39-40 Well 2 Cor 1-5 Church Mt 26:6-13 Memory Jer 29:1-7 Peace
2024_11_22 the MeRcieS of Christ’S Love Live on Forever
Ps 111 Merciful Ps 15-16 Refuge Eph 5:14 Shine Ps 119:24 Counselors Rev 10:8-11 Scorll 1 Cor 15-16 Lord Mk 12:41-44 Live Ps 119:101-106 Feet
2024_11_21 WaTch for the Savior (Jesus) who makes you WoRthy of the Lord’S Salvation
Ps 114 Water Ps 13-14 Trust Eph 4:26 Sun Lk 19:41-44 Wept Rev 5:1-10 Reign 1 Cor 11-14 Love Mk 13:26-37 Stay Heb 9:23-28 Save
2024_11_20 the GiFt of Christ the Savior Will be Salvation with Eternal Life in Heaven
Ps 118:19-29 Gates Ps 11-12 Face Eph 4:15 Christ Lk 19:17 Servant Rev 4:1-11 Worthy 1 Cor 7-10 Save Jude 20-25 Eternal Life Acts 21:27-22:1 Hear
2024_11_19 TRutHfully Declare your Salvation Proclaiming Jesus is Lord
Ps 20 Trust Ps 10 Rise Eph 4:4 Hope Rev 3:20 Door Lk 19:1-10 Salvation 1 Cor 1-6 Power Is 51:4-6 Justice Eccl 4:9-12 Labor
2024_11_18 your HoPe (in Jesus) Will Satisfy you Profoundly with (His) Love from the Majesty of the Kingdom (of God)
Ps 22:1-5 Holy Ps 9 Praise Eph 4:1 Worthy Rev 2:3-4 Suffered Lk 18:33-43 Pity Rom 12-16 Love Ps 93:4-5 Majesty Jn 4:15-24 Keeps
2024_11_17 SenT, for the Savior’s Purpose of Salvation, to Faithful MiNiStry
Dan 12:1-3 Shine Heb 10:11-25 Truth Mt 13:1-13 Seeds Eph 3:20 Power Mk 13:24 Sun Heb 10:11-18 Forgiveness Rom 9-11 Mercy Hymn Near 1 Tim 4:6-10 Servant
2024_11_16 Salvation LeaPT into view by Grace and Belief in the Savior (Jesus)
Rom 15:13 Spirit Eph 3:19 Love Lk 18:1 Pray 3 Jn 5-8 Truth Rom 9-11 Glory 1 Jn 4:18-21 Brother 1 Sam 17:17-32 Servant
2024_11_15 you SHaLL Receive the GrAce of the Lord (Jesus)
Ps 51:10-19 Spirit Ps 8 Heavens Eph 3:17 Love Lk 17:33 Life Lk 17:26-37 Revealed Rom 6-8 Gift Gen 35:2-3 Arise Dt 30:11-20 Land
2024_11_14 take ReFuGe in Jesus, the King who ReigNs Forever
Ps 53 Rejoice Ps 7 Feels Eph 3:14 Glory Phm 7 Joy Lk 17:20-25 Kingdom Rom 4-5 Reconciliation Mk 13:1-13 Name Lk 18:1-8 Faith
2024_11_13 the Lord is GraCiOuS, Giving us access to Christ the King
Ps 116:12-19 Lord Ps 5-6 Gracious Eph 2:19 Citizens Tit 3:3 Once Lk 17:11-19 Saved Rom 1-3 Gospel Heb 10:11-25 Curtain Prov 11:16-25 Kindhearted
2024_11_12 Jesus Blesses you with Peace, Teaching and Preparing you for Life Everlasting with God
Ps 137 Joy Ps 3-4 Blessing Eph 2:17 Peace Tit 2:7-8 Teaching Lk 17:7-10 Prepare Acts 27-28 Land Dan 12:1-3 Everlasting 2Cor 8:2 Generosity
2024_11_11 MeRcifully Provided with Faith (in Jesus), Eternal Life is Knowing (God) the Father
Ps 143:1-10 Mercy Ps 1-2 Refuge Eph 2:14 Peace Lk 17:4 Forgive Tit 1:1-9 Eternal Acts 24-26 Light Ps 16:10-11 Known Mt 5:44 pray For
2024_11_10 his WiSHes to be in GLoRy are PermaNently Satisfied
1 Kg 17:8-16 Widow Mk 12:38-44 Scribes Heb 9:24-28 Heaven Eph 2:7 Grace Mk 12:44 Livelihood Ps 146:7-10 Reign Acts 21-23 Purify Hymn Name Gen 16:13 Sees
2024_11_09 Heaven’s Mercy and Restoration are Received Directly from Jesus the Savior
Rom 15:13 Hope Eph 2:4 Mercy Ezk 47:9 River Jn 2:1 Raise Acts 21-22 Defense Jn 16:16,20 Joy 1 Pt 4:10 Serve
2024_01_08 with (His) Mercy we are Blessed Through Jesus, Patiently Waiting in the Name we Trust
Ps 143 Mercy Job 42 Blessed Eph 1:22 Things Php 3:17 Join Lk 16:1-8 Prudently Acts 19-20 Word Gen 35:10 Name Ps 31:14-15 Trust
2024_11_07 FoRever SeeKing the Savior (Jesus) at Work among the People
1 Jn 1:9 Faithful Eph 1:20 Raised Lk 15:2 Sinners Php 3:3-8 Knowing Acts 16-18 Strengthened Mk 12:41-44 Widow Php 4:2 Plead
2024_11_06 SufFerinG HaS Given way to Heaven’s Truth
Ps 118:25-29 Shine Job 41:1-17 Fierce Eph 1:18 Glorious Ps 27:4 House Phil 2:12-18 Salvation Acts 13-15 Grace Heb 9:24-28 Heaven Prov 12:19 Truthful
2024_11_05 SatiSfied with the TRutH, Believers Will be Saved (by Jesus)
Ps 38:9-22 Salvation Job 40:6-24 Strength Eph 1:13 Truth Php 2:7 Rather Lk 14:15-24 Home Acts 10-12 Baptized 1 Kg 17:8-16 Word Ps 23:1 Shepherd
2024_11_04 with the Riches of the Shepherd's Grace the Lord (Jesus) Blesses, Heals, and Loves our Neighbors
Ps 110 Right Job 39:16-40:5 Spoken Eph 1:7 Grace Php 2:3-4 Looking Lk 14:2-14 Blessed Acts 8-9 Healing Ps 146:8-9 Loves Rev 7:9 Nation
2024_11_03 CLothed in Blessed PurpoSe the Lord in (His) Wisdom is the Spirit of Truth
Rev 7:9-17 Clothed 1Jn 3:1-7 Love Mt 5:1-12 Blessed Eph 1:5 Purpose Mk 12:30 Strength Dt 6:2-6 Land Acts 5-7 Wisdom Hymn Shine Is 26:3 Trust
2024_11_02 we SHare the BReath of life With the Heavenly Savior (Jesus)
Josh 1:9 Strong Eph 1:3 Heavenly Wis 3:5 Blessed Rom 6:3-9 Raised Acts 5-7 Wisdom Heb 11:1 Hope Mt 20:26 Servant
2024_11_01 ProMises of Peace Bestowed By the Lord (Jesus) Give us Courage
Ps 150 Praise Job 39:1-15 Mountains Eph 1:2 Peace 1Jn 3:1 Bestowed Mt 5:1-12 Blessed Acts 1-4 Listen Gen 33:3 Ground Eph 5:15-16 Careful
2024_10_31 MeDical Wonders Fulfill the Purposes of The Blessed God
Ps 46 Midst Job 38:21-47 Days Rev 22:1 Water Eph 6:11 Firm Lk 13:31-35 Purpose Jn 18-21 Truth Mt 5:1-8 Blessed Mk 12:17 Give
2024_10_30 with a compassionate Heart the Savior (Jesus) SurrRunds us, Giving Eternal life to the Children of God
Ps 90:7-17 Heart Job 38:4-20 Stars Rev 21:6 Spring Ps 145:14 Raises Lk 13:22-30 Gate Jn 13-17 Eternal 1 Jn 3:1-3 Children Is 4:2 Glorius
2024_10_29 Trust Jesus Christ with Reverance for the Kingdom (of God) and reason in the Daily Royal Presence (of the Lord)
Ps56 Trust Job 37:12-38:3 Justice Zech 13:1 Cleanse Eph 5:21 Reverance Lk 13:18-21 Kingdom Jn 11-12 Day Rev 7:9-17 Robes Php 4:6 Prayer
2024_10_28 the WeiGht of the Lord’s Mercy led To Eternal Life from Jesus
Ps 127 Watches Job 37:1-11 Great Ps 36:9 Light Eph 2:19 Members Lk 6:12-16 Twelve Jn 8-10 Eternal Ps 149:1-2 Lord Gen 33:4 Jacob
2024_10_27 the Good Shepherd Saves us, BestoWing from Jesus His Body and Blood in the Spirit
Jer 31:7-9 Gather Heb 7:23-28 Save Mk 10:46-52 Sight Jn 19:34 Blood Mk 10:51 Want Jer 31:7-9 Joy Jn 5-7 Bread Hymn Blood Jn 3:5 Spirit
2024_10_26 the Lord Teaches Faith in the WorD of Christ by Grace
Jam 4:10 Lift Eph 4:11-12 Teachers Lk 13:1-9 Faith Jn 5-7 Water Col 3:16 Dwell Is 43:1 Called 2 Cor 5:9 Goal
2024_10_25 ReJoice in the SurPrise, Reasoning with Jesus in Word and Deed
Ps 93 Reigns Job 36:15-33 Justice Rom 16:1 Servant Eph 4:2-3 Peace Lk 12:54-59 Right Jn 1-4 Jesus Gen 32:6-31 Wrestled Jonah 2:2 Dead
2024_10_24 RealLy WorK FoR the TrutH
Ps 99 Reigns Job 36:1-14 Listen Jer 17:13 Water Eph 3:14 Kneel Lk 12:49-53 Fire Lk 22-24 Risen Jn 8:31-36 Truth Is 58:7 Hungry
2024_10_23 the LaW of Love is SPeaking so Witness with FAith
Ps 107:10-16 Love Job 35 Waiting Acts 15:13 Listen Eph 3:12 Speech Lk 12:39-48 Prepared Lk 19-21 Watch Rom 3:20-26 Faith Jn 14:16 Advocate
2024_10_22 with SalvatioN you ReCeive PerSonal Care from God
Ps62 Salvation Job34:16-37 Noble Jn 7:38 Rivers Eph 2:19 Citizens Lk 12:35-38 Prepared Lk 16-18 Serve Mt 233:25 Clean Rev 14:6-7 Gospel
2024_10_21 by the Mercy of Jesus you Receive eternal Life from the Lord as Promised with Bread and Wine
Ps 142 Mercy Job 34:1-15 Justice Lk 12:21 Rich Jn 4:13-14 Life Eph 2:1-10 Love Lk 13-15 Presence Jer 33:15 Bread Ps 46:8-10 Works
2024_10_20 (Jesus Christ) our TriuMPhant and Wise Lord and Savior Rules in Heaven as King
Eccl 5:10-20 Toil Heb 4:1-16 Mercy Mk 10:23-31 Possible Jn 7:37-38 Water Is 53:10-11 Light Mk 10:35-45 Servant Lk 10-12 Rise Hymn Hope Mt 6:33 Kingdom
2024_10_19 Thank and bless God for (His) Wisdom, AckNowledging Christ in Heaven
2 Cor 9:7 Thank Ps 68:26 God Eph 1:15-23 Wisdom Lk 12:8 Acknowledge Lk 10-12 Necessary Eph 3:7-9 Created Col 3:23 Hearts
2024_10_18 (Christ is speaking) WiShinG We hear Him and Return to Praise the Lord
Ps 75 Wine Job 33:12-33 Speak Eph 3:20-21 Glory Lk 10:3 Way 2Tim 4:10-17 Hear Lk 7-9 Return Hos 12:2-6 Prevailed 1Kg 19:4 Life
2024_10_17 from Heaven We receive Salvation, Secured Forever and Wonderfully PossiBle
Ps 39:4-13 Hope Job 33:1-11 Words 2 Tim 3:16 Scripture Lk 11:54 Say Eph 1:1-10 Favor Lk 3-6 Wilderness Mk 10:23-31 Possible Ex 16:5 Bread
2024_10_16 Delight in the Knowledge of the ReaL, Free, and Certain Mercy of Jesus
Ps 37:3-11 Delight Job 32 Knowledge Col 4:16 Read Lk 11:42 Love Gal 5:18-25 Fruit Lk 1-2 Certainty Heb 4:12-16 Mercy Jn 15:11 Joy
2024_10_15 LeaP for Joy when Christian Faith Proclaims The Crucifixion
Ps119:33-40 Law Job 31:19-40 Poor Col 4:1 Justly Lk 11:39 Cleanse Gal 5:1-6 Faith Mk 14-16 Proclaimed Eccl 5:10-16 Toil 1Cor 9:27 Control
2024_10_14 People Honor the Savior by FReely and Continually Seeking Christ
Ps 114 Presence Job 31:1-18 Heritage Col 3:24 Serving Gal 5:1 Free Lk 11:29-32 Repented Mk 11-13 Colt Ps 119:10-11 Seek Col 3:12 Clothe
2024_10_13 Seek God for eternal Life knowing the PoWer, the Kingdom, and the glory belong to Jesus Christ Forever
Amos 5:6-15 Seek Heb 3:12-19 God Mk 10:17-22 Life Col 3:15-16 Peace Wis 7:8 Wisdom Mk 10:17-27 Kingdom Mk 8-10 Justice Hymn Consecrated 1 Sam 20:42 Friendship
2024_10_12 with Love for the Heavenly Word of Promise, People become Jesus’ Followers
Prov 17:17 Loves Col 3:12-13 Hearts Lk 11:28 Word Gal 3:22-29 Promise Mk 8-10 Possible Amos 5:21-23 Justice Acts 17:34 Followers
2024_10_11 with Sweet MeMories From ChriSt you Will Prevail
Ps 23 Shepherd Job 30:14-31 Mourning Col 3:2 Minds Gal 3:9 Faith Lk 11:15-26 Clean Mk 4-7 Sower Gen 31:6-7 Wives 1 Thess 5:17 Pray
2024_10_10 Redeemed and HumbleD, RembeR (Jesus) Who gives you Eternal Life
Ps 106:1-12 Redeemed Job 30:1-13 Humbled Col 2:18 Disqualified Lk 11:9-10 Receives Gal 3:1-5 Receive Mk 1-3 Will Mk 10:17-22 Eternal Ps 103:11 Love
2024_10_09 BeLieveRs BaPtized into ChrisT should Pray continually
Ps 103:1-10 Bless Job 29 Light Col 2:15 Rulers Lk 11:3 Bread Gal 2:1-14 Poor Mt 26-28 Crucified Heb 3:12-19 Today Jam 1:4 Perseverance
2024_10_08 to Jesus We Come, and every Nation will See the Coming of the LoRd
Ps 126 Joy Job 28:14-28 Wisdom Col 2:11 Circumcised Lk 10:41-42 Needed Gal 1:13-24 Son Mt 24-25 Coming Amos 5:6-15 Lord Ps 92:12-14 Righteous
2024_10_07 with Heavenly Treasures the Divine Grace of the Lord Faithfully Restores the joy of your Salvation
Ps 121 Hills Job 28:1-13 Treasure Col 2:9 Deity Gal 1:6 Grace Lk 10:25-37 Love Mt 20-23 Feast Ps 90:14-16 Rejoice Zech 4:6 Spirit
2024_10_06 it is NeCessary WiTh ChriST the Lord to Pray
Gen 2:18-25 Naked Heb 2:1-18 Crowned Mk 10:2-16 Wife Col 2:1-3 Treasure Mk 10:15 Child Heb 2:9-11 Salvation Mt 16-19 Transfigured Hymn Lord Amos 7:15 Prophesy
2024_10_05 Jesus ReNewed the Purpose of Bread and Wine in a Sacrament
Ps 16:11 Joy Col 1:26-27 Revealed Lk 10:20 Names Job 42:1-17 Purpose Mt 16-19 Bread Mt 9:35-38 Whole Ps 107:2 Story
2024_10_04 SaFely ReconciLeD our Hearts are With Jesus
Ps 80:1-7 Save Job 27 Flee Col 1:21 Reconciled Job 40:4 Little Lk 10:13-16 Deeds Mt 12-15 Heals Gen 30:8 Wrestled 1 Pt 2:23 Justly
2024_10_03 the WonDerFul Victory at Hand brings Mercy from Christ the Lord
Ps119:9-16 Word Job25-26 Dread Col1:18 Firstborn Job19:25 Vindication Lk10:1-12 Hand Mt8-11 Mercy Mk10:13-16 Children Num14:9 Lord
2024_10_02 as a ShieLd CHriSt Provides for your SaFety
Ps 3 Shield Job 4:13-25 Light Col 1:15 Creation Mt 18:1 Heaven Job 9:1-16 Stars Mt 5-7 Prophets Heb 2:6-13 Subjection Gal 5:22-23 Fruit
2024_10_01 for Mercy People Reason with the Lord who is WoRthy of bestowing Salvation
Ps 130 Mercy Job 24:1-12 People Lk 9:51 Resolutely Job 3:1-23 Light Mt 1-4 Wise Gen 2:18-24 Ribs Eph 6:11 Stand
2024_09_30 We Reason for Christ to Bestow His Blessed Baptism Promises
Ps 119:161-168 Word Job 23 Reason Lk 9:48 Child Job 1:16-22 Blessed Mal 1-4 Honor Ps 128:1-2 Blessed Zech 4:10 Beginning Mk 6:15 Prophet
2024_09_29 More PeoPle are Delivered from Sin by the Lord’s Grace and RigHteousness
Num11:4-29 Meat Jam5:1-20 Prayer Mk9:38-50 Peace Ps34:7 Delivers Mk9:43 Sin Ps19:8-14 Law Zech12-14 Grace Hymn Rise Prov4:29 Hand
2024_09_28 RighTeous Truth Starts with Grace from ChRist
Col 3:23-24 Reward Mal 3:17 Treasured Ps 90:12 Teach Eccl 11:9-12 Stars Zech 12-14 Grace 1 Jn 1:8-9 Confess Gal 1:4 Rescue
2024_09_27 (Heavenly Father), Restore the Shining Treasure Christ with (His) GLoRy
Ps 91:9-16 Refuge Job 22:14-30 Shine Eccl 3:6 Time Lk 9:18-22 Christ Zech 9-11 Gather Gen 29:20 Love Prov 14:16 Reckless
2024_09_26 Jesus Shines around the ClocK Bestowing Mercy in the Name of Love
Ps 16 Joy Job 22:1-13 Stars Zech 13:1 Cleans Ps 90:14 Kindness Eccl 1:2-11 Been Zech 7-8 Mercy Mk 9:38-42 Name Jn 15:17 Love
2024_09_25 you are Saved By Heavenly FaitH for SuccesS in the Kingdom
Ps 51:5-13 Salvation Job 21:16-34 Bitter Mt 21:5,9 Hosanna Prov 30:8-9 Food Lk 9:1-6 Heal Zech 5-6 Scroll Jam 5:13-20 Save Rom 3:1 Keep
2024_09_24 Mercifully the Lord’s Name Proves Worthy of Gathering Members to Belong
Ps 123 Mercy Job 21:1-15 Listen Mt 1:23 Name Prov 21:2 Proves Lk 8:19-21 Word Zech 2-4 Garments Num 11:4-25 Meat Rom 12:5 Belong
2024_09_23 to Save PeoPle the Lord Dwells in our Midst, Guarding Citizens of heaven
Ps 51:5 Salvation Job 20 Portion Jn 11:50 Perish Lk 8:16 Lamp Prov 3:27-34 Dwelling Zech 1-2 Measure Ps 91:11-13 Guard Eph 2:19 Citizens
2024_09_22 the Lamb of Grace our GoD is Christ Jesus our Priceless TreaSure
Jer 11:18-23 Lamb Jam 3:13-4:10 Grace Mk 9:30-37 Greatest Mt 12:40 Days Mk 9:37 Child Wis 2:12,17-20 Just Hag 1-2 Peace Hymn Treasure Is 45:23 Swear
2024_09_21 with WaRM Wishes Build Heavenly Peace
Col 3:23-24 Work Rom 6:5 Resurrection Mt 9:10-13 Mercy Eph 4:1-13 Worthy Hag 1-2 Build Lk 15:21 Heaven Jn 16:23 Peace
2024_09_20 FReely, ChrisT’s Redemption Satisfies the PeoPle
Ps46 Fortress Job19:17-29 Redeemer Rev21:4 Crying Lk 8:1-2 Twelve 1Cor 15:12-20 Raised Zeph 1-3 Sing Gen 28:15-16 Place Nah 1:3 Power
2024_09_19 Love Pleads with Kingdom Grace For Jesus to Rise and Prevail
Ps136:1-9 Love Job19:1-16 Plead Col 1:13-14 Kingdom 1Cor 15:10 Grace Lk7:36-50 Forgiven Hab1-3 Joy Mk9:31-37 Rise Ps16:11 Presence
2024_09_18 Salvation WoRks through Love and Faith Welcoming Believers
Ps 118:5-14 Salvation Job 18 Words Php 4:4 Rejoice 1 Cor 13:13 Love Lk 7:31-35 Flute Nah 1-3 Asleep Jam 3:13-18 Wise Is 42 Bruised
2024_09_17 (the) Mercy (of our Lord Jesus Christ) Will Restore ProvisionS for eternal Life with the Lord God
Ps 130 Mercy Job 17 Way 1 Pt 1:24-25 Remain 1 Cor 12:27 Parts Lk 7:11-17 Speak Mic 6:7 Love Jer 11:18-20 Lamb Rom 11:17 Grafted
2024_09_16 Love SaFely DecreeS Generous SuccesS
Ps 108:1-6 Love Job 16 Scorn Rom 10:15 Feet 1 Cor 11:18 Divisions Lk 7:1-10 Servant Mic 3-5 Gain Ps 54:1-2 Save 1 Pt 2:5 Stones
2024_09_15 the Savior Teaches you to BleSS and Forgive Constantly, so Shine with Righteousness
Is 50:4-10 Sustain Jam 3:1-12 Tongue Mk 9:14-29 Bring Mt 2:6 Shepherd Mk 8:29 Say Jer 2:14-18 Faith Micah 1-4 Come Hymn Shine Hos 15:14 Raised
2024_09_14 RembeR that Heavenly Eternal Life will Come from (Jesus through) Bread and Wine
Ps 118:24 Rejoice 1 Pt 2:24 Righteousness Php 2:7 Himself Jn 3:13-17 Eternal Life Micah 1-2 Come Lk 24:30-35 Bread 2 Kg 4:14 Word
2024_09_13 Seek The Comfort of Home which (Jesus) the Teacher of Salvation BestoWs
Ps27:7-13 Seek Job15:21-35 Trouble Is40:1 Comfort Ps84:4 Home Lk 6:39-42 Teacher Jonah 1-4 Salvation Gen 27:30-41 Blessed Mt 6:10 Will
2024_09_12 ToGether Love BuildS us up with the Kingdom’s PuRposes
Ps 94:12-15 Teach Job 15:10-20 Given Rom 8:32,39 Love 1Cor 8:18 Builds Lk 6:27-38 Stop Obd Kingdom Mk 9:11-27 Possible Ex 20:8 Remember
2024_09_11 Deeds Come in Righteousness from the Lord, and Many Worthy TeaChings
Ps44:1-8 Deeds Job15:1-9 Clear Acts15:16-17 Rebuild Lk6:21 Laugh 1Cor7:25-31 Marry Amos8-9 Word Jam3:2-10 Tongue Gen9:15 Covenant
2024_09_10 you Who Trust the Savior PractiCe SpiRitual Restoration
Ps 58:1-8 Wrongs Job 14 Trouble Amos 5:4 Seek Lk 6:19 Power 1 Cor 6:1-11 Case Amos 6-7 Sword Is 50:8-10 Rely Jn 1:12 Receive
2024_09_09 ReStore in your MidsT Truth that the SavioR Bestowed
Ps 61 Refuge Job 13:20-28 Speak Joel 2:27 Midst Lk 6:6-7 Taught 1 Cor 5:1-8 Truth Amos 3-5 Secrets Ps 116:7-9 Return Mt 16:18 Build
2024_09_08 Salvation Will SaTisFy the Few who in the Lord have Faith
Is 35:4-7 Save Jam 2:1-18 Works Mk 7:24-37 Seek Mk 7:34-35 Tongue Is 35:4-7 Fear Amos 1-2 Flee Hymn Lord Ps 87:7 Fountains
2024_09_07 RestoRe to us our Property, O God who ForGiveS
Ps 118:24 Rejoice Hos 14:1,7 Return 1 Cor 4:7 Possess Lk 6:1-5 Grain Amos 1-2 Fire Ps 50:15 Glorify Josh 3:8 Stand
2024_09_06 WiSdom Raises the Dawn with the Free Spirit of Heavenly Truth
Ps 127 Watches Job 13 Speak Hos 6:2 Raise Ps 37:6 Dawn Lk 5:33-39 Fast Joel 1-3 Sword Gen 25:21-28 Hunter Eph 4:25 Truthfully
2024_09_05 Pursue (God’s) Wisdom with SWiFt ReSuLts
Ps56:8-13 Praise Job12:11-25 Wisdom Is40 Straight 1Cor 3:19 World Lk5:1-11 Followed Hos12-14 Return Mk7:31-37 Spoke 1Cor 13:5 Love
2024_09_04 ReDemption and SaLvation Fill you who Seek the Word of God
Ps 90:13-17 Return Job 12:1-10 Done Rev 15:3 Song Lk 4:39 Left 1 Cor 3:1-5 Field Hos 9-11 Seek Jam 2:8-18 Works Php 3:14 God
2024_09_03 Favor and Miracles Come to all who GaTheR before the Savior in Heaven
Ps 119:57-64 Favor Job 11 Misery Ezk 32:16 Chant 1 Cor 2:12 Given Lk 4:31-37 Teaching Hos 7-8 Rebel Is 35:4-7 Save Ps 39:12 Hear
2024_09_02 Heaven Declares the MultiPliCation of RigHTeousness
Ps 138 Heart Job 10 Darkness Lk 1:46-47 Magnifies 1 Cor 2:5 Power Lk 4:16-30 Cure Hos 4-6 Return Ps 145:5-6 Hope Acts 2:44 Together
2024_09_01 TeST GoD’s Justice and Mercy Giving Thanks
Dt 2:1-4,6-9 Territory Eph 6:10-20 Stand Mk 7:14-23 Things Lk 22:19 Given Jam 1:22 Doers Dt 4:1-8 Just Hos 1-3 Mercy Hymn Grace Is 65:25 Together
2024_08_31 Peace and Mercy come from Jesus WiTh Safe Refuge
Php 4:7 Peace 1 Pt 1:3 Mercy Mt 25:21 Joy 1 Cor 1:26-31 Wisdom Dan 7-12 Truth Is 41:10 Strengthen Prov 22:3 Refuge
2024_08_30 God’S WisDom is PrepareD for you with LovingkindnesS
Ps 29:1-4,10-11 Glory Job 9:16-35 Speak Rev 7:14 Washed Mt 25:5 Drowsy 1 Cor 1:17-25 Power Dan 4-6 Dream Gen 24:12-15 Love Ex 4:2 Staff
2024_08_29 Love and MiRacles in the Church testify as Christ’s DeeDS
Ps 17:6-14 Love Job 9:1-15 Mighty Dt 26:5 Response Mk 6:20 Custody 1 Cor 1:1-9 Called Dan 1-3 Dream Mk 7:14-23 Defile Amos 5:14 Seek
2024_08_28 Jesus ReBuilds With BoLdness the StorY of love
Ps 48:1-8 Joy Job 8 Restore Mt 23:27 Beautiful 2 Thess 3:6-18 Work Ps 19:13 Blameless Ezk 44-48 Land Eph 6:10-18 Stand Gen 21:5 Years
2024_08_27 Jesus’ Love is a NeCessity to all CiTizenS who are not of this World
Ps 72:1-7 Justice Job 7 Laborers 2 Kg 7:9 News Mt 23:26 Cleanse 2 Thess 2:1-3,14-17 Called Ezk 40-43 Temple Dt 4:1,9 Soul Jn 17:16 World
2024_08_26 take ReFuge in the Lord (Jesus) Praying for Thousands of Peaceful Guards and Watchmen
Ps 36:7-12 Refuge Job 6:14-30 Friend Eph 5:25 Love 2 Thess 1:11 Pray Mt 23:13-22 Throne Ezk 37-39 Peace Ps 119:131-133 Gracious Dt 2:7 Watched
2024_08_25 with the PoWer of love, our HeaRtS Come To Salvation in (God’s) Field
Is 29:11-19 Poor Eph 5:22-33 Wife Mk 7:1-13 Heart Gen 4:17 Rule Josh 24:15 Serve Jn 6:60-69 Come Ezk 33-36 Trumpet Hymn Salvation 1 Cor 3:9 Field
2024_08_24 StRenGth ComeS to the BaPtized
Php 4:13 Strength Is 57:15 Revive Jn 1:46 Good Rev 21:9-14 City Ezk 33-36 Search Jn 11:25-27 Believe 1 Pt 2:10 People
2024_08_23 WhiSPer to your NeighBor the True StoRy
Ps 111:1-3,9-10 Work Job 6:1-13 Strength Josh 21:45 Promises Mt 22:39 Neighbor Ezk 37:1-14 Bones Ezk 29-31 Trees Job 40:1-5 Spoken Jer 4:1 Return
2024_08_22 JeSus SatisFied your Needs as the Builder of your HouSe
Ps 97:6-12 Joy Job 5 Seek Heb 10:12 Sacrifice Mt 22:2 Feast Ezk 36:23-28 Name Ezk 24-28 Beauty Mk 7:5-13 Honor Ps 55:22 Sustain
2024_08_21 a WiFe is loved, as JeSus LoveS the Church of God
Ps 139:13-24 Way Job 4 Fear Mt 5:45 Just Ezk 34:6 Search Mt 20:1-16 Laborers Ezk 20-23 Sword Eph 5:22-33 Church Rom 15:6 Glorify
2024_08_20 Mercy and Peace are Bestowed from on HigH With Wisdom and Truth
Ps 51:1-8 Mercy Job 3:11-26 Peace Acts 26:26 Boldly Mt 19:23 Heaven Ezk 28:1-10 Heart Ezk 16-19 Way Is 29:13-19 Wonder 3 Jn 1:3 Truth
2024_08_19 in the Shining BRighTness, BeholD the Savior’s Love
Ps 12 Safety Job 2:7-3:10 Blameless Acts 21:13 Ready Mt 19:21 Treasure Ezk 24:15-23 Bread Ezk 12-15 Deliver Ps 14:2-3 Seek 2 Sam 22:29 Light
2024_08_18 the Savior (Jesus) WiLlinGLy BestoWs Peace from Heaven
Josh 24:1-18 Serve Eph 5:6-21 Wise Jn 9:1-41 Light Jn 1:46 Good Eph 5:17 Lord Jn 6:51-58 Bread Ezk 7-11 Wheels Hymn Peace Rev 19:4 Hallelujah
2024_08_17 Trusting our Teacher, (Jesus), Behold we wait for the Return of Christ who Prepared a place for us in Heaven
Prov 3:5-6 Trust Lk 18:18 Teacher Mt 19:14 Belongs Ezk 18:1-10,20-32 Return Ezk 7-11 Case Php 3:13-16 Prize Php 2:3 Humility
2024_08_16 with Royal PoWer, Christ Willingly Bestows SalvatiOn
Ps 11 Refuge Job 1:13-2:6 Possessions 2 Cor 4:17 Weight Ezk 18:15 Captivated Mt 19:3-12 Wife Ezk 1-6 Bread Lk 2:11 Savior Mk 6:5 Offense
2024_08_15 on the Throne Sits Jesus, PRovidiing Love and eternal Life to All believers
Ps 132:11-18 Throne Job 1:1-12 Sanctify Rom 10:9 Jesus Rev 12:5 Place 1 Cor 15:20-27 Raised Lam 1-5 Love Jn 6:51-69 eternal Life Ps 32:5 Acknowledge
2024_08_14 the Lord has Granted your PRayers, so Stand, Walk and Sit in Forgiveness
Ps 33:13-21 Looks Est 9-10 Gained Mt 18:19 Pray 2 Cor 5:19 Reconciliation Ps 30:7 Stand Eph 5:8-21 Walk Jer 50-52 Shepherd Col 3:13 Forgiven
2024_08_13 (thank the Lord) Jesus (He) has Promoted us Graciously, with the Greatness of ReaL Salvation
Ps 68:1-6 Joy Est 7-8 Promoted Acts 11:29 Relief Ps 119:131 Gasp Mt 18:1-5 Greatest Jer 46-49 Return Prov 9:7-10 Love Is 42:19 Springs
2024_08_12 from the Reign (of Jesus) we Beheld, He Came With Salvation and DeliveranCe
Ps 99:1-5 Reigns Est 5-6 Banquet Ps 127:1 House Mt 17:27 Coin Ezk 1:2-5 Wings Jer 40-45 Save Ps 34:18-20 Delivered Mk 9:37 Children
2024_08_11 be Assured That Eternal Life is ours, Remember the Promise with the Blood and Bread of Life from the Savior
1 Kg 19:1-8 Arise Eph 4:17-5:2 Truth Jn 6:25 Eternal Life Mk 1:15 Repent 1 Kg 19:4 Prayed Jn 6:41-54 Blood Jer 34-39 Bread Hymn Love Ps 119:103 Sweet
2024_08_10 let us WelCome BeLivers To Hallowed Ground
Ps 143:8 Word Mk 1:40 Clean 2 Cor 9:6-7 Bountifully Is 12:24 Life Jn 34-39 Trust Acts 4:19-20 Heard 2 Sam 23:10 Ground
2024_08_09 let your HearTs LeaRN Love and Peace from the (Chief) Shepherd (Jesus)
Ps 94:8-15 Hear Est 3-4 Time Jer 12:32-33 Lifted Nah 2:3 Restore Nah 2:1-7 News Jer 30-33 Love Php 4:6-7 Peace Heb 13:16 Share
2024_08_07 with DiPlomacy we wait for Heavenly Tender Mercy from Jesus (Christ) that leads to the eternal Life He Provides
Ps 144:3-4 Deliver Est Pleased Heb 6:19-20 Hope Mt 15:27 Table Jer 31:1-7 Mercy Jer 21-25 Justice Eph 4:17-5:2 Love Prov 2:11 Protect
2024_08_06 the Lord (Jesus) ReWaRds Believers With (His) Wisdom and answered Prayers
Ps 92:1-9 Love Neh 13 Reform Jn 19:34 Water Mk 9:10 Rising Dan 7:9-14 Books 1 Kg 19:1-8 Wilderness Jer 16:20 Word Job 1:21 Praised
2024_8_05 GaTher with Contentment Before the LoRd And Pray
Ps 21:1-7 Glory Neh 12:27-47 Temple 1 Tim 6:6 Contentment Mt 14:13 Boat Jer 11-15 Listen Jer 28:1-13 Reign Ps 34:1-6 Answered Rom 12:18 Peace
2024_08_04 TeaChing the FLock about eternal Life, (Jesus) provides Bread and Wine to the FAithful
Ex 26:1-15 Tent Eph 4:1-16 Christ Jn 6:22-35 Forward Is 38:17 Love Jn 6:27 Life Ex 16:2-19 Bread Jer 7-10 Walk Hymn Feast Mt 8:5-13 Authority
2024_08_03 SOaP Prepares Believers by the Grace of Christ
Php 4:13 Strength 2 Kg 4:7 Oil Mt 24:10 Prison Jer 26:11-24 Protected Jer 7-10 Balm 2 Cor 12:9 Grace 1 Pt 2:9 Chosen
2024_08_02 we Share Salvation TOGether (from Jesus), with Heavenly Reasoning and Trust
Ps 71:1-8 Save Neh 12:1-26 Scribe 2 Kg 4:7 Told Mt 13:57 Offense Jer 26:1-9 Gathered Jer 4-6 Hands 1 Cor 15:17-19 Raised Lk 18:15-17 Touch
2024_08_01 RevieWing the Gracious Heavenly Prayers, we Find eternal Life in Truthful messages
Ps 70 Rejoice Neh 11 Walk Gal 1:6-7 Grace Jer 18:6 Hand Jer 18:1-6 Pleased Prov 1-4 Forward Jn 6:22-35 Life Dan 6:4 Trustworthy
2024_07_31 on SCience our Savior Jesus Shines His Love with Healing
Ps 80:14-19 Shine Neh 10:28-39 Covenant Jude 25 Savior Mt 13:44 Joy Jer 15:10-21 Stand Is 63-66 Houses Eph 4:1-16 Love Is 53:2,5 Healed
2024_07_30 SuccesS PResents Salvation (from the only God our Savior) with HEavenly Words (according to God’s will)
Ps 50:1-6 Speaks Neh 10:1-27 Signed Jude 24-25 Present Ps 70:8 Remember Is 58-62 Salvation Jer 14:17-22 Heavens Ex 16:2-15 Eat Col 1:3-12 Worthy
2024_07_29 Worthy Words of JeHovah are CaPaBle of Perfecting salvation
Ps 119:41-48 Word Neh 9 Written Jude 24 Joy Jn 11:20 Home Jer 13:1-11 Clean Is 52-57 Publish Ps 145:10-13a Bless Dan 10:12 Prayer
2024_07_28 BeLOng with Joy (to the Lord) to Magnify Beloved Faith by Grace to (God’s) People
Mk 6:45-56 Belong Eph 6:44-21 Love Gen 9:8-17 Obeyed Jude 24 Joy Jn 6:5 Multiplies 2 Kg 4:2-44 Bread Is 49-51 Favor Hymn Guides Ps 30:4 People
2024_07_27 the (Holy) SPirit ARdently DecLares God’s grace
Eph 4:2-3 Spirit Jude 24 Presence Mt 13:28 Adversary Is 49-51 Redeemer Mk 10:33-34 Delivered 1 Jn 4:19 Loved Jer 7:1-11 Gate
2024_07_26 our Savior Mercifully Provides good Fruit, Declares our FamiLy with Love
Is 44-40 Saved Jude 23 Mercy 2 Kg 5:8 Prophet Mt 13:23 Fruit Jer 2:22 Declares Jer 3:14-17 Family Ps 69:30-36 Love Neh 8:Law
2024_07_25 Peace and HoLy Purposes Come from JeSus’ Declarations
Is 40-43 Peace Jude 23 Holy Mk 6:45-52 Land 2 Cor 4:8-9 Perplexed Heb 13:5 Content 2 Cor 4:7-15 Jars Ps 63:1-8 Seek Neh 7:40-73 Descendants
2024_07_24 the KingdoM GRants Defense From the Glory of Jesus
Is 36-39 King Jude 23 Mercy Eph 3:14-21 Generations Ps 71:3 Refuge Jer 1:1, 4-10 Deliver Ps 91:2 Fortress Ps 24:7-10 Glory Neh 7:5-40 Jeshua
2024_07_23 with WiSdom and Mercy BestoweD we trust the Father to FeeD us
Ps 119:13-20 Word Neh 6:15-7:4 Sun Jude 22 Mercy Gen 9:8-16 Bow Mt 12:50 Do Mt 7:14-20 Fruits Lk 15:2-6 Feast Is 31-35 Dwellings
2024_07_22 Jesus restores Love and eternal Life from Heaven with Gentle and Kind Healing so you RememBer your salvation
Is 28-30 Joy Jude 21 Life Ps 136:1-4 Love Jn 20:14 Holding James 4:17 Good Eph 2:4-10 Kindness 1 Cor 12:1-11 Healing Ps 137:1-7 Remembering Neh 5:1-6,14 Brothers
2024_07_21 with Majesty and Mercy Victorius Shepherds Gently Guard Dwellings Jesus Bestowed through wine and bread
Is 24-27 Majesty Jude 21 Mercy Hymn Victorius Mk 6:34 Shepherd Acts 11:24 Great Jer 23:1-6 Gather Ps 23:1-6 Dwell Eph 2:11-22 Jesus Mk 6:30-44 Bread
2024_07_20 Is 24-27 HoPe in CHrisT Prevails
Is 24-27 Holy Jude 20 Praying Mt 6:1-3 Clean Ps 10:14 Helper Prov 15:1-9 Tongue Prov 3:5-6 Paths
2024_07_19 with SWeet SaLvation Jesus Rescues you with the Truth
Is 21-22 Spoken Jude 19 Wise Neh 4 Stops Is 38 Love 2 Cor 4:2 Jars Ps 82 Rescue Acts 28:30-31 Teaching
2024_07_18 Walk, Stand and sit, and Return, Bringing With you for Jesus your Renderings
Is 17-20 Walking Jude 18 Standing Mk 6:30-34 Returned Is 26:18 Bring Is 40:31 Wings Ps 20 Joys Neh 3 Repaired
2024_07_17 from the Throne believers often Recieve FRee Salvation from Christ through Wine and bread
Is 13-16 Throne Jude 17 Remember Eph 2:11-21 Follow Mt 11:25 Revealed Ex 7:7 Spoke Ps 92:8-15 Courts Neh 1-2 Wine
2024_07_16 Come to a sanctuary with Faith in Christ, Trusting Salvation’s Truth
Is 9:12 Child Jude 16 Following Jer 23:1-6 Care 2 Tim 2:11 Trustworthy Ps 21:1-7 Salvation Ezra 10:19-44 Trust
2024_07_15 SucceS with Christ Jesus Provides you with True Righteousness
Es 5-8 Sign Jude 14-15 Spoken Ps 23:4 Comfort Is 1:17 Justice Col 4:2 Prayer Ps 33:12-22 Trust Ezra 10:1-12 Respond
2024_07_14 ReFuGe finds FoRgiveness Predicting Wine and Bread
Is 1-4 Refuge Jude 12-13 Feast Hymn Grace Amos 7:14-15 Flock Ps 133:3 Refresh Amos 7:7-15 Prophesy Eph 1:3-14 Wisdom Mk 6:14-29 Bring
2024_07_13 Reasoning Requires a BreatH of TrutH
Is 1-4 Reason Jude 11 Rebellion Php 2:14-16 Blameless Is 6:1-3 Hosts Ezra 3:6 Temple Ps 103:2-3 Heals
2024_07_12 Love Remains with Hope and Faith to Declare Salvation’s Truth
SoS 1-8 Love Jude 10 Reason Ps 103:11-12 Heavens Hos 14:9 Fruit Eccl 12:14 Deed Ps 118:10-18 Salvation Ezra 8:24-9:15 Temple
2024_07_11 A Wife needs to ReaLize that Her Generous Love is Returned
Eccl 7-12 Wife Jude 9 Rebuke Mk 6:17-28 Lawful Mt 10:12 House 1 Tim 1:14 Grace Ps 5:1-8 Love Ezra 8:1-23 Returned
2024_07_10 Salvation Declares That Jesus in Heaven is Truly Worthy
Eccl 1-6 Sun Jude 8 Dreams Eph 1:3-14 Truth Hos 10:12 Justice 1 Sam 16:7 Heart Ps 125 Trust Ezra 7 Work
2024_07_09 ReDemPtion from the Savior is Bestowed on Christian Disciples (of Jesus)
Prov 30-31 Refuge Jude 6-7 Dwelling Amos 7:10-15 Prophesy Ps 115:5 Speak Acts 8:36 Baptized Ps 86:8-17 Come Ezra 6 Decree
2024_07_08 With Saving Peace your Soul is Vindicated by Heavenly Redemption
Prov 25-29 Walks Jude 5 Saved Ps 85:8-9 Peace Mt 9:21-22 Saved Mt 25:39 Visit Ps 16:5-11 Heart Ezra 5 Restoration
2024_07_07 Heaven Supplies the World with HeaLing and Saving GRace
Prov 22-24 Heart Jude 5 Saved Hymn Word Mk 6:2 Heard Heb 6:10 Love Ezk 2:1-5 Says 2 Cor 12:1-10 Grace Mk 6:1-13 Repent
2024_07_06 Heavenly Grace Through Precious Faith Will save you
Prov 22-24 Heart Jude 4 Grace Is 21:11-12 Time Mt 9:17 Put 2 Cor 10:4 Fight Jam 1:5 Wisdom
2024_07_05 RiGhteousness Certainly Comes to the World because Jesus Reigns
Prov 18-21 Righteousness Jude 4 Grace Acts 20:28 Careful Ps 119:10 Commands Gen 32:24 Wrestled Ps 68:1-6 Joy Ezra 3-4 Returned
2024_07_04 ReFReshing ForgivenesS Comes from God
Prov 14-17 Righteousness Jude 3 Faith Mk 6:7-13 Repent Mt 9:2 Forgiven Rom 8:15 Spirit Ps 50:1-6 Calls Ezra 2:32-70 Gifts
2024_07_03 WiSe Purposes Bestow WiSe Rewards
Prov 10-13 Wisdom Jude 3 Salvation 2 Cor 12:1-10 Perfect Jn 20:29 Believed Ps 119:116 Word Ps 84:5-8 Springs Ezra 2:1-31 Returned
2024_07_02 in the Wisdom of eternal Life Promised by Christ Rejoice in the Mercy of (His) Cleansing from all unrighteousness
Prov 5-9 Wisdom Jude 2 Love Ezk 2:1-5 Prophet Mt 8:26 Calm Lev 23:40 Rejoice Ps 51:1-9 Mercy Ezra 1 Cyrus
2024_07_01 with Faith and (God’s) Mercy you are Brought to eternal Life by Jesus Christ
Prov 1-5 Favor Ps 123:3-4 Mercy Amos 2:10 Brought Eph 4:15 Love Ps 47:1-7 Joy 2 Chr 35:20-36:23 Cyrus
2024_06_30 the PriMe Heavenly Mercy for the Faithful is eternal Life Given by Christ
Ps146-150 Praise Mk 5:19 Mercy Hymn Hand Wis 2:23-24 Men Jn 21:22 Follow Lam 3:22-23 Love 2Cor 8:1-15 Generosity Mk 5:21-34 Crowd
2024_06_29 Blessings Given With love are PRediCted
Ps 140-145 Blessings 1 Cor 3:7 Growth Josh 1:9 With Ps 34:2 Praise Deut 33:12 Rest Php 4:11-12 Content
2024_06_28 LeT the PerFect good Will of (Jesus in) Heaven Prevail
Ps 135-139 Love Tit 3:8 Trustworthy Acts 17:22-24 Proclaim Ps 137:4 Foreign Is 41:18 Water Ps 89:24-29 Horn 2 Chr 35:1-19 Passover
2024_06_27 BaNDed together in the Lord’s House Children (of God) Rejoice
Ps 128-134 Bless Lam 3:22-23 New Mk 5:22-43 Daughter Mt 7:24 Listens Heb 11:6 Heavenly Ps 51:1-9 Cleanse 2 Chr 34 Reign
2024_06_26 as Heirs of eternal Life you see God’s Care and Mercy from (Jesus) the Reigning Ruler
Ps 120-127 House Tit 3:7 Life 2 Cor 8:1-7 Generosity 2 Kg 23:3 Covenant Ruth 2:11 Mother Ps 31:19-24 Refuge 2 Chr 33 Reign
2024_06_25 you are LeD through LeGal Precepts so turn (to Jesus) for Salvation and Deliverance
Ps 119 Law 2 Pt 3:8 Day Lam 3:22-23 Love Mt 7:14 Gate Eph 1:16 Prayer Ps 119:41-48 Salvation 2 Chr 32 Deliverance
2024_06_24 PlouGH and CasT seeds so the Land will Prosper
Ps 111-118 Praise Tit 2:11 Grace Ps 30:1-3 Healed Lk 1:66 Child Ex 20:20 Test Ps 85:7-13 Love 2 Chr 31 Priesthood
2024_06_23 Heaven gives the Faithful eternal Life from Christ so Gather For the Salvation Promised (by Jesus)
Ps 107-110 Heavens 1 Cor 13:12 Fully Hymn Light Mk 4:39 Calm 1 Tim 6:18 Good Job 38:1-11 Foundation 2 Cor 6:1-13 Salvation Mk 4:35-41 Peace
2024_06_22 you are Saved through Faith in Christ the Savior by The grace of Jesus (Ephs 2:8)
Ps 107-110 Save Gal 5:22-23 Fruit Jn 14:15-17 Commandments Mt 6:24 Serve Ex 26:30 Tabernacle Rom 15:13 Joy
2024_06_21 the Lord Calls the Saved to a TaBle (HE has) PrePared for you
Ps 104-106 Lands 1 Thess 5:24 Calls Acts 16:30-31 Saved Mt 6:21 Treasure 1 Cor 1:31 Boast Ps 22:22-27 Praise 2 Chr 30 Passover
2024_06_20 BLess the ComPassionate Christ at the right hand of the ThRone (of God) in heaven
Ps 98-103 Bless Eph 5:2 Love Mk 4:35-41 Calm Mt 6:9 Pray Lam 3:22-23 Compassions Ps 45:6-12 Throne 2 Chr 29 Reign
2024_06_19 the TaSk of GraFting Branches into a cultivated Tree is the work of the Redeemer
Ps 90-97 Throne Is 35:4 Strong 2 Cor 6:1-13 Grace Mt 6:16 Fast Ex 3:10 Bring Ps 31:9-10,14-19 Trust 2 Chr 28 Reign
2024_06_18 GatHer in Faith to the Perfecting of Love (for God and) for your NeighboR
Ps 84-89 Gracious Mk 5:34 Healed Job 38:1-11 Foundation Mt 5:48 Perfect Ps 68:6 Lonely Ps 86:9-17 Name 2 Chr 26-27 Reign
2024_06_17 the Skies Will Display from Heaven the Return of the Reigning (Lord Jesus)
Ps 78-83 Shine 1 Thess 5:6 Keep Ps 29:1-2 World 1 Kg 2:4 Disturbed Deut 24:19 Harvesting Ps 107:1-9 Redeemed 2 Chr 25 Reign
2024_06_16 ReCeive the Word of Faith and be CloTHed with Salvation (from Jesus)
Ps 73-77 Refuge Ps 103:13 Compassion Hymn Word 2 Cor 5:6-7 Faith Jn 5:9 Cured Ezk 17:22-24 Tree 2 Cor 5:1-10 House Mk 4:26-34 Seed
2024_06_15 Years of Worthy Love and Grace are From the Lord (Jesus)
Ps 73-77 Years Lk 5:5 Word Jn 4:51-54 Live Mt 5:33 Good Gal 5:13 Freedom Josh 1:9 Lord
2024_06_14 take Refuge in the Reigning Savior (Jesus) who Took up His cross and Gave you Redemption
Ps 67-72 Refuge Col 3:15 Rule Acts 16:5 Strengthened 1 Kg 19:12 Tiny Mt 5:34 Healed Ps 66:1-8 Glory 2 Chr 24 Repars
2024_06_13 ReFreShing Rest and Renewal is Promised from the Reign (of Jesus Christ)
Ps 60-66 Refuge Mk 4:20 Fruit Mk 4:26-34 Seed Mt 5:24 Reconciled Mt 24:44 Ready Ps 68:32-35 Praises 2 Chr 22-23 Reign
2024_06_12 Trust in Christ and Build yourselves up in your most holy Faith When (Jesus’) Divinity is Revealed
Ps 55-59 Trust Col 3:12 Chosen 2 Cor 5:1-17 Building 1 Kg 18:24 Fire Ps 139:14 Wonderfully Ps 37:1-7 Dwell 2 Chr 21 Reign
2024_06_11 CaSt (Your) MeRcy upon us O Lord, our Redeemer and Deliverer
Ps 50-54 Clean Mt 13:43 Shine Ezk 17:22-24 Mountain Acts 11:22-23 Rejoiced Rev 14:13 Lord Ps 34:12-22 Redeems 2 Chr 20:20-37 Delivers
2024_06_10 ReMemBer the Promise of Heaven by Christ the Redeemer
Ps 42-49 Redeem Col 3:2 Minds Ps 1:1-2 Blessed Mt 5:3 Poor 2 Tim 4:5 Hand Ps 116:12-19 Cup 2 Chr 19:1-20:19 Reforms
2024_06_09 SaLvation Will Dawn according to the Glory of God’s Gracious Will
Ps 36-41 Salvation Ps 27:13 Look Hymn Walk Ps 130:1 Depths 2 Cor 9:7 Give Gen 3:8-15 Garden 2 Cor 4:13-5:1 Glory Mk 3:20-35 Will
2024_06_08 SWift or SLow, (with Jesus) Hearts are Forgiven
Ps 36-41 Salvation Jam 1:5 Wisdom Acts 17:20 Strange Lk 2:49 Looking Josh 24:23 Hearts 1 Jn 1:9 Forgive
2024_06_07 RicH DeLight is Given (by Jesus) to the BAptized
Ps 31-35 Refuge Rom 12:16 Harmony Acts 11:26b Disciples Eph 3:19 Love Acts 20:25 Give Ps 119:9-16 Blameless 2 Chr 18 Alliance
2024_06_06 DWell With Perseverance Because (Jesus) the Savior Reigns
Ps 25-30 Dwells Ps 127:1 Watches Mk 3:20-35 Will 2 Tim 2:12 Persevere Lk 24:30 Bread Ps 119:169-176 Salvation 2 Chr 17 Reigns
2024_06_05 by SPlurGing in Scriptural testimony you gain Knowledge of (Jesus) the Blessed Redeemer (Jn 14:6)
Ps 19-24 Shepherd Rom 12:12 Prayer 2 Cor 4:16-5:1 Glory Mk 12:24 Scripture Jer 1:5 Know Ps 72:12-19 Blessed 2 Chr 15-16 Reforms
2024_06_04 RatHer to be NurTured by being PaRdoned than to not Repent
Ps 13-18 Rejoice Eccl 9:10 Hand Gen 3:8-15 Naked Mk 12:14 Truthful Ps 42:1 Pants Ps 61 Refuge 2 Chr 14 Reign
2024_06_03 the PoWer of (Your) MerCy (Lord Jesus) Forever leads to Your Commitment to eternal life
Ps 7-12 Praise Rom 12:2 Will Ps 130:1-4 Mercy Mk 12:10-11 Cornerstone 1 Jn 1:9 Forgive Ps 77:5-11,14-15 Years 2 Chr 13 Civil
2024_06_02 with a SuBDued Birth (Jesus) our God and Savior began (His) Life Greatly humbled
Ps 1-6 Safety Php 1:6 Began Hymn Day Mk 14:22 Body Ps 112:5 Generous Deut 5:12-15 Sabbath 2 Cor 4:5-12 Lord Mk 2:23-3:6 Grain
2024_06_01 (God is) SaCreD By SHining example (Moses and the burning bush)
Ps 1-6 Safety 2 Cor 5:17 Creation Mt 28:16-20 Disciples Jude 20 Build 2 Tim 1:9 Saved Jam 4:10 Humble
2024_05_31 ReBeLlion is Frowned upon by the Merciful and Faithful Creator
Job 40-42 Restores Lk 1:41-42 Blessed Acts 11:19-22 Lord Lk 1:48 Favor Jude 1:22 Merciful Ps 146:5-10 Faith 2 Chr 11:13-12:16 Come
2024_05_30 For Peace Gain Heaven’s Gracious Vindication and Purpose
Job 38-39 Foundation 1 Pt 5:14 Peace Mk 2:23-3:6 Grain 1 Pt 2:9 House Lk 6:45 Good Ps 43 Vindicate 2 Chr 10:1-11:12 Please
2024_05_29 MuCh ParDoning is a Kindness that Praises the (Lord’s) Will
Job 35-39 Multitude 1 Pt 5:6-7 Cares 2 Cor 4:5-12 Proclaim Mk 10:38 Drink Eph 4:32 Kind Ps 104:24-35 Praise 2 Chr 9:13-31 Wealth
2024_05_28 instead of SaCREifice (the Lord) HaS desired to FinD mercy
Job 32-34 Speak 1 Pt 5:4 Crown Deut 5:13-15 Rest 1 Pt 1:16 Holy Acts 16:25 Singing Ps 32:1-5 Forgiven 2 Chr 8:1-9:12 Deeds
2024_05_27 WitH LiPs of Praise Declare (to the Lord) His glory
Job 29-31 Watched 1 Thess 4:13 Hope Ps 81:8-10 Listen Mk 10:27 Possible 1 Pt 5:8 Prowls Ps 27:4-10 Dwell 2 Chr 7 Heaven
2024_05_26 FuLler SoCial TraFic Bears witness to the world
Job 25-28 Flees Is 6:2-3 Lord Hymn Rise Rom 8:15 Sons Is 61:3 Crown Is 6:1-8 Throne Acts 2:14,22-36 Fellowship Jn 3:1-17 Born
2024_05_25 move ForWard with Belief and Be ReConciled (with God)
Job 25-28 Flees 1 Pt 4:19 Will Jn 11:25-26 Believe Mk 10:16 Blessed 2 Cor 5:20 Reconciled 2 Cor 9:7 Cheerful
2024_05_24 the Will of the Lord is PrePared with Holiness for Those who Trust (Jesus)
Job 22-24 Way 1 Pt 4:7-8 Love Acts 10:1-2 Prayed Jam 5:11 Persevered Heb 12:10 Holiness Ps 132:8-12 Throne 2 Chr 6:12-42 Temple
2024_05_23 with SuccesS you are Lifted up and God Declares (His) DelighT
Job 20-21 Spared 1 Pt 4:1-2 Suffered 1 Jn 3:13-17 Lifted Ps 49:17-18 Great Ps 19:1 Declare Ps 1 Delight 2 Chr 5:1-6:11 Temple
2024_05_22 you are ReBoRn, Praise (God) the Son, the (Holy) Spirit and the Father
Job 18-19 Redeemer 1 Pt 3:21 Baptism Acts 2:22-36a Raised Mt 5:3 Poor 2 Chr 16:9 Strengthen Ps 22:19-26 Save 2 Chr 3-4 Furnishings
2024_05_21 (God the Savior) HiDeS HiMself from the Weathy and the Proud (Is 45:15)
Job 15-17 Hope 1 Pt 3:15 Defense Is 6:1-8 Send Jam 4:6 Humble Gen 33:4 Meet Ps 94:8-14 Wise 2 Chr 1-2 Prays
2024_05_20 WiShing For Mercy Brings you VindicaTion
Job 11-14 Wisdom Eccl 3:1 Season Ps 29:10-11 Forever Jn 19:27 Mother Jer 29:10 Bring Ps 128 Vine 1 Chr 29 Temple
2024_05_19 there is MucH CoNSolation Bestowed through WiTnessing (Jesus)
Job 8-10 Mercy Jn 16:7 Helper Hymn Comfort Acts 2:2 Noise Rev 7:10 Salvation Ezk 37:1-14 Bones Acts 2:1-21 Wind Jn 15:265-16:15 Truth
2024_05_18 Many Levels are Provided of BountiFul Faith (in Jesus)
Job 8-10 Mercy Rom 8:35 Love Ps 17:1 Prayer Jn 21:25 Books Ex 31:3 Filled Prov 17:17 Friend
2024_05_17 PUblish The Love of Heaven With Christ
Job 4-7 Peace 1 Pt 1:8 Unity Acts 2:1-4 Tongues Jn 21:17 Love 2 Cor 5:8 Home Ps 78:9-16 Water 1 Chr 28 Charge
2024_05_16 Faithful people Gather Together in the Presence of (Jesus) the Majestic RuLer
Job 1-3 Friends 1 Pt 3:7 Grace Jn 11:26-16:15 Truth Jn 17:20 Pray Ps 8:1 Majestic Ps 80:14-19 Restore 1 Chr 27:16-34 Leaders
2024_05_15 the Relief from Comforting Works WilL be GreaT
Est 8-10 Relief 1 Pt 2:21 Called Acts 2:1-21 Works Acts 20:28 Watch Jn 8:44 Lies Ps 118:19-25 Gates 1 Chr 26:20-27:57 Treasurers
2024_05_14 with Faith (in Jesus) and Repentance you are fit to BeLonG in the Presence of God
Est 5-7 Feast 1 Pt 2:18 Respect Ezk 37:1-14 Bones Acts 1:26 Lot Eccl 8:15 Glad Ps 111 Praise 1 Chr 26:1-19 Gatekeepers
2024_05_13 eternal LiFe is WiTnessed with a TruthFul Message
Est 3-4 Law 1 Pt 2:16 Free Ps 139:3-4 Word Jn 16:33 Troubles 2 Chr 18:13 Tell Ps 146:5-9 Faith 1 Chr 25 Musicians
2024_05_12 with FaitH and BeLieF you are WiTnesses of (God’s) Truth
Est 1-2 Favor Jn 19:26-27 Home Hymn Beyond 1Jn 4:11 Loved 2Tim 1:5 Faith Acts 1:12-26 Witnesses 1Jn 5:9-15 Testimony Jn 17:16-19 Truth
2024_05_11 FaCe each NeW day Yearning for the Presence (of God)
Est 1-2 Favor 1 Pt 2:12 Conduct Ps 119:151 New Acts 18:25 Way Mt 5:37 Yes Ps 16:11 Presence
2024_05_10 the Call of the Lord Means ReaSoning to Discern (the Holy Spirit in) Ordinary wisdom, knowledge, faith…
Neh 11-13 Cleansed 1 Pt 2:9-10 Light Acts 9:31 Multiplied Jn 16:22 Rejoice Eph 2:8 Saved Ps 77:11-15 Deeds 1 Chr 24 Organizes
2024_05_09 the (Lord) Jesus, Tells us to Keep on Witnessing with Belief and FaitH
Neh 8-10 Joy Lk 24:51-53 Temple Jn 17:11b-19 Keep Acts 1:8 Witnesses Is 35:2 Bloom Ps 130 Forgiveness 1 Chr 23 House
2024_05_08 the WaiLing Wall Prayers Seek the Hope of the Temple
Neh 5-7 Wall 1 Pt 1:22-23 Love 1 Jn 5:13-15 Will Acts 17:33 Proclaim 2 Kg 6:17 See Ps 62:5-10 Hope 1 Chr 22:2-19 Temple
2024_05_07 Remain (in Jesus) and be Justified Witnesses of Christ’s Grace with Forgiveness and Blessings
Neh 3-4 Repaired Rom 3:23-24 Justified Acts 1:15-26 Witness Jn 16:7 Come Rom 12:6 Grace Ps 85:1-7 Forgave 1 Chr 21:1-22:1 Build
2024_05_06 With BlooD True Love is Made Manifest
Neh 1-2 Walls 1 Pt 1:18-19 Blood Ps 1:1-2 Delight Jn 15:26 Truth Jn 14:21 Love Ps 103:6-14 Merciful 1 Chr 19-20 Messengers
2024_05_05 for Restoring Grace in LiFe Come with Repentance Before Jesus
Ezra 9-10 Remnant 1 Pt 1:13 Grace Hymn Love Jn 15:13 Friends Jer 31:9 Care Acts 10:34-48 Right 1 Jn 5:1-8 Believe Jn 15:9-17 Joy
2024_05_04 Remember the Good News (of the Gospel) and HaVe Trusting Hearts
Ezra 9-10 Remnant 1 Pt 1:12 Good News 1 Pt 4:9-11 Hospitality Acts 16:9 Vision Ps 56:3 Trust Col 3:23-24 Heart
2024_05_03 we PreFeR to KeeP TRack of these discoveries
Ezra 7-8 Priests 1 Pt 1:6-7 Faith Acts 8:39 Rejoicing Jn 14:7 Know 2 Kg 20:5 Prayers Ps 119:33-40 Teach 1 Chr 18 Reigned
2024_05_02 True Redemption comes From the Lord God Heavenly Christ
Ezra Temple 1 Pt 1:3 Resurrection Jn 15:9-17 Fruit Jn 15:9 Love Jn 3:16 Gave Ps 52 House 1 Chr 17 Covenant
2024_05_01 Jesus Serves up (His) Body and Blood with bread and wine, Given and Shed for your Salvation
Ezra 1-3 Joy 1 Pt 1:1-2 Sprinkling 1 Jn 5:6-8 Blood Jn 15:5 Branches Mt 28:18 Given Ps 116:12-19 Salvation 1 Chr 16:8-43 Song
2024_04_30 like a Rainbow Bestowing Blessings from Heaven, the Lord WaTches over you
2 Chr 33-36 Reigns Mal 3:10 Blessing Acts 10:34-48 Believes Acts 14:23 Hardship 1 Jn 4:19 Love Ps 127 Watches 1 Chr 16:1-7 Tent
2024_04_29 for Royal Righteous SuCcess we PRay in Christ’s name
2 Chr 29-32 Right Zech 1:3 Return Ps 98:7-9 Sing Acts 14:11 Crowds Eph 6:18 Pray Ps 31:1-5 Refuge 1 Chr 15 Children
2024_04_28 RainBows are There to Remind you who Guards you against a Flood, your Lord and Creator
2 Chr 26-28 Reigned Jn 15:5 Branches Hymn Truths Jn 15:5 Remain Ex 23:20 Guard Jn 15:1-8 Fruit 1 Jn 4:1-21 Love Acts 8:26 Chariot
2024_04_27 for ReaL ProGress Love is Required
2 Chr 26-28 Reigned 1 Jn 4:16 Love Jn 16:33 Peace Acts 13:44 Gathered Mt 13:22 Life Ps 118:24 Rejoice
2024_04_26 you with RiChes in LiFe Need a Walk with Christ
2 Chr 21-25 Reign Acts 8:29 Chariot Acts 4:18 Listen Jn 14:1 Faith Php 4:16 Need Ps 119:1-8 Walk 1 Chr 13-14 Children
2024_04_25 Great Praise comes From Citizens of Heaven for the Love of Jesus
2 Chr 17-20 Greater Ps 150:6 Praise Jn 15:1-6 Fruit 1 Pt 5:6-7 Cares Heb 13:6 Helper Ps 17:7-15 Love 1 Chr 12:17-40 Joy
2024_04_24 Seek the Glory of your Lord and Savior (Jesus Christ), and be Prepared For (His) Mercy
2 Chr 13-16 Seek Hag 2:9 Glory 1 Jn 4:7-11 Love Acts 13:3 Sent 1 Cor 12:18 Placed Ps 19:7-14 Fear 1 Chr 12:1-16 Mighty
2024_04_23 (Jesus comes with) HiGh Reigning Glory and Peaceful Saving Majesty
2 Chr 10-12 Heavy Zeph 3:20 Gather Acts 8:26-39 Rejoicing Acts 11:23 Grace Jn 16:33 Peace Ps 25:1-10 Salvation 1 Chr 11:10-47 Mighty
2024_04_22 the PoWer of (God answering) PRayer Sets all things RiGht
2 Chr 6-9 Prayer Hab 1:5 Wonder Ps 150:1-2 Praise Acts 11:18 Repentance Eccl 4:12 Strands Ps 119:125-138 Redeem 1 Chr 9:35-11:9 Greater
2024_04_21 observing the Will of the Lord (Jesus) FaithfuL Servants are Saved for eternal Life with the (Good) Shepherd
2 Chr 1-5 Wisdom Jn 10:16 Listen Hymn Flock Jn 10:15 Life Prov 20:17 Sweet Acts 4:1-12 Saved 1 Jn 3:16-24 Love Jn 10:11-18 Shepherd
2024_04_20 With Love and Compassion, God’s Peace Guards you
2 Chr 1-5 Wisdom 1 Jn 3:17 Love Is 63:7 Compassion Jn 6:68 Go Heb 12:14 Peace Php 4:7 Guard
2024_04_19 Heaven Restores the Health of BraVe Sheep who Return
1 Chr House Acts 4:1-2 Resurrection Acts 3:16b Health Jn 6:58 Bread 2 Chrn 20:26 Valley Ps 107:23-32 Ships 1 Chr 9:1-34 Returned
2024_04_18 heavenly TiMe is SuBject to the Creator, the Son and the (Holy) Spirit
1 Chr 22-27 Temple Ps 23:6 Mercy Jn 10:11-18 Shepherd Jn 6:51 Bread Hos 11:4 Child Ps 119:145-152 Save 1 Chr 8:14-40 Sons
2024_04_17 Rich Royal Love is Coming your Way from the Blessed Savior
1 Chr 17-21 Reigned Nahum 1:6 Rocks 1 Jn 3:16-24 Love Acts 8:7 Cured Prov 14:12 Way Ps 84:1-4 Blessed 1 Chr 7:30-8:13 Sons
2024_04_16 your Guiding Light (Jesus) is PerfeCtly Worthy To be your Savior
1 Chr 10-16 Guidance Micah 7:8 Light Acts 4:1-7 Proclaiming Jn 6:35 Come Eph 4:1 Worthy Ps 86:11-17 Teach 1 Chr 7:1-29 Sons
2024_04_15 SuBsequent to their ReLease the PrisonerS were Delighted
1 Chr 1-9 Sons Jonah 4:5 Booth Ps 23:1-3 Restore Jn 6:26 Looking Jn 14:3 Place Ps 80:1-7 Shine 1 Chr 6:50-81 Descendants
2024_04_14 a LoNg VerTical Search for Jesus Reveals (His) Presence
2 Kg 22-25 Law Hos 1:9 Name Hymn Victim Lk 24:39 Touch Mt 6:33 Seek Acts 3:11-21 Jesus 1 Jn 3:1-7 Righteous Lk 24:36-49 Peace
2024_04_13 ReCeive God’s Blessings With Thanksgiving
2 Kg 22-25 Reign 1 Jn 3:2 Children Ps 16:2 Good Jn 6:20 Boat Gen 1:2 Waters Php 4:13 Things
2024_04_12 Heavenly Wonders and BLessings are Taught, so sing Praises to your Maker
2 Kg 18-21 Heal Acts 3:12 Wonder Acts 2:42-47 Bread Jn 6:11 Loaves Acts 23:11 Testify Ps 92:1-9 Praises 1 Chr 6:31-49 Music
2024_04_11 ReaL Peace from the (Holy) Spirit Gives Life through the Savior
2 Kg 13-17 Reign Ps 4:6 Light Lk 24:36-43 Peace Jn 3:34 Spirit Ps 65:13 Grain Ps 119:25-32 Life 1 Chr 5:23-6:30 Sons
2024_04_10 you who Remain Firm in Steadfast Love Certainly know the Gracious Savior
2 Kg 9-12 Reigns Dan 3:25 Fire 1 Jn 3:1-3 See Jn 3:21 Light Is 42:6-7 Covenant Ps 99:1-3 Great 1 Chr 5:1-22 Sons
2024_04_09 the Lord of Heaven, the only wise God, Brings to you the LighT of Salvation
2 Kg 4-8 Leprosy Ezk 3-5 House Acts 3:11-13 God Acts 4:32 Believers Rom 13:12 Light Ps 26:1-3,8-12 Trusted 1 Chr 4 Sons
2024_04_08 Come for we Call, O Gracious God, make us Righteous and Purposeful and Save us
2 Kg 1-3 Chariots Lam 3:57 Called Ps 4:1-3 Gracious Is 8:10 God Prov 11:10 Rejoices Ps 146 Praise 1 Chr 3 Sons
2024_04_07 Behold, Peace with Splendor and Behold, Love with Signs, in the Light of the Savior
1 Kg 20-22 Battle Jn 20:19 Peace Hymn Splendor Jn 20:27 Believe Ps 107:1 Love Acts 4:32-35 Signs 1 Jn 1:1-2:2 Light Jn 20:19-31 Sending
2024_04_06 Behold the Presence of (Jesus) the True Saving NaTure (of God)
1 Kg 20-22 Battle 1 Jn 1:3 Proclaim Lk 24:36-39 Touch Acts 4:20 Speak Eph 4:24 Nature Prov 3:5-6 Trust
2024_04_05 you are ReBoRn By the Heavenly Mercy of the Savior
1 Kg 17-19 Rain Acts 4:32 Believed Acts 1:1-3,6-11 Restore Jn 21:12 Breakfast Eccl 3:11 Heart Ps 145:1-9 Mercy 1 Chron 2:24-55 Sons
2024_04_04 like RiPPles in a Lake Traveled the boat’s Wake on the Surface
1 Kg 12-16 Reign Ps 148:7,10 Praise Jn 20:19-23 Peace Lk 24:39 Look Ps 91:15 Trouble Ps 114 Water 1 Chr 2:1-23 Sons
2024_04_03 The LiBerty Light is BRight
1 Kg 9-11 Throne Est 6:6 Honor 1 Jn 1:5-2:2 Light Lk 24:35 Bread Jn 10:3 Life Ps 134 Bless 1 Chr 1:24-54 Reigned
2024_04_02 Prayer BRings TRue SuccesS
1 Kg 5-8 Prayer Neh 2:18 Build Acts 4:32-35 Resurrection Jn 20:13 Taken Ps 72:6 Rain Ps 81:1-7 Sing 1 Chr 1:1-23 Sons
2024_04_01 with Wisdom The Creator formed Natural Creation in Time and Space
1 Kg 1-3 Wisdom Ezra 2:64 Together Jn 21:4-9 Cast Mt 28:8-9 News Heb 10:25 Courage Ps 13 Trusted 2 Kg 25:8-30 Sacked
2024_03_31 with Faithful GraCe and GloRy your Savior is RaiSed
2 Sam 21-24 Fire Jn 20:15 Gardener Jn 20:1,14-17 Cling Col 3:4 Glory Mt 28:6 Risen Is 25:6-9 Salvation 1 Cor 15:1-11 Raised Mk 6:1-8 Send
2024_03_30 Returning to Life from the Tomb, Christ became the Way, Truth and life to (the Father in) heaven
2 Sam 19-20 Return Mk 15:43 Looking Jn 19:32-42 Tomb Ps 118:22 Cornerstone Is 53:5 Wounds Ps 143:8 Trust
2024_03_29 the LaST GaSP of the Savior
2 Sam 15-18 Lord Lk 22:46 Spirit Jn 19:28-30 Thirst Jn 13:1 Garden 1 Pt 3:18 Suffered Ps 135:1-4,8-9 Pleases 2 Kg 24:8-25:7 Siege
2024_03_28 SuBmit to the CRoss amd Love Will Prevail
2 Sam 11-14 Sister Jn 19:26-27 Behold Jn 19:25-27 Cross 1 Cor 11:24 Remembrance Jn 13:34 Love Ps 37:1-7 Wait 2 Kg 23:21-24:7 Passover
2024_03_27 Truly, Christian BelieF Leads to Salvation
2 Sam 8-10 Table Lk 23:42 Remember Jn 19:23-24 Crucified Mk 15:35 Behold Mk 11:13 Figtree Ps 89:20-27 Love 2 Kg 22:8-23:20 Scroll
2024_03_26 you Have Forgiveness from ChrisT your SHepherD
2 Sam 5-7 House Lk 23:34 Forgive Jn 19:16-18 Crucified Jn 13:21 Troubled Mt 22:29 Scriptures Ps 88:3-9 Heavy 2 Kg 21:1-22:7 Disaster
2024_03_25 Learning what Happened on the Cross, BeholD the Savior Renews all things
2 Sam 10-5 Lamented Lk 23:31 Happen Jn 19:12-16 Crucify Is 42:7 Blind Mt 25:40 Did Ps 35:1-6,9-10 Shield 2 Kg 20 Regains
2024_03_24 suffering may come, but By Cross Carrying HoWeveR you Become legitimate Disciples (of Jesus)
1Sam27-31 Buried Mk15:21 Cross Jn19:7-11 Crucify Mk11:9 Hosanna Jn12:24 Wheat Zech9:9-16 Restore Php2:5-11 Bow Mk15:1-47 Delivered
2024_03_23 BeCause you Behold and Believe you will experience (God’s) Saving Power
1 Sam 27-31 Buried Jn 19:17 Cross Jn 19:4-6 Behold Jn 11:48 Believe 1 Pt 2:12 See Ps 51:10 Pure
2024_03_22 (Jesus, with) RiCH Love Delivered The People
1 Sam 24-26 Robe Jn 19:2 Crown Jn 19:1-3 Hail Ps 18:2-3 Love 1 Jn 3:18 Deed Ps 22:1-5 Trusted 2 Kg 19:8-37 Prays
2024_03_21 PRayeRs help BeStow a Proper Relationship (with God)
1 Sam 20-23 Pursued 1 Cor 5:21 Righteousness Jn 18:31-40 Release Jn 8:58 Before Is 50:10 Shine Ps 69:33-36 Praise 2 Kg 18:19-19:7 Rescue
2024_03_20 DediCaTed Disciples Trust in the ResuRrection (of Jesus)
1Sam 16-19 Delivered Lk 22:60-61 Crowed Jn 18:37-38 Truth Jn 8:31-32 Disciples Ps 40:4 Trusts Ps 18:6-7,16-20 Rescued 2Kg 18:1-18 Reigns
2024_03_19 let’s go FiSHing to Catch Some Wonderful Fish
1 Sam 13-15 Fight Mk 14:61 Silent Jn 18:28-29 Headquarters Mt 1:20 Conceived Col 4:1 Servants Ps 39:1-7 Wait 2 Kg 17:6-41 Fall
2024_03_18 the King HiD in the BAGgage but he began his Reign
1 Sa, 9-12 King Lk 22:50-51 Healed Jn 18:18-27 Denied Dan 13:62 Blood Ex 3:14 Am Ps 31:9-14 Grief 2 Kg 16:1-17:5 Reigns
2024_03_17 CirCles Surround a Great PeaCeful CenteR
1 Sam 4-8 Captured Mk 14:43 Crowd Jn 18:19-23 Said Jn 12:24 Grain Num 11:29 Prophets Jer 3:31-34 Covenant Heb 5:1-10 Called Mk 10:32-45 Rise
2024_03_16 Continually Pray to ChriSt for your Confident Trust (in Him)
1 Sam 4-8 Captured Lk 2:24 Prayed Jn 18:10-11 Cup Jn 7:46 Spoken Acts 16:4 Come Ps 56:3-4 Trust
2024_03_15 the Word GrowS and the Savior Opens DooRs
1 Sam 1-3 Word Lk 22:27 Greater Jn 18:1-8 Seek Ps 34:19 Saves Eccl 5:13 Owners Ps 77:11-15 Deeds 2 Kg 15:8-38 Reigns
2024_06_14 the Father’s Love and the LamB Send the Comforter, the (Holy) Spirit
Ruth 1-4 Feet 1 Cor 2:7 Lamb Jn 17:20-26 Love Jn 5:44 Believe Gen 25:29-30 Stew Ps 82 Counsel 2 Kg 14:15-15:7 Succeeds
2024_03_13 with Confident faith in the Savior’s Word, Believe and Place your Trust in the Redeemer (Jesus)
Judg 17-21 Concubine Mt 16:4 Sign Jn 17:8-17 Word Jn 5:24 Believe Ps 118:5 Place Ps 26:1-7 Trust 2 Kg 3:14-14:16 Reign
2024_03_12 StRength in the PResence of the Lord is your RewaRd
Judg 13-16 Strength Gal 3:13 Redeemed Jn 17:1-5 Presence Ps 46:2-3 Refuge Est 4:16 Law Ps 37:16-20 Righteous 2 Kg 12:1-13:13 Repairs
2024_03_10 FaiTh, hope, and Love are BestoWed By Grace for eternal Life
Judg 6-8 Fleece Col 2:15 Triumph Jn 13:31-35 Love Jn 3:16 Believe Ps 104:24 Wisdom Num 21:6-9 Bronze Eph 2:1-10 Grace Jn 3:14-21 Life
2024_03_09 FoCus on BoRn again FaiTh
Judg 6-8 Fleece Rom 8:37 Conquer Jn 13:26-30 Betray Heb 6:2-3 Raise Rom 12:11 Fervor 1 Thess 5:8 Thanks
2024_03_08 LaNd Work is Frequently a HarD Responsibility
Judg 1-8 Land Mt 1:21 Name Jn 13:2-5a Wash Hos 14:5 Freely Ex 2:4 Hand Ps 41:1-2,7-13 Deliver 2 Kg 10:18-36 Reigned
2024_03_07 the LoRd Will Vindicate you for Salvation and Lift your Hearts
Josh 22-24 Lord 1 Jn 2:1 Righteous Jn 12:20-24 Wheat Ps 95:7-8 Voice Prov 18:10 Safe Ps 121 Lift 2 Kg 9:27-10:17 Heart
2024_03_06 the Reward from, for, and by Christian Faith is the Righteousness of your Savior and Redeemer
Josh 18-21 Refuge 1 Cor 10:4 Christ Jn 12:12-15 Hosanna Mt 5:17 Fulfill Tit 3:1 Ready Ps 110 Sit 2 Kg 9:1-16 Rule
2024_03_05 for eternal Life the Divine Christ Keeps the ViCtory Reigning
Josh 13-17 Land Mt 27:18 Delivered Jn 12:9-11 Crowds Ps 25:7 Kindness Judg 7:9 Victory Ps 18:22-29 Cornerstone 2 Kg 8 Reigns
2024_03_04 Keep your BaPtismal faith strong With HeavenLy Righteousness
Josh 9-12 Kings Gal 3:27 Baptized Jn 12:1-3 Perfume 2 Kg 5:10-11 Wash Eph 3:17 Home Ps 2:1-6,10-12 Laugh 2 Kg 6:14-7:20 Relief
2024_03_03 (Jesus was ) CroWNed With Thorns to ComPlete the Coronation
Josh 6-8 Covenant Lk 22:40 Will Jn 11:49b-52 Nation Jn 2:19 Whip Mt 15:11-22 Thoughts Ez 20:1-17 Commandments 1 Cor 1:18-31 Passion Jn 2:13-25 Cleanses
2024_03_02 With the Blood of Christ Comes Vertical Righteousness
Josh 6-8 Walk Heb 12:22-24 Blood Jn 11:38-44 Come Lk 15:32 Celebrate Ezk 1:25 Voice Mt 11:28-29 Rest
2024_03_01 the LorD Has great Love for your Faith in Jesus, your Redeemer
Josh 1-5 Land Gen 1:5 Day Jn 11:20-37 Here Gen 37:4 Loved Ps 50:10 Forest Ps 82 Judgment 2 Kg 6:1-23 Raised
2024_02_29 the Blessed Door for the Righteous is Revealed by the Holy ShepHerd
Deut 31-34 Blessings Rev 21:3 Dwelling Jn 11:25-26 Resurrection Lk 16:25 Received Lev 20:26 Holy Ps 23 Shepherd 2 Kg 5 Healed
2024_02_28 CaLLed by the Lord, Believers Praise the Redeemer
Deut 27-30 Commandment 1Cor 13:8 Love Jn 11:1-15 Lazarus Mt 20:25-26 Lord Mk 9:24 Believe Ps 66:8-12,16-20 Praise 2Kg 4:18-44 Raised
2024_02_27 the LoRd is the Shepherd of the Sheep and Manages to Lift and Carry strays
Deut 21-26 Land Rom 8:18 Revealed Jn 10:11-15 Shepherd Mt 23:11 Servant Lk 18:40 Man Ps 146:5-10 Lifts 2 Kg 4:1-17 Child
2024_02_26 Prophets call for Repentance so the Lord can Deliver and Save in SuMmation
Deut 17-20 Prophets Acts 1:6 Restore Jn 9:1-5 Light Dan 9:7 Day Ps 3:5 Sustains Ps 3 Shield 2 Kg 2:15-3:27 Ministry
2024_02_25 True Love Will Shine Because of the Deeds of Jesus Christ
Deut 12-16 Tithes Lk 24:5 Living Jn 6:66-69 Words Gen 22:17 Stars Col 1:17 Before Gen 17:1-7,15-16 Descendants Rom 5:1-11 Justification Mk 8:27-29 Christ
2024_02_24 TRue Believers (in Jesus) will Totally Be Blessed
Deut 12-16 Tithes Lk 23:42 Remember Lk 6:22-40 Believe Deut 26:18 Treasured Eccl 4:9-10 Better Byn 6L24-25 Bless
2024_02_23 the LamB (of God) was CRucified to open Heaven’s Door To you
Deut 6-11 Land Jn 13:17 Blessed Jn 6:5b-10b Crowd Mt 5:24 Reconciled Eph 2:19 Household Ps 42:1-6a,9-11 Door 2 Kg 1:1-2:14 Taken
2024_02_22 the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, is Sent with Compassion and Grace by Jesus
Deut 5-7 Healed Lk 18:16 Such Jn 5:19-21 Loves Mt 16:15-16 Son Col 3:12 Compassion Ps 25 Gracious 1 Kg 22:41-53 Judah
2024_02_21 the SPirit HealS with DeDicAtion
Deut 1-4 Spies Lk 7:16 Prophet Jn 5:1-6 Healed Lk 11:29 Sign Rev 3:8 Door Ps 84:1-4,8-12 Dwelling 1 Kg 22:1-40 Allies
2024_02_20 the Lord is Faithful and Bestows the Father’s Love and RestoRation
Num 34-36 Land Mt 3:15 Fulfill Jn 4:28-42 Believed Mt 6:9 Father Ps 13:1 Long Ps 16:1 Refuge 1 Kg 21 Responds
2024_02_19 (God’s) PowerS Will be Seen When He sends a Prophet to you
Num 31-33 Plunder Ps 72:11 Serve Jn 4:5-7 Well Mt 25:44 See 1 Thess 5:16-18 Will Ps 53 Heaven 1 Kg 20:18-43 Prophet
2024_02_18 with ComPlete Love from Heaven God Provides Salvation to the World
Num 26-30 Census Lk 2:14 Pleased Jn 3:1-2a,16-17 Loved Mk 1:15 Hand Ps 90:2 God Gen 22:1-14 Provide JaM 1:12-18 Saved Mk 1:9-15 Wilderness
2024_02_17 a prayer for (the Lord God’s) Very LavisH Restoration PowerS
Num 26-30 Vows Neh 1:5-6 Love Jn 2:14-16 House Is 58:12 Restoration 2 Cor 12:9 Power Php 4:13 Strength
2024_02_16 the Divine Deliverance you Will have is From the Lord (Jesus whom) you Dwell with Continually
Num 21-25 Donkey Est 4:14 Deliverance Jn 2:1-4 Wine Is 58:6 Fasting Jn 15:13 Love Ps 91:1-6,14-16 Dwell 1 Kg 20:1-17 Conflicts
2024_02_15 Claim access to Heaven with the Lamb who CHose Salvation by Faith (in God)
Num 17-20 Cleansing Dan 6:27 Heaven Jn 1:29-34 Lamb Deut 70:19 Choose Prov 22:4 Humility Ps 57:1-5,8-10 Save 1 Kg 19 Flees
2024_02_14 (in the presence of Jesus), eternal Life is your ReWard, so wait for the Mercy of the Lord in (His) Truth and Love
Num 13-16 Land Lam 3:40 Return Jn 1:1-3 Word Joel 2:12-13 Merciful 1 Cor 13:3 Love Ps 119:153-160 Truth 1 Kg 18:16-46 Lord
2024_02_13 Christ Will Provide Understanding With Right Answers
Num 9-12 Cloud Ps 137:1 Wept Gen 22:1-12 Provide Mk 8:21 Understand Is 1:18 White Ps 95:1-7a Rock 1 Kg 17:1-18:15 Arises
2024_02_12 for Cleansing, Call for mercy While Jesus is Present, for (His) Righteousness Reigns forever
Num 5-8 Cleansing Is 58:9 Call Ps 51:1-2 Wash Jam 1:2 Joy Mk 5:44 Pray Ps 71:1-6,17-18 Refuge 1 Kg 16:15-34 Reign
2024_02_11 you are CaLLed to Come into the Presence of (Jesus) the Savior and the LighT
Num 1-4 Camp Hos 4:1 Love Hymn Lord Mk 1:41 Clean 2Sam 22:50 Praise Ex 34:29-35 Shining 2Cor 3:12-4:6 Light Mt 9:2-9 Transfiguration
2024_02_10 Come and Dwell with Dignity through Faith in the ScriptUres
Num 1-4 Census 1 Kg 6:13 Dwell 1 Tim 2:1-6 Dignified 1 Kg 12:30 Frequented 2 Tim 3:15 Scripture Eph 4:2-3 Unity
2024_02_09 the RighTeous Gather Together with Love under (Jesus) the Shepherd who Reigns forever
Lev 24-27 Redeeming 2 Sam 7:16 Throne Mk 1:1 Gospel Mk 7:72-74 Tongue Rom 13:8 Love Ps 23:1-5 Shepherd 1 Kg 15-16:14 Reign
2024_02_08 Pray that you often MeeT Servants of the Heavenly Savior who Reigns forever
Lev 21-23 Priests Ex 25:22 Meet Mk 9:2-9 Transfigured Ps 106:35-36 Snare Prov 29:23 Hear Ps 69:1-4,8-9,24,29-30 Save 1 Kg 15:1-24 Reign
2024_02_07 CounSeL Heard through Prayer makes you Dwell in Righteousness
Lev 18-20 Cover Ex 3:7 Suffering 2 Cor 3:12, 4:1-6 Light Mk 7:14 Hear Neg 4:9 Prayed Ps 4 Dwell 1 Kg 14 Reigns
2024_02_06 this Day will Give you ChrisT the Lord from Heaven, Jesus appointed for you
Lev 16-17 Day Gen 28:17 Gate 2 Kg 2:1a,2-4a,6a, Chariots Mk 7:8 Traditions Gen 22:14 Lord Ps 77:1-3,7-12,15 Hear 1 Kg 13 Judgment
2024_02_05 have Confident FaiTh that BeCkons others to take Refuge in the Kingdom (of God)
Lev 11-15 Clean Gen 12:3 Families Ps 50:3-5 Tempest Mk 6:55 Bring Jn 8:10 Condemned Ps 31:1-2,23-24 Refuge 1 Kg 12:12-33 King
2024_02_04 BuBbles BeFore they Burst Love to Lightly Travel (on a breeze)
Lev 8-10 Burnt Gen 3:15 Bruise Hymn Bow Mk 1:21 Fever Ps 103:2 Benefits Deut 18:15-20 Listen 1 Cor 8:1-33 Love Mk 1:21-28 Teaching
2024_02_03 Fire MuST Face the Testimony (of the Holy Spirit)
Lev 8-10 Fire Gen 2:18 Man Is 60:1-3 Shine Ps 119:11 Treasure Ps 119:11 Freely Prov 3:5-6 Trust
2024_02_02 Peace with Good Faith DeFends the Lord’s Counsel
Lev 4-7 Peace Gen 1:10 Good Eph 4:32 Forgave Lk 2:25 Devout 1 Sam 20:42 Friendship Ps 75 Lifted 1 Kg 11:26-12:11 Counsel
2024_02_01 God’s Love HaS Saved you with Heavenly Wisdom
Lev 1-2 Grain 1 Jn 4:19 Love Mk 1:29-39 Healed Mk 6:8 Stick Php 2:7 Servant Ps 28 Heart 1 Kg 11:1-25 Wives
2024_01_31 TaKe from the Gospel Faith, along With Praise for the Vindication (that comes from the Lord)
Ex 35-40 Tabernacle 1 Kg 2:46 Kingdom 1 Cor 9:16-23 Gospel Mk 6:6 Faith Mk 8:36 World Ps 135:1-7 Praise 1 Kg 10 Visit
2024_01_30 in the Presence of the RocK even ChildRen Behold the Lord
Ex 32-34 Presence Ps 62:2 Rock Is 40:21-23 Know Mk 5:40 Child Is 32:1-2 Reign Ps 33:18-22 Behold 1 Kg 9 Lord
2024_01_29 CLean and SaFe, the Lord Teaches Salvation
Ex 28-31 Consecrated 1 Sam 2:7 Lord Ps 147:4-6 Stars 2 Sam 15:14 Flight Gal 5:14 Love Ps 107:1-9 Thanks 1 Kg 8:54-66 Sacrifice
2024_01_28 at a Slow PaCe, God’s WOrd is Taught
Ex 25-27 Sanctuary Mt 24:11 Leading Hymn Praise Mk 1:27 Commands Eph 4:7 Given Deut 18:15-20 Words 1 Co 8:1-13 One Mk 1:21-28 Teaching
2024_01_27 SaFe and CLean, We take Refuge (in the Lord)
Ex 25-27 Sanctuary Ps 55:12-13 Friend 1 Mk 1:40-42 Clean 2 Sam 22:13 Lord Prov 25:25 Water Ps 91:1-2 Refuge
2024_01_26 Blessed Redemption and Steadfast love are RicHly SuPplied
Ex 21-24 Blood Ps 144:7-8 Rescue Ps 103:11-12 Steadfast 2 Tim 1:13 Rember 1 Sam 16:7 Heart Ps 18:46-50 Salvation 1 Kg 8:22-53 Prayer
2024_01_25 the CReaTor's PoweR is DeeP
Ex19-20 Commandments Ps11:1 Refuge Mk1:21-26 Teaching Acts22:7 Persecuting Est4:14 Royal Ps6:4-10 Deliver 1Kg8:1-21 Proclamation
2024_01_24 JeSus Loves the Kingdom and Listens to the Hearts of Believers
Ex 16-18 Judges Ps 3:8 Salvation 1 Co 8:1-4,7-13 Love Mt 4:11 Kingdom Jam 1:19 Listen Ps 131 Heart 1 Kg 7:14-51 Bronze
2024_01_23 godly SoRroW runs DeeP yet is Known to Be comforted
Ex 13-15 Salvation 2 Sam 12:23 Return Deut 18:15-20 Words 2 Sam 6:14 Dancing Micah 4:3 Plowshares Ps 139:1-6,12-14 Know 1 Kg 7:1013 Build
2024_01_22 Passover Celebrations Will Make Heaven Known to Believers
Ex 11-12 Passover Ps 127:3 Children Ps 111:3-4 Work Ps 89:25 Mercy Lk 10:20 Heaven Ps 69:19-23,32-33 Known 1 Kg 6 Builds
2024_01_21 Protect our Dwelling Places, (O) Praiseworthy Lord and Relent of Tragic Repercussions
Ex 7-10 Plague Ps 133:1 Dwell Hymn Pleasures 1Cor 7:31 Present 1 Jn 4:15 Love Jon 3:1-5,10 Relented 1Cor 7:29-31 Time Mk 1:14-30 Repent
2024_01_20 Protect us, (O) Lord of Heaven and earth, and May God be Praised
Ex 7-10 Plague 2 Sam 6:21 Lord Mt 24:35 Heaven 2 Sam 1:12 Mourned Ps 25:16 Gracious Ps 103:2-3 Praise
2024_01_19 pray for ReaL Blessed Joy With Heavenly Wisdom
Ex 3-6 Return Ps 24:7 Lifted Ps 32:1 Blessed 1 Sam 24:16 Judge Mt 7:15 Watch Ps 15 Hill 1 Kg 4:29-5:18 Wisdom
2024_01_18 WiSdom (from God) has BeltoweD the Door the Righteous Will enter
Ex 1-2 Water 2 Sam 2:26 Sword Mk 1:14-20 Believe 1 Sam 19:4 Deeds Jn 13:15 Do Ps 44:1-26 Redeem 1 Kg 4:1-28 Wisdom
2024_01_17 the BeST Choice is Devotion to the Savior of the World
Gen 48-50 Blessed 1 Sam 30:24 Share Ps 144:1 Trained Josh 24:15 Choose 1 Cor 7:29-35 Devotion Ps 76:1-12 Saves 1 Kg 3 Wisdom
2024_01_16 Revealed FoR Salvation, His (Jesus’) Love is Steadfast
Gen 45-47 Revealed 1 Sam 26:11 Forbid Jon 3:1-5,10 Relented Mk 2:27-28 Sabbath 1 Cor 10:11 Happened Ps 36:1-6,10 Love 1 Kg 2:19-46 Solomon
2024_01_15 GatHeR With believers for the Savior’s truth and GraCe
Gen 41-44 Grain 1 Sam 25:33 Hand Ps 62:5-8 Refuge Mk 2:22 Wineskins Mk 10:43 Servant Ps 29:1-4a,8-11 Glory 1 Kg 2:1-18 Charge
2024_01_14 Successful with eternal Life, our Savior and Lord Performs Life giving Baptism Well
Gen 37-40 Success Ps 54:4 Life Hymn Speak Sam 3:10 Listening Is 26:3 Peace Gen 1:1-5 Light Rom 6:1-11 Baptized Mk 1:4-11 Well
2024_01_13 SiNCe you have Faith (in Jesus) He gives you wisdom Generously
Gen 37-40 Success Ps 142:4 Notice 2 Kg 5:11-14 Clean Mk 2:14 Follow Heb 12:3 Heart Jam 1:5 Generously
2024_01_12 look to the MeRcy (of your Lord Jesus Christ) with holy Faith, and Keep yourselves in (His) Steadfast Love with Compassion
Gen 32-36 Messengers Ps 34:22 Refuge Mt 18:27 Forgave 1 Sam 8:5 King Gen 39:23 Success Ps 63:3-11 Love 1 Kg 1:32-53 Crowned
2024_01_11 the LoRd ChriSt gives Righteousness when you take Refuge as Taught
Gen 27-31 Ladder Mk 2:25 Read Jn 1:43-51 Come Mk 1:45 Spread Jn 21:22 Remain Ps 7:1-5,8-11 Refuge 1 Kg 1:1-31 Throne
2024_01_10 WisDom from the Lord of Love above is PerFeCt
Gen25-26 Wells 1Sam19:1 Delighted 1Cor6:12-20 Lawful 1Sam3:10 Listening Neh1:4 Prayed Ps85:1-4,7-8,10-13 Favorable 2Sam24 Census
2024_01_09 with Patient Counsel Speaks The Lord desiring Love and Mercy
Gen 21-14 Provides 1 Sam 18:29 Continually 1 Sam 3:1-17 Speaks 1 Sam 1:15 Troubles Jer 31:3 Love Ps 62:5-12 Love 2 Sam 23:8-39 Mighty
2024_01_08 in the Spirit of the Lord, in the Presence of JesuS, Seek (Him) and take Refuge (in Him)
Gen 18-20 Son 1 Sam 17:45 Lord Ps 139:7-10 Presence Is 42:3 Justice Rom 5:8 Sinners Ps 19:1-6,9-11,14 Sky 2 Sam 22:31-23:7 Refuge
2024_01_07 when they saw the StaR of Jesus the Wise men Rejoiced greatly for the LiGht was Royal
Gen 15-17 Stars Jn 1:31 Recognized Hymn Joy Mt 2:12 Way Ps 80:7 Restore Is 60:1-6 Light Eph 3:1-12 Gospel Mt 2:1-12 Rejoiced
2024_01_06 a Reward from Heaven is the Favor of BeTter Contentment
Gen 15-17 Reward Jn 1`5:1 Heaven Lk 2:39-40,52 Favor Mk 1:11 Beloved Mt 2:11 Treasure Php 4:11-12 Content
2024_01_05 with Christ’s Favor, Grace, and Love, God has you take Refuge in the Lord
Gen 12-14 Captive Ps 5:12 Favor Mt 2:19-22 Galilee 1 Jn 3:16 Love Jer 6:16 Good Ps 37:34-40 Refuge 2 Sam 26:1-30 Lord
2024_01_04 you SettLeD and Stayed With Faithfull Followers (of Jesus)
Gen 10-11 Settled Hos 6:6 Love Mt 2:13-17 Dream Jn 1:38-39 Staying 1 Thess 4:11 Work Ps 40:6-10 Faithfulness 2 Sam 21 Famine
2024_01_03 with RighteouSness and GraCe the Lord (Jesus) Supplies Wisdom
Gen 6-9 Rainbow 1 Sam 16:13 Spirit Mt 2:9-11 Gifts 1 Jn 3:2 Children Ps 33:22 Love Ps 108:1-6,12-13 Steadfast 2 Sam 20 Wisdom
2023_01_02 (God given) Faithfulness and Steadfast love are WoRthy ReWaRds
Gen 3-5 Fathered 1 Sam 16:18 Skilled Mt 2:7-9a Way Jn 1:26 Recognize Eccl 1:5 Rises Ps 62:5-8,11-12 Waits 2 Sam 19:9-43 Returns
2024_01_01 ReCeive the WiSdom the Lord BestoWs
Gen 1-2 Rested Lk 2:21 Called Mt 2:1-4 Wise Gal 4:7 Son 1 Jn 3:1 Love Ps 113 Blessed 2 Sam 19:1-8 Weeps